"""Handles inbound webmentions. TODO tests: * actor/attributedTo could be string URL * salmon rel via webfinger via author.name + domain """ import datetime import json import logging import urlparse import appengine_config from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import django_salmon from django_salmon import magicsigs, utils import feedparser from google.appengine.api import mail from granary import as2, atom, microformats2, source from httpsig.requests_auth import HTTPSignatureAuth import mf2py import mf2util from oauth_dropins.webutil import util import requests import webapp2 from webob import exc import activitypub import common from models import MagicKey, Response class WebmentionHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler): """Handles inbound webmention, converts to ActivityPub or Salmon. Instance attributes: response: Response """ def post(self): logging.info('Params: %s', self.request.params.items()) source = util.get_required_param(self, 'source') target = util.get_required_param(self, 'target') try: msg = 'Bridgy Fed: new webmention from %s' % source mail.send_mail( sender='admin@bridgy-federated.appspotmail.com', to='bridgy-fed@ryanb.org', subject=msg, body=msg) except BaseException: logging.warning('Error sending email', exc_info=True) # fetch source page, convert to ActivityStreams source_resp = common.requests_get(source) source_url = source_resp.url or source source_mf2 = mf2py.parse(source_resp.text, url=source_url) # logging.debug('Parsed mf2 for %s: %s', source_resp.url, json.dumps(mf2, indent=2)) entry = mf2util.find_first_entry(source_mf2, ['h-entry']) logging.info('First entry: %s', json.dumps(entry, indent=2)) source_obj = microformats2.json_to_object(entry) logging.info('Converted to AS: %s', json.dumps(source_obj, indent=2)) # fetch target page as AS object. target is first in-reply-to, like-of, # or repost-of, *not* target query param.) target = util.get_url(util.get_first(source_obj, 'inReplyTo') or util.get_first(source_obj, 'object')) if not target: common.error(self, 'No u-in-reply-to, u-like-of, or u-repost-of ' 'found in %s' % source_url) try: target_resp = common.get_as2(target) except (requests.HTTPError, exc.HTTPBadGateway) as e: if (e.response.status_code // 100 == 2 and common.content_type(e.response).startswith('text/html')): return self.send_salmon(source_obj, source_mf2, target_resp=e.response) raise target_url = target_resp.url or target stored_response = Response.get_or_create( source=source_url, target=target_url, direction='out', source_mf2=json.dumps(source_mf2)) # find actor's inbox target_obj = target_resp.json() inbox_url = target_obj.get('inbox') if not inbox_url: # TODO: test actor/attributedTo and not, with/without inbox actor = target_obj.get('actor') or target_obj.get('attributedTo') if isinstance(actor, dict): inbox_url = actor.get('inbox') actor = actor.get('url') if not inbox_url and not actor: common.error(self, 'Target object has no actor or attributedTo URL') if not inbox_url: # fetch actor as AS object actor = common.get_as2(actor).json() inbox_url = actor.get('inbox') if not inbox_url: # TODO: probably need a way to save errors like this so that we can # return them if ostatus fails too. # common.error(self, 'Target actor has no inbox') return self.send_salmon(source_obj, source_mf2, target_resp=target_resp) # convert to AS2 source_domain = urlparse.urlparse(source_url).netloc key = MagicKey.get_or_create(source_domain) source_activity = common.postprocess_as2(as2.from_as1(source_obj), key=key) if stored_response.status == 'complete': source_activity['type'] = 'Update' # prepare HTTP Signature (required by Mastodon) # https://w3c.github.io/activitypub/#authorization-lds # https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-cavage-http-signatures-07 # https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/issues/4906#issuecomment-328844846 acct = 'acct:me@%s' % source_domain auth = HTTPSignatureAuth(secret=key.private_pem(), key_id=acct, algorithm='rsa-sha256') # deliver source object to target actor's inbox. headers = { 'Content-Type': common.CONTENT_TYPE_AS2, # required for HTTP Signature # https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-cavage-http-signatures-07#section-2.1.3 'Date': datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'), } common.requests_post( urlparse.urljoin(target_url, inbox_url), json=source_activity, auth=auth, headers=headers) stored_response.status = 'complete' stored_response.protocol = 'activitypub' stored_response.put() def send_salmon(self, source_obj, source_mf2, target_url=None, target_resp=None): # fetch target HTML page, extract Atom rel-alternate link if target_url: assert not target_resp target_resp = common.requests_get(target_url) else: assert target_resp target_url = target_resp.url parsed = BeautifulSoup(target_resp.content, from_encoding=target_resp.encoding) atom_url = parsed.find('link', rel='alternate', type=common.CONTENT_TYPE_ATOM) if not atom_url or not atom_url.get('href'): common.error(self, 'Target post %s has no Atom link' % target_url, status=400) # fetch Atom target post, extract and inject id into source object feed = common.requests_get(atom_url['href']).text parsed = feedparser.parse(feed) logging.info('Parsed: %s', json.dumps(parsed, indent=2, default=lambda key: '-')) entry = parsed.entries[0] target_id = entry.id in_reply_to = source_obj.get('inReplyTo') source_obj_obj = source_obj.get('object') if in_reply_to: in_reply_to[0]['id'] = target_id elif isinstance(source_obj_obj, dict): source_obj_obj['id'] = target_id # Mastodon (and maybe others?) require a rel-mentioned link to the # original post's author to make it show up as a reply: # app/services/process_interaction_service.rb # ...so add them as a tag, which atom renders as a rel-mention link. authors = entry.get('authors', None) if authors: url = entry.authors[0].get('href') if url: source_obj.setdefault('tags', []).append({'url': url}) # extract and discover salmon endpoint logging.info('Discovering Salmon endpoint in %s', atom_url['href']) endpoint = django_salmon.discover_salmon_endpoint(feed) if not endpoint: # try webfinger parsed = urlparse.urlparse(target_url) # TODO: test missing email email = entry.author_detail.get('email') or '@'.join( (entry.author_detail.name, parsed.netloc)) try: # TODO: always https? resp = common.requests_get( '%s://%s/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:%s' % (parsed.scheme, parsed.netloc, email), verify=False) endpoint = django_salmon.get_salmon_replies_link(resp.json()) except requests.HTTPError as e: pass if not endpoint: common.error(self, 'No salmon endpoint found!', status=400) logging.info('Discovered Salmon endpoint %s', endpoint) # construct reply Atom object source_url = self.request.get('source') activity = (source_obj if source_obj.get('verb') in source.VERBS_WITH_OBJECT else {'object': source_obj}) entry = atom.activity_to_atom(activity, xml_base=source_url) logging.info('Converted %s to Atom:\n%s', source_url, entry) # sign reply and wrap in magic envelope domain = urlparse.urlparse(source_url).netloc key = MagicKey.get_or_create(domain) logging.info('Using key for %s: %s', domain, key) magic_envelope = magicsigs.magic_envelope( entry, common.CONTENT_TYPE_ATOM, key) logging.info('Sending Salmon slap to %s', endpoint) common.requests_post( endpoint, data=common.XML_UTF8 + magic_envelope, headers={'Content-Type': common.CONTENT_TYPE_MAGIC_ENVELOPE}) Response(source=source_url, target=target_url, direction='out', protocol = 'ostatus', status = 'complete', source_mf2=json.dumps(source_mf2)).put() app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([ ('/webmention', WebmentionHandler), ], debug=appengine_config.DEBUG)