"""Common test utility code.""" import contextlib import copy from datetime import datetime import logging import os import random import re import unittest from unittest.mock import ANY, call from urllib.parse import urlencode import warnings import arroba.util from arroba.util import datetime_to_tid from bs4 import MarkupResemblesLocatorWarning from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA import dag_cbor.random from flask import g from google.cloud import ndb from granary import as2 from granary.tests.test_as1 import ( ACTOR, COMMENT, MENTION, NOTE, ) from oauth_dropins.webutil import flask_util, testutil, util from oauth_dropins.webutil.appengine_config import ndb_client from oauth_dropins.webutil import appengine_info from oauth_dropins.webutil.testutil import requests_response import requests # other modules are imported _after_ Fake etc classes is defined so that it's in # PROTOCOLS when URL routes are registered. from common import long_to_base64, TASKS_LOCATION import models from models import KEY_BITS, Object, PROTOCOLS, Target, User import protocol logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) NOTE = { **NOTE, # bare string author id 'author': ACTOR['id'], } MENTION = { **MENTION, # author object with just id 'author': {'id': ACTOR['id']}, 'content': 'a mention', } COMMENT = { **COMMENT, # full author object 'author': { **ACTOR, 'displayName': 'Dr. Eve', }, 'content': 'a comment', } class Fake(User, protocol.Protocol): ABBREV = 'fa' # maps string ids to dict AS1 objects that can be fetched fetchable = {} # in-order list of (Object, str URL) sent = [] # in-order list of ids fetched = [] @ndb.ComputedProperty def handle(self): return self.key.id().replace('fake:', 'fake:handle:') def web_url(self): return self.key.id() @classmethod def owns_id(cls, id): if id.startswith('nope') or id == 'fake:nope': return False return ((id.startswith('fake:') and not id.startswith('fake:handle:')) or id in cls.fetchable) @classmethod def owns_handle(cls, handle): return handle.startswith('fake:handle:') @classmethod def handle_to_id(cls, handle): if handle == 'fake:handle:nope': return None return handle.replace('fake:handle:', 'fake:') @classmethod def is_blocklisted(cls, url): return url.startswith('fake:blocklisted') @classmethod def send(cls, obj, url, orig_obj=None, log_data=True): logger.info(f'{cls.__name__}.send {url}') cls.sent.append((obj, url)) return True @classmethod def fetch(cls, obj, **kwargs): id = obj.key.id() logger.info(f'{cls.__name__}.fetch {id}') cls.fetched.append(id) if id in cls.fetchable: obj.our_as1 = cls.fetchable[id] return True return False @classmethod def serve(cls, obj): logger.info(f'{cls.__name__}.load {obj.key.id()}') return (f'{cls.__name__} object {obj.key.id()}', {'Accept': 'fake/protocol'}) @classmethod def target_for(cls, obj, shared=False): assert obj.source_protocol in (cls.LABEL, cls.ABBREV, 'ui', None) return 'shared:target' if shared else f'{obj.key.id()}:target' @classmethod def receive(cls, obj, **kwargs): assert isinstance(obj, Object) return super().receive(obj=obj, **kwargs) @classmethod def receive_as1(cls, our_as1, **kwargs): assert isinstance(our_as1, dict) return super().receive(Object(id=our_as1['id'], our_as1=our_as1), **kwargs) class OtherFake(Fake): """Different class because the same-protocol check special cases Fake.""" ABBREV = 'other' fetchable = {} sent = [] fetched = [] @classmethod def owns_id(cls, id): return id.startswith('other:') @classmethod def target_for(cls, obj, shared=False): """No shared target.""" return f'{obj.key.id()}:target' # import other modules that register Flask handlers *after* Fake is defined models.reset_protocol_properties() import app import activitypub from activitypub import ActivityPub, CONNEG_HEADERS_AS2_HTML from atproto import ATProto import common from web import Web from flask_app import app, cache, init_globals # used in TestCase.make_user() to reuse keys across Users since they're # expensive to generate. requests.post(f'http://{ndb_client.host}/reset') with ndb_client.context(): global_user = activitypub._DEFAULT_SIGNATURE_USER = Fake.get_or_create('fake:user') class TestCase(unittest.TestCase, testutil.Asserts): maxDiff = None def setUp(self): super().setUp() appengine_info.APP_ID = 'my-app' appengine_info.LOCAL_SERVER = False app.testing = True cache.clear() protocol.seen_ids.clear() protocol.objects_cache.clear() common.webmention_discover.cache.clear() for cls in Fake, OtherFake: cls.fetchable = {} cls.sent = [] cls.fetched = [] common.OTHER_DOMAINS += ('fake.brid.gy',) common.DOMAINS += ('fake.brid.gy',) # make random test data deterministic arroba.util._clockid = 17 random.seed(1234567890) dag_cbor.random.set_options(seed=1234567890) self.client = app.test_client() self.client.