# coding=utf-8 """Misc common utilities. """ from base64 import b64encode import datetime from hashlib import sha256 import itertools import logging import os import re import urllib.parse from flask import request from granary import as2, microformats2 from httpsig.requests_auth import HTTPSignatureAuth import mf2util from oauth_dropins.webutil import util, webmention from oauth_dropins.webutil.flask_util import error from oauth_dropins.webutil.util import json_dumps, json_loads import requests from werkzeug.exceptions import BadGateway from models import Activity, User logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) DOMAIN_RE = r'([^/:]+\.[^/:]+)' ACCT_RE = r'(?:acct:)?([^@]+)@' + DOMAIN_RE TLD_BLOCKLIST = ('7z', 'asp', 'aspx', 'gif', 'html', 'ico', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'js', 'json', 'php', 'png', 'rar', 'txt', 'yaml', 'yml', 'zip') XML_UTF8 = "\n" LINK_HEADER_RE = re.compile(r""" *< *([^ >]+) *> *; *rel=['"]([^'"]+)['"] *""") # Content-Type values. All non-unicode strings because App Engine's wsgi.py # requires header values to be str, not unicode. # # ActivityPub Content-Type details: # https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#retrieving-objects CONTENT_TYPE_AS2_LD = 'application/ld+json; profile="https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"' CONTENT_TYPE_AS2 = 'application/activity+json' CONTENT_TYPE_AS1 = 'application/stream+json' CONTENT_TYPE_HTML = 'text/html; charset=utf-8' CONTENT_TYPE_ATOM = 'application/atom+xml' CONTENT_TYPE_MAGIC_ENVELOPE = 'application/magic-envelope+xml' CONNEG_HEADERS_AS2 = { 'Accept': '%s; q=0.9, %s; q=0.8' % (CONTENT_TYPE_AS2, CONTENT_TYPE_AS2_LD), } CONNEG_HEADERS_AS2_HTML = { 'Accept': CONNEG_HEADERS_AS2['Accept'] + ', %s; q=0.7' % CONTENT_TYPE_HTML, } SUPPORTED_VERBS = ( 'checkin', 'create', 'follow', 'like', 'post', 'share', 'tag', 'update', ) PRIMARY_DOMAIN = 'fed.brid.gy' OTHER_DOMAINS = ( 'bridgy-federated.appspot.com', 'localhost', ) DOMAINS = (PRIMARY_DOMAIN,) + OTHER_DOMAINS # TODO: unify with Bridgy's DOMAIN_BLOCKLIST = frozenset(( 'facebook.com', 'fb.com', 't.co', 'twitter.com', ) + DOMAINS) _DEFAULT_SIGNATURE_USER = None # alias allows unit tests to mock the function utcnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow def default_signature_user(): global _DEFAULT_SIGNATURE_USER if _DEFAULT_SIGNATURE_USER is None: _DEFAULT_SIGNATURE_USER = User.get_or_create('snarfed.org') return _DEFAULT_SIGNATURE_USER def signed_get(url, **kwargs): return signed_request(util.requests_get, url, **kwargs) def signed_post(url, **kwargs): return signed_request(util.requests_post, url, **kwargs) def signed_request(fn, url, data=None, user=None, headers=None, **kwargs): """Wraps requests.* and adds HTTP Signature. Args: fn: :func:`util.requests_get` or :func:`util.requests_get` url: str data: optional AS2 object user: optional :class:`User` to sign request with kwargs: passed through to requests Returns: :class:`requests.Response` """ if headers is None: headers = {} # prepare HTTP Signature and headers if not user: user = default_signature_user() if data: data = kwargs['data'] = json_dumps(data).encode() headers.update({ # required for HTTP Signature # https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-cavage-http-signatures-07#section-2.1.3 'Date': utcnow().strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'), # required by Mastodon # https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/pull/14556#issuecomment-674077648 'Host': util.domain_from_link(url, minimize=False), 'Content-Type': CONTENT_TYPE_AS2, # required for HTTP Signature and Mastodon 'Digest': f'SHA-256={b64encode(sha256(data or b"").digest()).decode()}', }) domain = user.key.id() logger.info(f"Signing with {domain}'s key") key_id = request.host_url + domain auth = HTTPSignatureAuth(secret=user.private_pem(), key_id=key_id, algorithm='rsa-sha256', sign_header='signature', headers=('Date', 'Host', 'Digest')) # make HTTP request kwargs.setdefault('gateway', True) resp = fn(url, auth=auth, headers=headers, **kwargs) logger.info(f'Got {resp.status_code} headers: {resp.headers}') type = content_type(resp) if (type and type != 'text/html' and (type.startswith('text/') or type.endswith('+json') or