"""UI pages.""" import datetime import itertools import logging import os import re import time from flask import render_template, request from google.cloud.ndb import tasklets from google.cloud.ndb.query import AND, OR from google.cloud.ndb.stats import KindStat from granary import as1, as2, atom, microformats2, rss import humanize from oauth_dropins.webutil import flask_util, logs, util from oauth_dropins.webutil.flask_util import ( canonicalize_request_domain, error, flash, redirect, ) import requests import werkzeug.exceptions from activitypub import ActivityPub, instance_actor import common from common import DOMAIN_RE from flask_app import app, cache import ids from models import fetch_objects, fetch_page, Follower, Object, PAGE_SIZE, PROTOCOLS from protocol import Protocol # precompute this because we get a ton of requests for non-existing users # from weird open redirect referrers: # https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/422 with app.test_request_context('/'): USER_NOT_FOUND_HTML = render_template('user_not_found.html') logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) TEMPLATE_VARS = { 'as1': as1, 'as2': as2, 'ids': ids, 'isinstance': isinstance, 'logs': logs, 'PROTOCOLS': PROTOCOLS, 'set': set, 'util': util, } def load_user(protocol, id): """Loads and returns the current request's user. Args: protocol (str): id (str): Returns: models.User: Raises: :class:`werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException` on error or redirect """ assert id cls = PROTOCOLS[protocol] if cls.ABBREV == 'ap' and not id.startswith('@'): id = '@' + id user = cls.get_by_id(id) if cls.ABBREV != 'web': if not user: user = cls.query(cls.handle == id).get() if user and user.use_instead: user = user.use_instead.get() if user and id not in (user.key.id(), user.handle): error('', status=302, location=user.user_page_path()) elif user and id != user.key.id(): # use_instead redirect error('', status=302, location=user.user_page_path()) if user and (user.direct or user.enabled_protocols or cls.ABBREV == 'web'): assert not user.use_instead return user # TODO: switch back to USER_NOT_FOUND_HTML # not easy via exception/abort because this uses Werkzeug's built in # NotFound exception subclass, and we'd need to make it implement # get_body to return arbitrary HTML. error(f'{protocol} user {id} not found', status=404) @app.route('/') @canonicalize_request_domain(common.PROTOCOL_DOMAINS, common.PRIMARY_DOMAIN) @flask_util.cached(cache, datetime.timedelta(days=1)) def front_page(): """View for the front page.""" return render_template('index.html') @app.route('/docs') @canonicalize_request_domain(common.PROTOCOL_DOMAINS, common.PRIMARY_DOMAIN) @flask_util.cached(cache, datetime.timedelta(days=1)) def docs(): """View for the docs page.""" return render_template('docs.html') @app.get(f'/user/') @app.get(f'/user//feed') @app.get(f'/user//') @canonicalize_request_domain(common.PROTOCOL_DOMAINS, common.PRIMARY_DOMAIN) def web_user_redirects(**kwargs): path = request.url.removeprefix(request.root_url).removeprefix('user/') return redirect(f'/web/{path}', code=301) @app.get(f'//') # WARNING: this overrides the /ap/... actor URL route in activitypub.py, *only* # for handles with leading @ character. be careful when changing this route! @app.get(f'/ap/@', defaults={'protocol': 'ap'}) @canonicalize_request_domain(common.PROTOCOL_DOMAINS, common.PRIMARY_DOMAIN) def profile(protocol, id): user = load_user(protocol, id) query = Object.query(Object.users == user.key) objects, before, after = fetch_objects(query, by=Object.updated, user=user) num_followers, num_following = user.count_followers() return render_template('profile.html', **TEMPLATE_VARS, **locals()) @app.get(f'///home') @canonicalize_request_domain(common.PROTOCOL_DOMAINS, common.PRIMARY_DOMAIN) def home(protocol, id): user = load_user(protocol, id) query = Object.query(Object.feed == user.key) objects, before, after = fetch_objects(query, by=Object.created, user=user) # this calls Object.actor_link serially for each object, which loads the # actor from the datastore if necessary. TODO: parallelize those fetches return render_template('home.html', **TEMPLATE_VARS, **locals()) @app.get(f'///notifications') @canonicalize_request_domain(common.PROTOCOL_DOMAINS, common.PRIMARY_DOMAIN) def notifications(protocol, id): user = load_user(protocol, id) query = Object.query(Object.notify == user.key) objects, before, after = fetch_objects(query, by=Object.updated, user=user) format = request.args.get('format') if format: return serve_feed(objects=objects, format=format, as_snippets=True, user=user, title=f'Bridgy Fed notifications for {id}', quiet=request.args.get('quiet')) # notifications tab UI page return render_template('notifications.html', **TEMPLATE_VARS, **locals()) @app.post(f'///update-profile') @canonicalize_request_domain(common.PROTOCOL_DOMAINS, common.PRIMARY_DOMAIN) def update_profile(protocol, id): user = load_user(protocol, id) link = f'{user.handle_or_id()}' try: profile_obj = user.load(user.profile_id(), remote=True) except (requests.RequestException, werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException) as e: _, msg = util.interpret_http_exception(e) flash(f"Couldn't update profile for {link}: {msg}") return redirect(user.user_page_path(), code=302) if profile_obj: common.create_task(queue='receive', obj=profile_obj.key.urlsafe(), authed_as=profile_obj.key.id()) flash(f'Updating profile from {link}...') else: flash(f"Couldn't update profile for {link}") return redirect(user.user_page_path(), code=302) @app.get(f'///') @canonicalize_request_domain(common.PROTOCOL_DOMAINS, common.PRIMARY_DOMAIN) def followers_or_following(protocol, id, collection): user = load_user(protocol, id) followers, before, after = Follower.fetch_page(collection, user) num_followers, num_following = user.count_followers() return render_template( f'{collection}.html', address=request.args.get('address'), follow_url=request.values.get('url'), **TEMPLATE_VARS, **locals(), ) @app.get(f'///feed') @canonicalize_request_domain(common.PROTOCOL_DOMAINS, common.PRIMARY_DOMAIN) def feed(protocol, id): user = load_user(protocol, id) query = Object.query(Object.feed == user.key) objects, _, _ = fetch_objects(query, by=Object.created, user=user) return serve_feed(objects=objects, format=request.args.get('format', 'html'), user=user, title=f'Bridgy Fed feed for {id}') def serve_feed(*, objects, format, user, title, as_snippets=False, quiet=False): """Generates a feed based on :class:`Object`s. Args: objects (sequence of models.Object) format (str): ``html``, ``atom``, or ``rss`` user (models.User) title (str) as_snippets (bool): if True, render short snippets for objects instead of full contents quiet (bool): if True, exclude follows, unfollows, likes, and reposts Returns: str or (str, dict) tuple: Flask response """ if format not in ('html', 'atom', 'rss'): error(f'format {format} not supported; expected html, atom, or rss') objects = [obj for obj in objects if not obj.deleted] if quiet: objects = [obj for obj in objects if obj.type not in ('delete', 'follow', 'stop-following', 'like', 'share', 'undo', 'update')] if as_snippets: activities = [{ 'objectType': 'note', 'id': obj.key.id(), 'content': f'{obj.actor_link(image=False, user=user)} {obj.phrase} {obj.content}', 'content_is_html': True, 'updated': obj.updated.isoformat(), 'url': as1.get_url(obj.as1) or as1.get_url(as1.get_object(obj.as1)), } for obj in objects] else: activities = [obj.as1 for obj in objects] # hydrate authors, actors, objects from stored Objects fields = 'author', 'actor', 'object' gets = [] for a in activities: for field in fields: val = as1.get_object(a, field) if val and val.keys() <= set(['id']): def hydrate(a, f): def maybe_set(future): if future.result() and future.result().as1: a[f] = future.result().as1 return maybe_set # TODO: extract a Protocol class method out of User.profile_id, # then use that here instead. the catch is that we'd need to # determine Protocol for every id, which is expensive. # # same TODO is in models.fetch_objects id = val['id'] if id.startswith('did:'): id = f'at://{id}/app.bsky.actor.profile/self' future = Object.get_by_id_async(id) future.add_done_callback(hydrate(a, field)) gets.append(future) tasklets.wait_all(gets) actor = (user.obj.as1 if user.obj and user.obj.as1 else {'displayName': user.readable_id, 'url': user.web_url()}) # TODO: inject/merge common.pretty_link into microformats2.render_content # (specifically into hcard_to_html) somehow to convert Mastodon URLs to @-@ # syntax. maybe a fediverse kwarg down through the call chain? if format == 'html': entries = [microformats2.object_to_html(a) for a in activities] return render_template('feed.html', **TEMPLATE_VARS, **locals()) elif format == 'atom': body = atom.activities_to_atom(activities, actor=actor, title=title, request_url=request.url) return