# https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/reference/app-yaml?tab=python # # gcloud -q app deploy --project bridgy-federated hub.yaml # application: bridgy-federated service: atproto-hub env: flex runtime: python runtime_config: operating_system: ubuntu22 runtime_version: "3.11" resources: cpu: 1 memory_gb: 1.6 # can't be internal because Bluesky relay(s) need to be able to connect to us # over websocket for subscribeRepos network: instance_ip_mode: external env_variables: PDS_HOST: atproto.brid.gy PLC_HOST: plc.directory APPVIEW_HOST: api.bsky.app BGS_HOST: bsky.network MOD_SERVICE_HOST: mod.bsky.app MOD_SERVICE_DID: did:plc:ar7c4by46qjdydhdevvrndac # ...or test against labeler.dholms.xyz / did:plc:vzxheqfwpbi3lxbgdh22js66 ROLLBACK_WINDOW: 50000 # need only one instance so that new commits can be delivered to subscribeRepos # subscribers in memory manual_scaling: instances: 1 liveness_check: # default 300; does lowering this speed up deploy? seems like maybe, a bit? # https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/reference/app-yaml?tab=python#liveness_checks initial_delay_sec: 30 # https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/python/runtime#application_startup # https://docs.gunicorn.org/en/latest/settings.html#timeout # TODO: try asyncio w/eventlet workers entrypoint: gunicorn --workers 1 --threads 25 -b :$PORT atproto_hub:app