type.endswith('/json'))): logger.info(resp.text) return resp def get_as2(url, user=None): """Tries to fetch the given URL as ActivityStreams 2. Uses HTTP content negotiation via the Content-Type header. If the url is HTML and it has a rel-alternate link with an AS2 content type, fetches and returns that URL. Includes an HTTP Signature with the request. https://w3c.github.io/activitypub/#authorization https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-cavage-http-signatures-07 https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/pull/11269 Mastodon requires this signature if AUTHORIZED_FETCH aka secure mode is on: https://docs.joinmastodon.org/admin/config/#authorized_fetch If user is not provided, defaults to using @snarfed.org@snarfed.org's key. Args: url: string user: :class:`User` used to sign request Returns: :class:`requests.Response` Raises: :class:`requests.HTTPError`, :class:`werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException` If we raise a werkzeug HTTPException, it will have an additional requests_response attribute with the last requests.Response we received. """ def _error(resp): msg = "Couldn't fetch %s as ActivityStreams 2" % url logger.warning(msg) err = BadGateway(msg) err.requests_response = resp raise err resp = signed_get(url, user=user, headers=CONNEG_HEADERS_AS2_HTML) if content_type(resp) in (CONTENT_TYPE_AS2, CONTENT_TYPE_AS2_LD): return resp parsed = util.parse_html(resp) as2 = parsed.find('link', rel=('alternate', 'self'), type=( CONTENT_TYPE_AS2, CONTENT_TYPE_AS2_LD)) if not (as2 and as2['href']): _error(resp) resp = signed_get(urllib.parse.urljoin(resp.url, as2['href']), headers=CONNEG_HEADERS_AS2) if content_type(resp) in (CONTENT_TYPE_AS2, CONTENT_TYPE_AS2_LD): return resp _error(resp) def content_type(resp): """Returns a :class:`requests.Response`'s Content-Type, without charset suffix.""" type = resp.headers.get('Content-Type') if type: return type.split(';')[0] def remove_blocklisted(urls): """Returns the subset of input URLs that aren't in our domain blocklist. Args: urls: sequence of str Returns: list of str """ return [u for u in urls if not util.domain_or_parent_in( util.domain_from_link(u), DOMAIN_BLOCKLIST)] def send_webmentions(activity_wrapped, proxy=None, **activity_props): """Sends webmentions for an incoming Salmon slap or ActivityPub inbox delivery. Args: activity_wrapped: dict, AS1 activity activity_props: passed through to the newly created Activity entities Returns: boolean, True if any webmentions were sent, False otherwise """ activity = redirect_unwrap(activity_wrapped) verb = activity.get('verb') if verb and verb not in SUPPORTED_VERBS: error(f'{verb} activities are not supported yet.') # extract source and targets source = activity.get('url') or activity.get('id') obj = activity.get('object') obj_url = util.get_url(obj) targets = util.get_list(activity, 'inReplyTo') if isinstance(obj, dict): if not source or verb in ('create', 'post', 'update'): source = obj_url or obj.get('id') targets.extend(util.get_list(obj, 'inReplyTo')) if not source: error("Couldn't find original post URL") tags = util.get_list(activity_wrapped, 'tags') obj_wrapped = activity_wrapped.get('object') if isinstance(obj_wrapped, dict): tags.extend(util.get_list(obj_wrapped, 'tags')) for tag in tags: if tag.get('objectType') == 'mention': url = tag.get('url') if url and url.startswith(request.host_url): targets.append(redirect_unwrap(url)) if verb in ('follow', 'like', 'share'): targets.append(obj_url) targets = util.dedupe_urls(util.get_url(t) for t in targets) targets = remove_blocklisted(t.lower() for t in targets) if not targets: logger.info("Couldn't find any IndieWeb target URLs in inReplyTo, object, or mention tags") return False logger.info(f'targets: {targets}') # send webmentions and store Activitys errors = [] # stores (code, body) tuples for target in targets: domain = util.domain_from_link(target, minimize=False) if (domain == util.domain_from_link(source, minimize=False)): logger.info(f'Skipping same-domain webmention from {source} to {target}') continue activity = Activity(source=source, target=target, direction='in', domain=[domain], **activity_props) activity.put() wm_source = (activity.proxy_url() if verb in ('follow', 