"""Datastore model classes.""" import base64 import difflib import logging import urllib.parse import requests from werkzeug.exceptions import BadRequest, NotFound from Crypto import Random from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA from Crypto.Util import number from flask import request from google.cloud import ndb from granary import as2, microformats2 from oauth_dropins.webutil.models import StringIdModel from oauth_dropins.webutil import util from oauth_dropins.webutil.util import json_dumps, json_loads import common # https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/314 WWW_DOMAINS = frozenset(( 'www.jvt.me', )) KEY_BITS = 2048 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def base64_to_long(x): """Converts x from URL safe base64 encoding to a long integer. Originally from django_salmon.magicsigs. """ return number.bytes_to_long(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(x)) def long_to_base64(x): """Converts x from a long integer to base64 URL safe encoding. Originally from django_salmon.magicsigs. """ return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(number.long_to_bytes(x)) class User(StringIdModel): """Stores a Bridgy Fed user. The key name is the domain. The key pair is used for ActivityPub HTTP Signatures. https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-cavage-http-signatures-07 The key pair's modulus and exponent properties are all encoded as base64url (ie URL-safe base64) strings as described in RFC 4648 and section 5.1 of the Magic Signatures spec. """ mod = ndb.StringProperty(required=True) public_exponent = ndb.StringProperty(required=True) private_exponent = ndb.StringProperty(required=True) has_redirects = ndb.BooleanProperty() redirects_error = ndb.TextProperty() has_hcard = ndb.BooleanProperty() actor_as2 = ndb.TextProperty() use_instead = ndb.KeyProperty() created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True) updated = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True) @classmethod def _get_kind(cls): return 'MagicKey' @classmethod def get_by_id(cls, id): """Override Model.get_by_id to follow the use_instead property.""" user = cls._get_by_id(id) if user and user.use_instead: return user.use_instead.get() return user @staticmethod @ndb.transactional() def get_or_create(domain, **kwargs): """Loads and returns a User. Creates it if necessary.""" user = User.get_by_id(domain) if not user: # originally from django_salmon.magicsigs # this uses urandom(), and does nontrivial math, so it can take a # while depending on the amount of randomness available. rng = Random.new().read key = RSA.generate(KEY_BITS, rng) user = User(id=domain, mod=long_to_base64(key.n), public_exponent=long_to_base64(key.e), private_exponent=long_to_base64(key.d), **kwargs) user.put() return user def href(self): return f'data:application/magic-public-key,RSA.{self.mod}.{self.public_exponent}' def public_pem(self): """Returns: bytes""" rsa = RSA.construct((base64_to_long(str(self.mod)), base64_to_long(str(self.public_exponent)))) return rsa.exportKey(format='PEM') def private_pem(self): """Returns: bytes""" rsa = RSA.construct((base64_to_long(str(self.mod)), base64_to_long(str(self.public_exponent)), base64_to_long(str(self.private_exponent)))) return rsa.exportKey(format='PEM') def to_as1(self): """Returns this user as an AS1 actor dict, if possible.""" if self.actor_as2: return as2.to_as1(json_loads(self.actor_as2)) def username(self): """Returns the user's preferred username from an acct: url, if available. If there's no acct: URL, or if we haven't found their representative h-card yet returns their domain. Args: domain: str urls: sequence of str Returns: str """ domain = self.key.id() if self.actor_as2: actor = json_loads(self.actor_as2) for url in [u.get('value') if isinstance(u, dict) else u for u in util.get_list(actor, 'url')]: if url and url.startswith('acct:'): urluser, urldomain = util.parse_acct_uri(url) if urldomain == domain: logger.info(f'Found custom username: {urluser}') return urluser logger.info(f'Defaulting username to domain {domain}') return domain def address(self): """Returns this user's ActivityPub address, eg '@me@foo.com'.""" return f'@{self.username()}@{self.key.id()}' def user_page_link(self): """Returns a pretty user page link with the user's name and profile picture.""" domain = self.key.id() actor = util.json_loads(self.actor_as2) if self.actor_as2 else {} name = (actor.get('name') or # prettify if domain, noop if username util.domain_from_link(self.username())) img = util.get_url(actor, 'icon') or '' return f' {name}' def verify(self): """Fetches site a couple ways to check for redirects and h-card. Returns: User that was verified. May be different than self! eg if self's domain started with www and we switch to the root domain. """ domain = self.key.id() site = f'https://{domain}/' logger.info(f'Verifying {site}') if domain.startswith('www.') and domain not in WWW_DOMAINS: # if root domain redirects to www, use root domain instead # https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/314 root = domain.removeprefix("www.") root_site = f'https://{root}/' try: resp = util.requests_get(root_site, gateway=False) if