body, {'Content-Type': atom.CONTENT_TYPE} elif format == 'rss': body = rss.from_activities(activities, actor=actor, title=title, feed_url=request.url) return body, {'Content-Type': rss.CONTENT_TYPE} # TODO: re-enable for launch # @app.get('/bridge-user') # @canonicalize_request_domain(common.PROTOCOL_DOMAINS, common.PRIMARY_DOMAIN) # @flask_util.cached(cache, datetime.timedelta(days=1)) # def bridge_user_page(): # return render_template('bridge_user.html') # @app.post('/bridge-user') # def bridge_user(): # handle = request.values['handle'] # proto, id = Protocol.for_handle(handle) # if not proto: # flash(f"Couldn't determine protocol for {handle}") # return render_template('bridge_user.html'), 400 # # TODO: put these into a PULL_PROTOCOLS constant? # if not proto.LABEL in ('activitypub', 'fake', 'web'): # flash(f"{proto.__name__} isn't supported") # return render_template('bridge_user.html'), 400 # if not id: # id = proto.handle_to_id(handle) # if not id: # flash(f"Couldn't resolve {proto.__name__} handle {handle}") # return render_template('bridge_user.html'), 400 # user = proto.get_or_create(id=id, propagate=True) # flash(f'Bridging {user.handle} into Bluesky. Try searching for them in a minute!') # return render_template('bridge_user.html') @app.get('/stats') @canonicalize_request_domain(common.PROTOCOL_DOMAINS, common.PRIMARY_DOMAIN) def stats(): def count(kind): return humanize.intcomma( KindStat.query(KindStat.kind_name == kind).get().count) return render_template( 'stats.html', users=count('MagicKey'), objects=count('Object'), followers=count('Follower'), ) @app.get('/.well-known/nodeinfo') @canonicalize_request_domain(common.PROTOCOL_DOMAINS, common.PRIMARY_DOMAIN) @flask_util.cached(cache, datetime.timedelta(days=1)) def nodeinfo_jrd(): """ https://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/protocol.html """ return { 'links': [{ 'rel': 'http://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/ns/schema/2.1', 'href': common.host_url('nodeinfo.json'), }, { "rel": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Application", "href": instance_actor().id_as(ActivityPub), }], }, { 'Content-Type': 'application/jrd+json', } @app.get('/nodeinfo.json') @canonicalize_request_domain(common.PROTOCOL_DOMAINS, common.PRIMARY_DOMAIN) @flask_util.cached(cache, datetime.timedelta(days=1)) def nodeinfo(): """ https://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/schema.html """ user_total = None stat = KindStat.query(KindStat.kind_name == 'MagicKey').get() if stat: user_total = stat.count return { 'version': '2.1', 'software': { 'name': 'bridgy-fed', 'version': os.getenv('GAE_VERSION'), 'repository': 'https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed', 'web_url': 'https://fed.brid.gy/', }, 'protocols': [ 'activitypub', 'bluesky', 'webmention', ], 'services': { 'outbound': [], 'inbound': [], }, 'usage': { 'users': { 'total': user_total, # 'activeMonth': # 'activeHalfyear': }, # these are too heavy # 'localPosts': Object.query(Object.source_protocol.IN(('web', 'webmention')), # Object.type.IN(['note', 'article']), # ).count(), # 'localComments': Object.query(Object.source_protocol.IN(('web', 'webmention')), # Object.type == 'comment', # ).count(), }, 'openRegistrations': True, 'metadata': {}, }, { # https://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/protocol.html 'Content-Type': 'application/json; profile="http://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/ns/schema/2.1#"', } @app.get('/api/v1/instance') @canonicalize_request_domain(common.PROTOCOL_DOMAINS, common.PRIMARY_DOMAIN) @flask_util.cached(cache, datetime.timedelta(days=1)) def instance_info(): """ https://docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/instance/#v1 """ return { 'uri': 'fed.brid.gy', 'title': 'Bridgy Fed', 'version': os.getenv('GAE_VERSION'), 'short_description': 'Bridging the new social internet', 'description': 'Bridging the new social internet', 'email': 'feedback@brid.gy', 'thumbnail': 'https://fed.brid.gy/static/bridgy_logo_with_alpha.png', 'registrations': True, 'approval_required': False, 'invites_enabled': False, 'contact_account': { 'username': 'snarfed.org', 'acct': 'snarfed.org', 'display_name': 'Ryan', 'url': 'https://snarfed.org/', }, } @app.get('/log') @canonicalize_request_domain(common.PROTOCOL_DOMAINS, common.PRIMARY_DOMAIN) @flask_util.cached(cache, logs.CACHE_TIME) def log(): return logs.log()