'like', 'share') or proxy else source) logger.info(f'Sending webmention from {wm_source} to {target}') try: endpoint = webmention.discover(target).endpoint if endpoint: webmention.send(endpoint, wm_source, target) activity.status = 'complete' logger.info('Success!') else: activity.status = 'ignored' logger.info('Ignoring.') except BaseException as e: errors.append(util.interpret_http_exception(e)) activity.put() if errors: msg = 'Errors: ' + ', '.join(f'{code} {body}' for code, body in errors) error(msg, status=int(errors[0][0] or 502)) return True def postprocess_as2(activity, user=None, target=None): """Prepare an AS2 object to be served or sent via ActivityPub. Args: activity: dict, AS2 object or activity user: :class:`User`, required. populated into actor.id and publicKey fields if needed. target: dict, AS2 object, optional. The target of activity's inReplyTo or Like/Announce/etc object, if any. """ assert user type = activity.get('type') # actor objects if type == 'Person': postprocess_as2_actor(activity, user) if not activity.get('publicKey'): # underspecified, inferred from this issue and Mastodon's implementation: # https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/203#issuecomment-297553229 # https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/blob/bc2c263504e584e154384ecc2d804aeb1afb1ba3/app/services/activitypub/process_account_service.rb#L77 actor_url = request.host_url + activity.get('preferredUsername') activity.update({ 'publicKey': { 'id': actor_url, 'owner': actor_url, 'publicKeyPem': user.public_pem().decode(), }, '@context': (util.get_list(activity, '@context') + ['https://w3id.org/security/v1']), }) return activity for actor in (util.get_list(activity, 'attributedTo') + util.get_list(activity, 'actor')): postprocess_as2_actor(actor, user) # inReplyTo: singly valued, prefer id over url target_id = target.get('id') if target else None in_reply_to = activity.get('inReplyTo') if in_reply_to: if target_id: activity['inReplyTo'] = target_id elif isinstance(in_reply_to, list): if len(in_reply_to) > 1: logger.warning( "AS2 doesn't support multiple inReplyTo URLs! " 'Only using the first: %s' % in_reply_to[0]) activity['inReplyTo'] = in_reply_to[0] # Mastodon evidently requires a Mention tag for replies to generate a # notification to the original post's author. not required for likes, # reposts, etc. details: # https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/34 if target: for to in (util.get_list(target, 'attributedTo') + util.get_list(target, 'actor')): if isinstance(to, dict): to = util.get_first(to, 'url') or to.get('id') if to: activity.setdefault('tag', []).append({ 'type': 'Mention', 'href': to, }) # activity objects (for Like, Announce, etc): prefer id over url obj = activity.get('object') if obj: if isinstance(obj, dict) and not obj.get('id'): obj['id'] = target_id or util.get_first(obj, 'url') elif target_id and obj != target_id: activity['object'] = target_id # id is required for most things. default to url if it's not set. if not activity.get('id'): activity['id'] = util.get_first(activity, 'url') # TODO: find a better way to check this, sometimes or always? # removed for now since it fires on posts without u-id or u-url, eg # https://chrisbeckstrom.com/2018/12/27/32551/ # assert activity.get('id') or (isinstance(obj, dict) and obj.get('id')) activity['id'] = redirect_wrap(activity.get('id')) activity['url'] = redirect_wrap(activity.get('url')) # copy image(s) into attachment(s). may be Mastodon-specific. # https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/33#issuecomment-440965618 obj_or_activity = obj if isinstance(obj, dict) else activity img = obj_or_activity.get('image') if img: obj_or_activity.setdefault('attachment', []).append(img) # cc target's author(s) and recipients # https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#audienceTargeting # https://w3c.github.io/activitypub/#delivery if target and (type in as2.TYPE_TO_VERB or type in ('Article', 'Note')): recips = itertools.chain(*(util.get_list(target, field) for field in ('actor', 'attributedTo', 'to', 'cc'))) activity['cc'] = util.dedupe_urls(util.get_url(recip) or recip.get('id') for recip in recips) # to public, since Mastodon interprets to public