"""Datastore model classes.""" import logging import urllib.parse import requests from werkzeug.exceptions import BadRequest, NotFound from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA from django_salmon import magicsigs from flask import request from google.cloud import ndb from granary import as2, microformats2 from oauth_dropins.webutil.models import StringIdModel from oauth_dropins.webutil import util from oauth_dropins.webutil.util import json_dumps, json_loads import common logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class User(StringIdModel): """Stores a user's public/private key pair used for Magic Signatures. The key name is the domain. The modulus and exponent properties are all encoded as base64url (ie URL-safe base64) strings as described in RFC 4648 and section 5.1 of the Magic Signatures spec. Magic Signatures are used to sign Salmon slaps. Details: http://salmon-protocol.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/draft-panzer-magicsig-01.html http://salmon-protocol.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/draft-panzer-salmon-00.html """ mod = ndb.StringProperty(required=True) public_exponent = ndb.StringProperty(required=True) private_exponent = ndb.StringProperty(required=True) has_redirects = ndb.BooleanProperty() has_hcard = ndb.BooleanProperty() actor_as2 = ndb.TextProperty() @classmethod def _get_kind(cls): return 'MagicKey' @staticmethod @ndb.transactional() def get_or_create(domain): """Loads and returns a User. Creates it if necessary.""" user = User.get_by_id(domain) if not user: # this uses urandom(), and does nontrivial math, so it can take a # while depending on the amount of randomness available. pubexp, mod, privexp = magicsigs.generate() user = User(id=domain, mod=mod, public_exponent=pubexp, private_exponent=privexp) user.put() return user def href(self): return 'data:application/magic-public-key,RSA.%s.%s' % ( self.mod, self.public_exponent) def public_pem(self): """Returns: bytes""" rsa = RSA.construct((magicsigs.base64_to_long(str(self.mod)), magicsigs.base64_to_long(str(self.public_exponent)))) return rsa.exportKey(format='PEM') def private_pem(self): """Returns: bytes""" rsa = RSA.construct((magicsigs.base64_to_long(str(self.mod)), magicsigs.base64_to_long(str(self.public_exponent)), magicsigs.base64_to_long(str(self.private_exponent)))) return rsa.exportKey(format='PEM') def address(self): """Returns this user's ActivityPub address, eg '@me@foo.com'.""" domain = self.key.id() username = None if self.actor_as2 is not None: username = json_loads(self.actor_as2).get('preferredUsername') return f'@{username or domain}@{domain}' def verify(self): """Fetches site a couple ways to check for redirects and h-card.""" domain = self.key.id() site = f'https://{domain}/' logger.info(f'Verifying {site}') # check webfinger redirect path = f'/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:{domain}@{domain}' try: resp = util.requests_get(urllib.parse.urljoin(site, path), allow_redirects=False, gateway=False) domain_urls = ([f'https://{domain}/' for domain in common.DOMAINS] + [request.host_url]) expected = [urllib.parse.urljoin(url, path) for url in domain_urls] self.has_redirects = (resp.is_redirect and resp.headers.get('Location') in expected) except requests.RequestException: self.has_redirects = False # check home page try: self.actor_as2 = json_dumps(common.actor(self.key.id(), user=self)) self.has_hcard = True except (BadRequest, NotFound): self.actor_as2 = None self.has_hcard = False class Activity(StringIdModel): """A reply, like, repost, or other interaction that we've relayed. Key name is 'SOURCE_URL TARGET_URL', e.g. 'http://a/reply http://orig/post'. """ STATUSES = ('new', 'complete', 'error', 'ignored') PROTOCOLS = ('activitypub', 'ostatus') DIRECTIONS = ('out', 'in') # domains of the Bridgy Fed users this activity is to or from domain = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True) status = ndb.StringProperty(choices=STATUSES, default='new') protocol = ndb.StringProperty(choices=PROTOCOLS) direction = ndb.StringProperty(choices=DIRECTIONS) # usually only one of these at most will be populated. source_mf2 = ndb.TextProperty() # JSON source_as2 = ndb.TextProperty() # JSON source_atom = ndb.TextProperty() target_as2 = ndb.TextProperty() # JSON created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True) updated = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True) @classmethod def _get_kind(cls): return 'Response' def __init__(self, source=None, target=None, **kwargs): if source and target: assert 'id' not in kwargs kwargs['id'] = self._id(source, target) logger.info(f"Activity id (source target): {kwargs['id']}") super(Activity, self).__init__(**kwargs) @classmethod def get_or_create(cls, source=None, target=None, **kwargs): logger.info(f'Activity source target: {source} {target}') return cls.get_or_insert(cls._id(source, target), **kwargs) def source(self): return self.key.id().split()[0] def target(self): return self.key.id().split()[1] def proxy_url(self): """Returns the Bridgy Fed proxy URL to render this post as HTML.""" if self.source_mf2 or self.source_as2 or self.source_atom: source, target = self.key.id().split(' ') return f'{request.host_url}render?' + urllib.parse.urlencode({ 'source': source, 'target': target, }) def to_as1(self): """Returns this activity as an ActivityStreams 1 dict, if available.""" if self.source_mf2: mf2 = json_loads(self.source_mf2) items = mf2.get('items') if items: return microformats2.json_to_object(items[0]) if self.source_as2: return as2.to_as1(json_loads(self.source_as2)) if self.source_atom: return atom.atom_to_activity(self.source_atom) @classmethod def _id(cls, source, target): assert source assert target return '%s %s' % (cls._encode(source), cls._encode(target)) @classmethod def _encode(cls, val): return val.replace('#', '__') @classmethod def _decode(cls, val): return val.replace('__', '#') class Follower(StringIdModel): """A follower of a Bridgy Fed user. Key name is 'TO FROM', where each part is either a domain or an AP id, eg: 'snarfed.org https://mastodon.social/@swentel'. Both parts are duplicated in the src and dest properties. """ STATUSES = ('active', 'inactive') src = ndb.StringProperty() dest = ndb.StringProperty() # most recent AP Follow activity (JSON). must have a composite actor object # with an inbox, publicInbox, or sharedInbox! last_follow = ndb.TextProperty() status = ndb.StringProperty(choices=STATUSES, default='active') created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True) updated = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True) @classmethod def _id(cls, dest, src): assert src assert dest return '%s %s' % (dest, src) @classmethod def get_or_create(cls, dest, src, **kwargs): logger.info(f'new Follower from {src} to {dest}') follower = cls.get_or_insert(cls._id(dest, src), src=src, dest=dest, **kwargs) follower.dest = dest follower.src = src for prop, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(follower, prop, val) follower.put() return follower