"""Handles requests for ActivityPub endpoints: actors, inbox, etc. """ from base64 import b64encode import datetime from hashlib import sha256 import logging import re from flask import request from google.cloud import ndb from granary import as2, microformats2 import mf2util from oauth_dropins.webutil import flask_util, util from oauth_dropins.webutil.flask_util import error from oauth_dropins.webutil.util import json_dumps, json_loads from app import app, cache import common from common import redirect_unwrap, redirect_wrap from models import Follower, MagicKey from httpsig.requests_auth import HTTPSignatureAuth CACHE_TIME = datetime.timedelta(seconds=15) SUPPORTED_TYPES = ( 'Accept', 'Announce', 'Article', 'Audio', 'Create', 'Delete', 'Follow', 'Image', 'Like', 'Note', 'Undo', 'Video', ) def send(activity, inbox_url, user_domain): """Sends an ActivityPub request to an inbox. Args: activity: dict, AS2 activity inbox_url: string user_domain: string, domain of the bridgy fed user sending the request Returns: requests.Response """ logging.info('Sending AP request from %s: %s', user_domain, json_dumps(activity, indent=2)) # prepare HTTP Signature (required by Mastodon) # https://w3c.github.io/activitypub/#authorization # https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-cavage-http-signatures-07 # https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/issues/4906#issuecomment-328844846 acct = 'acct:%s@%s' % (user_domain, user_domain) key = MagicKey.get_or_create(user_domain) auth = HTTPSignatureAuth(secret=key.private_pem(), key_id=acct, algorithm='rsa-sha256', sign_header='signature', headers=('Date', 'Digest', 'Host')) # deliver to inbox body = json_dumps(activity).encode() headers = { 'Content-Type': common.CONTENT_TYPE_AS2, # required for HTTP Signature # https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-cavage-http-signatures-07#section-2.1.3 'Date': datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'), # required by Mastodon # https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/pull/14556#issuecomment-674077648 'Digest': 'SHA-256=' + b64encode(sha256(body).digest()).decode(), 'Host': util.domain_from_link(inbox_url), } return common.requests_post(inbox_url, data=body, auth=auth, headers=headers) @app.get(f'/') @flask_util.cached(cache, CACHE_TIME) def actor(domain): """Serves /[DOMAIN], fetches its mf2, converts to AS Actor, and serves it.""" tld = domain.split('.')[-1] if tld in common.TLD_BLOCKLIST: error('', status=404) mf2 = util.fetch_mf2('http://%s/' % domain, gateway=True, headers=common.HEADERS) # logging.info('Parsed mf2 for %s: %s', resp.url, json_dumps(mf2, indent=2)) hcard = mf2util.representative_hcard(mf2, mf2['url']) logging.info('Representative h-card: %s', json_dumps(hcard, indent=2)) if not hcard: error("""\ Coul find a representative h-card (http://microformats.org/wiki/representative-hcard-parsing) on %s""" % mf2['url']) key = MagicKey.get_or_create(domain) obj = common.postprocess_as2( as2.from_as1(microformats2.json_to_object(hcard)), key=key) obj.update({ 'preferredUsername': domain, 'inbox': f'{request.host_url}{domain}/inbox', 'outbox': f'{request.host_url}{domain}/outbox', 'following': f'{request.host_url}{domain}/following', 'followers': f'{request.host_url}{domain}/followers', }) logging.info('Returning: %s', json_dumps(obj, indent=2)) return (obj, { 'Content-Type': common.CONTENT_TYPE_AS2, 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', }) @app.post(f'//inbox') def inbox(domain): """Accepts POSTs to /[DOMAIN]/inbox and converts to outbound webmentions.""" body = request.get_data(as_text=True) logging.info(f'Got: {body}') # parse and validate AS2 activity try: activity = request.json assert activity except (TypeError, ValueError, AssertionError): error("Couldn't parse body as JSON", exc_info=True) obj = activity.get('object') or {} if isinstance(obj, str): obj = {'id': obj} type = activity.get('type') if type == 'Accept': # eg in response to a Follow return # noop if type == 'Create': type = obj.get('type') elif type not in SUPPORTED_TYPES: error('Sorry, %s activities are not supported yet.' % type, status=501) # TODO: verify signature if there is one if type == 'Undo' and obj.get('type') == 'Follow': # skip actor fetch below; we don't need it to undo a follow undo_follow(redirect_unwrap(activity)) return '' elif type == 'Delete': id = obj.get('id') # !!! temporarily disabled actually deleting Followers below because # mastodon.social sends Deletes for every Bridgy Fed account, all at # basically the same time, and we have many Follower objects, so we # have to do this table scan for each one, so the requests take a # long time and end up spawning extra App Engine instances that we # get billed for. and the Delete requests are almost never for # followers we have. TODO: revisit this and do it right. # if isinstance(id, str): # # assume this is an actor # # https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/63 # for key in Follower.query().iter(keys_only=True): # if key.id().split(' ')[-1] == id: # key.delete() return '' # fetch actor if necessary so we have name, profile photo, etc for elem in obj, activity: actor = elem.get('actor') if actor and isinstance(actor, str): elem['actor'] = common.get_as2(actor).json() activity_unwrapped = redirect_unwrap(activity) if type == 'Follow': return accept_follow(activity, activity_unwrapped) # send webmentions to each target as1 = as2.to_as1(activity) common.send_webmentions(as1, proxy=True, protocol='activitypub', source_as2=json_dumps(activity_unwrapped)) return '' def accept_follow(follow, follow_unwrapped): """Replies to an AP Follow request with an Accept request. Args: follow: dict, AP Follow activity follow_unwrapped: dict, same, except with redirect URLs unwrapped """ logging.info('Replying to Follow with Accept') followee = follow.get('object') followee_unwrapped = follow_unwrapped.get('object') follower = follow.get('actor') if not followee or not followee_unwrapped or not follower: error('Follow activity requires object and actor. Got: %s' % follow) inbox = follower.get('inbox') follower_id = follower.get('id') if not inbox or not follower_id: error('Follow actor requires id and inbox. Got: %s', follower) # store Follower user_domain = util.domain_from_link(followee_unwrapped) Follower.get_or_create(user_domain, follower_id, last_follow=json_dumps(follow)) # send AP Accept accept = { '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', 'id': util.tag_uri(request.host, 'accept/%s/%s' % ( (user_domain, follow.get('id')))), 'type': 'Accept', 'actor': followee, 'object': { 'type': 'Follow', 'actor': follower_id, 'object': followee, } } resp = send(accept, inbox, user_domain) # send webmention common.send_webmentions(as2.to_as1(follow), proxy=True, protocol='activitypub', source_as2=json_dumps(follow_unwrapped)) return resp.text, resp.status_code @ndb.transactional() def undo_follow(undo_unwrapped): """Replies to an AP Follow request with an Accept request. Args: undo_unwrapped: dict, AP Undo activity with redirect URLs unwrapped """ logging.info('Undoing Follow') follow = undo_unwrapped.get('object', {}) follower = follow.get('actor') followee = follow.get('object') if not follower or not followee: error('Undo of Follow requires object with actor and object. Got: %s' % follow) # deactivate Follower user_domain = util.domain_from_link(followee) follower_obj = Follower.get_by_id(Follower._id(user_domain, follower)) if follower_obj: logging.info('Marking %s as inactive' % follower_obj.key) follower_obj.status = 'inactive' follower_obj.put() else: logging.warning('No Follower found for %s %s', user_domain, follower) # TODO send webmention with 410 of u-follow