as public, cc public as unlisted: # https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/visibility-to-cc-mapping/284 # https://wordsmith.social/falkreon/securing-activitypub to = activity.setdefault('to', []) if as2.PUBLIC_AUDIENCE not in to: to.append(as2.PUBLIC_AUDIENCE) # wrap articles and notes in a Create activity if type in ('Article', 'Note'): activity = { '@context': as2.CONTEXT, 'type': 'Create', 'id': f'{activity["id"]}#bridgy-fed-create', 'actor': postprocess_as2_actor({}, user), 'object': activity, } return util.trim_nulls(activity) def postprocess_as2_actor(actor, user=None): """Prepare an AS2 actor object to be served or sent via ActivityPub. Modifies actor in place. Args: actor: dict, AS2 actor object user: :class:`User` Returns: actor dict """ urls = util.get_list(actor, 'url') or [f'https://{user.key.id()}/'] domain = util.domain_from_link(urls[0], minimize=False) urls[0] = redirect_wrap(urls[0]) actor.setdefault('id', request.host_url + domain) actor.update({ 'url': urls if len(urls) > 1 else urls[0], # This has to be the domain for Mastodon interop/Webfinger discovery! # See related comment in actor() below. 'preferredUsername': domain, }) # required by pixelfed. https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/39 actor.setdefault('summary', '') return actor def redirect_wrap(url): """Returns a URL on our domain that redirects to this URL. ...to satisfy Mastodon's non-standard domain matching requirement. :( Args: url: string https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/16#issuecomment-424799599 https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/pull/6219#issuecomment-429142747 Returns: string, redirect url """ if not url: return url prefix = urllib.parse.urljoin(request.host_url, '/r/') if url.startswith(prefix): return url return prefix + url def redirect_unwrap(val): """Removes our redirect wrapping from a URL, if it's there. url may be a string, dict, or list. dicts and lists are unwrapped recursively. Strings that aren't wrapped URLs are left unchanged. Args: url: string Returns: string, unwrapped url """ if isinstance(val, dict): return {k: redirect_unwrap(v) for k, v in val.items()} elif isinstance(val, list): return [redirect_unwrap(v) for v in val] elif isinstance(val, str): prefix = urllib.parse.urljoin(request.host_url, '/r/') if val.startswith(prefix): return util.follow_redirects(val[len(prefix):]).url elif val.startswith(request.host_url): domain = util.domain_from_link(urllib.parse.urlparse(val).path.strip('/'), minimize=False) return util.follow_redirects(domain).url return val def actor(domain, user=None): """Fetches a home page, converts its representative h-card to AS2 actor. Creates a User for the given domain if one doesn't already exist. TODO: unify with webfinger.Actor Args: domain: str user: :class:`User`, optional Returns: dict, AS2 actor """ tld = domain.split('.')[-1] if tld in TLD_BLOCKLIST: error('', status=404) url = f'https://{domain}/' try: mf2 = util.fetch_mf2(url, gateway=True) except ValueError as e: error(f"Couldn't fetch {url}: {e}") hcard = mf2util.representative_hcard(mf2, mf2['url']) logger.info(f'Representative h-card: {json_dumps(hcard, indent=2)}') if not hcard: error(f"Couldn't find a representative h-card (http://microformats.org/wiki/representative-hcard-parsing) on {mf2['url']}") if not user: user = User.get_or_create(domain) actor = postprocess_as2( as2.from_as1(microformats2.json_to_object(hcard)), user=user) actor.update({ 'id': f'{request.host_url}{domain}', # This has to be the domain for Mastodon etc interop! It seems like it # should be the custom username from the acct: u-url in their h-card, # but that breaks Mastodon's Webfinger discovery. Background: # https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/302#issuecomment-1324305460 # https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/77 'preferredUsername': domain, 'inbox': f'{request.host_url}{domain}/inbox', 'outbox': f'{request.host_url}{domain}/outbox', 'following': f'{request.host_url}{domain}/following', 'followers': f'{request.host_url}{domain}/followers', 'endpoints': { 'sharedInbox': f'{request.host_url}inbox', }, }) logger.info(f'Generated AS2 actor: {json_dumps(actor, indent=2)}') return actor