__enter__() # clear datastore requests.post(f'http://{ndb_client.host}/reset') # disable in-memory cache # (also in flask_app.py) # https://github.com/googleapis/python-ndb/issues/888 self.ndb_context = ndb_client.context(cache_policy=lambda key: False) self.ndb_context.__enter__() util.now = lambda **kwargs: testutil.NOW # used in make_user() self.last_make_user_id = 1 self.app_context = app.app_context() self.app_context.push() init_globals() self.request_context = app.test_request_context('/') self.request_context.push() # suppress a few warnings # local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bs4/__init__.py:435: MarkupResemblesLocatorWarning: The input looks more like a filename than markup. You may want to open this file and pass the filehandle into Beautiful Soup. warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=MarkupResemblesLocatorWarning) # arroba config os.environ.update({ 'PDS_HOST': 'pds.local', 'PLC_HOST': 'plc.local', }) def tearDown(self): self.app_context.pop() self.ndb_context.__exit__(None, None, None) self.client.__exit__(None, None, None) super().tearDown() # this breaks if it's before super().tearDown(). why?! self.request_context.pop() def run(self, result=None): """Override to hide stdlib and virtualenv lines in tracebacks. https://docs.python.org/3.9/library/unittest.html#unittest.TestCase.run https://docs.python.org/3.9/library/unittest.html#unittest.TestResult """ result = super().run(result=result) def prune(results): return [ (tc, re.sub(r'\n File ".+/(local|.venv|oauth-dropins|Python.framework)/.+\n.+\n', '\n', tb)) for tc, tb in results] result.errors = prune(result.errors) result.failures = prune(result.failures) return result def post(self, url, client=None, **kwargs): """Adds Cloud tasks header to ``self.client.post``.""" if client is None: client = self.client kwargs.setdefault('headers', {})[flask_util.CLOUD_TASKS_QUEUE_HEADER] = '' return client.post(url, **kwargs) # TODO: switch default to Fake, start using that more def make_user(self, id, cls=Web, **kwargs): """Reuse RSA key across Users because generating it is expensive.""" obj_key = None obj_as1 = kwargs.pop('obj_as1', None) obj_as2 = kwargs.pop('obj_as2', None) obj_mf2 = kwargs.pop('obj_mf2', None) obj_id = kwargs.pop('obj_id', None) if not obj_id: obj_id = ((obj_as2 or {}).get('id') or util.get_url((obj_mf2 or {}), 'properties') or str(self.last_make_user_id)) self.last_make_user_id += 1 obj_key = Object(id=obj_id, our_as1=obj_as1, as2=obj_as2, mf2=obj_mf2).put() user = cls(id=id, direct=True, mod=global_user.mod, public_exponent=global_user.public_exponent, private_exponent=global_user.private_exponent, obj_key=obj_key, **kwargs) user.put() return user def add_objects(self): user = ndb.Key(Web, 'user.com') # post self.store_object(id='a', users=[user], notify=[user], feed=[user], our_as1=NOTE) # post with mention self.store_object(id='b', notify=[user], feed=[user], our_as1=MENTION) # reply self.store_object(id='d', notify=[user], feed=[user], our_as1=COMMENT) # not feed/notif self.store_object(id='e', users=[user], our_as1=NOTE) # deleted self.store_object(id='f', notify=[user], feed=[user], our_as1={**NOTE, 'content': 'deleted!'