resp.ok and resp.url == site: logging.info(f'{root_site} redirects to {site} ; using {root} instead') root_user = User.get_or_create(root) self.use_instead = root_user.key self.put() return root_user.verify() except requests.RequestException: pass # check webfinger redirect path = f'/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:{domain}@{domain}' self.has_redirects = False self.redirects_error = None try: url = urllib.parse.urljoin(site, path) resp = util.requests_get(url, gateway=False) domain_urls = ([f'https://{domain}/' for domain in common.DOMAINS] + [common.host_url()]) expected = [urllib.parse.urljoin(url, path) for url in domain_urls] if resp.ok: if resp.url in expected: self.has_redirects = True elif resp.url: diff = '\n'.join(difflib.Differ().compare([resp.url], [expected[0]])) self.redirects_error = f'Current vs expected:
' else: lines = [url, f' returned HTTP {resp.status_code}'] if resp.url != url: lines[1:1] = [' redirected to:', resp.url] self.redirects_error = '
' + '\n'.join(lines) + '
' except requests.RequestException: pass # check home page try: _, _, actor_as2, _ = common.actor(self.key.id(), user=self) self.actor_as2 = json_dumps(actor_as2) self.has_hcard = True except (BadRequest, NotFound): self.actor_as2 = None self.has_hcard = False return self class Object(StringIdModel): """An activity or other object, eg actor. Key name is the id. We synthesize ids if necessary. """ STATUSES = ('new', 'in progress', 'complete', 'failed', 'ignored') PROTOCOLS = ('activitypub', 'bluesky', 'webmention', 'ui') LABELS = ('feed', 'notification') # domains of the Bridgy Fed users this activity is to or from domains = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True) status = ndb.StringProperty(choices=STATUSES, default='new') source_protocol = ndb.StringProperty(choices=PROTOCOLS) labels = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True, choices=LABELS) # these are all JSON. They're TextProperty, and not JsonProperty, so that # their plain text is visible in the App Engine admin console. (JsonProperty # uses a blob.) as1 = ndb.TextProperty(required=True) # converted from source data as2 = ndb.TextProperty() # only one of the rest will be populated... bsky = ndb.TextProperty() # Bluesky / AT Protocol mf2 = ndb.TextProperty() # HTML microformats2 type = ndb.StringProperty() # AS1 objectType, or verb if it's an activity deleted = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False) object_ids = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True) # id(s) of inner objects # ActivityPub inbox delivery ap_delivered = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True) ap_undelivered = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True) ap_failed = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True) created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True) updated = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True) def proxy_url(self): """Returns the Bridgy Fed proxy URL to render this post as HTML.""" return common.host_url('render?' + urllib.parse.urlencode({'id': self.key.id()})) def actor_link(self, as1=None): """Returns a pretty actor link with their name and profile picture.""" if self.direction == 'out' and self.domains: return User.get_by_id(self.domains[0]).user_page_link() if not as1: as1 = self.to_as1() actor = util.get_first(as1, 'actor') or util.get_first(as1, 'author') or {} if isinstance(actor, str): return util.pretty_link(actor) url = util.get_first(actor, 'url') or '' name = actor.get('displayName') or '' image = util.get_url(actor, 'image') or '' if not image: return util.pretty_link(url, text=name) return f"""\ {util.ellipsize(name, chars=40)} """ class Follower(StringIdModel): """A follower of a Bridgy Fed user. Key name is 'TO FROM', where each part is either a domain or an AP id, eg: 'snarfed.org https://mastodon.social/@swentel'. Both parts are duplicated in the src and dest properties. """ STATUSES = ('active', 'inactive') src = ndb.StringProperty() dest = ndb.StringProperty() # Most recent AP (AS2) JSON Follow activity. If inbound, must have a # composite actor object with an inbox, publicInbox, or sharedInbox. last_follow = ndb.TextProperty() status = ndb.StringProperty(choices=STATUSES, default='active') created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True) updated = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True) @classmethod def _id(cls, dest, src): assert src assert dest return f'{dest} {src}' @classmethod def get_or_create(cls, dest, src, **kwargs): logger.info(f'new Follower from {src} to {dest}') follower = cls.get_or_insert(cls._id(dest, src), src=src, dest=dest, **kwargs) follower.dest = dest follower.src = src for prop, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(follower, prop, val) follower.put() return follower def to_as1(self): """Returns this follower as an AS1 actor dict, if possible.""" return as2.to_as1(self.to_as2()) def to_as2(self): """Returns this follower as an AS2 actor dict, if possible.""" if self.last_follow: last_follow = json_loads(self.last_follow) person = last_follow.get('actor' if util.is_web(self.src) else 'object') if person: return person