}, deleted=True) # different domain nope = ndb.Key(Web, 'nope.org') self.store_object(id='g', notify=[nope], feed=[nope], our_as1=MENTION) # actor whose id is in NOTE.author self.store_object(id=ACTOR['id'], our_as1=ACTOR) @staticmethod def store_object(**kwargs): obj = Object(**kwargs) obj.put() protocol.objects_cache.pop(obj.key.id(), None) return obj @staticmethod def random_keys_and_cids(num): def tid(): ms = random.randint(datetime(2020, 1, 1).timestamp() * 1000, datetime(2024, 1, 1).timestamp() * 1000) return datetime_to_tid(datetime.fromtimestamp(float(ms) / 1000)) return [(f'com.example.record/{tid()}', cid) for cid in dag_cbor.random.rand_cid(num)] def random_tid(num): ms = random.randint(datetime(2020, 1, 1).timestamp() * 1000, datetime(2024, 1, 1).timestamp() * 1000) tid = datetime_to_tid(datetime.fromtimestamp(float(ms) / 1000)) return f'com.example.record/{tid}' def get_as2(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('headers', {})['Accept'] = CONNEG_HEADERS_AS2_HTML return self.client.get(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def req(cls, url, **kwargs): """Returns a mock requests call.""" kwargs.setdefault('headers', {}).update({ 'User-Agent': util.user_agent, }) kwargs.setdefault('timeout', util.HTTP_TIMEOUT) kwargs.setdefault('stream', True) return call(url, **kwargs) @classmethod def as2_req(cls, url, **kwargs): headers = { 'Date': 'Sun, 02 Jan 2022 03:04:05 GMT', 'Host': util.domain_from_link(url, minimize=False), 'Content-Type': 'application/activity+json', 'Digest': ANY, **CONNEG_HEADERS_AS2_HTML, **kwargs.pop('headers', {}), } return cls.req(url, data=None, auth=ANY, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False, **kwargs) @classmethod def as2_resp(cls, obj): return requests_response(obj, content_type=as2.CONTENT_TYPE) def assert_req(self, mock, url, **kwargs): """Checks a mock requests call.""" kwargs.setdefault('headers', {}).setdefault( 'User-Agent', 'Bridgy Fed (https://fed.brid.gy/)') kwargs.setdefault('stream', True) kwargs.setdefault('timeout', util.HTTP_TIMEOUT) mock.assert_any_call(url, **kwargs) def assert_object(self, id, delivered_protocol=None, **props): ignore = props.pop('ignore', []) got = Object.get_by_id(id) assert got, id for field in 'delivered', 'undelivered', 'failed': props[field] = [Target(uri=uri, protocol=delivered_protocol) for uri in props.get(field, [])] if 'our_as1' in props: assert 'as2' not in props assert 'bsky' not in props assert 'mf2' not in props ignore.extend(['as2', 'bsky', 'mf2']) mf2 = props.get('mf2') if mf2 and 'items' in mf2: props['mf2'] = mf2['items'][0] # strip @context if 'as2' in props: props['as2'].pop('@context', None) for field in 'actor', 'object': val = props['as2'].get(field) if isinstance(val, dict): val.pop('@context', None) type = props.pop('type', None) if type is not None: self.assertEqual(type, got.type) object_ids = props.pop('object_ids', None) if object_ids is not None: self.assertSetEqual(set(object_ids), set(got.object_ids)) if expected_as1 := props.pop('as1', None): self.assert_equals(common.unwrap(expected_as1), got.as1) if got.mf2: got.mf2.pop('url', None) for target in got.delivered: del target.key self.assert_entities_equal(Object(id=id, **props), got, ignore=['as1', 'created', 'expire', 'labels', 'object_ids', 'type', 'updated' ] + ignore) return got def assert_user(self, cls, id, **props): got = cls.get_by_id(id) assert got, id obj_as2 = props.pop('obj_as2', None) if obj_as2: self.assert_equals(obj_as2, got.as2()) # generated, computed, etc ignore = ['created', 'mod', 'handle', 'obj_key', 'private_exponent', 'public_exponent', 'updated'] for prop in ignore: assert prop not in props self.assert_entities_equal(cls(id=id, **props), got, ignore=ignore) if cls != ActivityPub: assert got.mod assert got.private_exponent assert got.public_exponent return got def assert_task(self, mock_create_task, queue, path, **params): mock_create_task.assert_any_call( parent=f'projects/{appengine_info.APP_ID}/locations/{TASKS_LOCATION}/queues/{queue}', task={ 'app_engine_http_request': { 'http_method': 'POST', 'relative_uri': path, 'body': urlencode(params).encode(), 'headers': {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}, }, }, ) def assert_equals(self, expected, actual, msg=None, ignore=(), **kwargs): return super().assert_equals( expected, actual, msg=msg, ignore=tuple(ignore) + ('@context',), **kwargs) @contextlib.contextmanager def assertLogs(self): """Wraps :meth:`unittest.TestCase.assertLogs` and enables/disables logs. Works around ``oauth_dropins.webutil.tests.__init__``. """ orig_disable_level = logging.root.manager.disable logging.disable(logging.NOTSET) try: with super().assertLogs() as logs: yield logs finally: # emit logs that were captured for record in logs.records: if record.levelno >= orig_disable_level: logging.root.handle(record) logging.disable(orig_disable_level)