"""ATProto protocol implementation. https://atproto.com/ """ import itertools import logging import os import re from arroba import did from arroba.datastore_storage import AtpRemoteBlob, AtpRepo, DatastoreStorage from arroba.repo import Repo, Write import arroba.server from arroba.storage import Action, CommitData from arroba.util import at_uri, next_tid, parse_at_uri, service_jwt import dag_json from flask import abort, request from google.cloud import dns from google.cloud import ndb from granary import as1, bluesky from lexrpc import Client import requests from requests import RequestException from oauth_dropins.webutil.appengine_info import DEBUG from oauth_dropins.webutil import util from oauth_dropins.webutil.util import json_dumps, json_loads import common from common import ( add, DOMAIN_BLOCKLIST, DOMAIN_RE, DOMAINS, error, USER_AGENT, ) import flask_app from models import Object, PROTOCOLS, Target, User from protocol import Protocol logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) arroba.server.storage = DatastoreStorage() LEXICONS = Client('https://unused').defs DNS_GCP_PROJECT = 'brid-gy' DNS_ZONE = 'brid-gy' DNS_TTL = 10800 # seconds logger.info(f'Using GCP DNS project {DNS_GCP_PROJECT} zone {DNS_ZONE}') dns_client = dns.Client(project=DNS_GCP_PROJECT) class ATProto(User, Protocol): """AT Protocol class. Key id is DID, currently either did:plc or did:web. https://atproto.com/specs/did """ ABBREV = 'atproto' PHRASE = 'Bluesky' LOGO_HTML = '' PDS_URL = f'https://{ABBREV}{common.SUPERDOMAIN}/' CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/json' def _pre_put_hook(self): """Validate id, require did:plc or non-blocklisted did:web.""" super()._pre_put_hook() id = self.key.id() assert id if id.startswith('did:plc:'): assert id.removeprefix('did:plc:') elif id.startswith('did:web:'): domain = id.removeprefix('did:web:') assert (re.match(common.DOMAIN_RE, domain) and not Protocol.is_blocklisted(domain)), domain else: assert False, f'{id} is not valid did:plc or did:web' @ndb.ComputedProperty def handle(self): """Returns handle if the DID document includes one, otherwise None.""" if did_obj := ATProto.load(self.key.id()): if aka := util.get_first(did_obj.raw, 'alsoKnownAs', ''): handle, _, _ = parse_at_uri(aka) if handle: return handle def web_url(self): return bluesky.Bluesky.user_url(self.handle_or_id()) @classmethod def owns_id(cls, id): return (id.startswith('at://') or id.startswith('did:plc:') or id.startswith('did:web:') or id.startswith('https://bsky.app/')) @classmethod def owns_handle(cls, handle): if not re.match(DOMAIN_RE, handle): return False @classmethod def handle_to_id(cls, handle): assert cls.owns_handle(handle) is not False # TODO: shortcut our own handles? eg snarfed.org.web.brid.gy user = ATProto.query(ATProto.handle == handle).get() if user: return user.key.id() return did.resolve_handle(handle, get_fn=util.requests_get) def profile_id(self): return f'at://{self.key.id()}/app.bsky.actor.profile/self' @classmethod def target_for(cls, obj, shared=False): """Returns our PDS URL as the target for the given object. ATProto delivery is indirect. We write all records to the user's local repo that we host, then BGSes and other subscribers receive them via the subscribeRepos event streams. So, we use a single target, our base URL (eg ``https://atproto.brid.gy/``) as the PDS URL, for all activities. """ if cls.owns_id(obj.key.id()) is not False: return cls.PDS_URL @classmethod def pds_for(cls, obj): """Returns the PDS URL for the given object, or None. Args: obj (Object) Returns: str: """ id = obj.key.id() # logger.debug(f'Finding ATProto PDS for {id}') if id.startswith('did:'): if obj.raw: for service in obj.raw.get('service', []): if service.get('id') in ('#atproto_pds', f'{id}#atproto_pds'): return service.get('serviceEndpoint') logger.info(f"{id}'s DID doc has no ATProto PDS") return None if id.startswith('https://bsky.app/'): return cls.pds_for(Object(id=bluesky.web_url_to_at_uri(id))) if id.startswith('at://'): repo, collection, rkey = parse_at_uri(id) if not repo.startswith('did:'): # repo is a handle; resolve it repo_did = cls.handle_to_id(repo) if repo_did: return cls.pds_for(Object(id=id.replace( f'at://{repo}', f'at://{repo_did}'))) else: return None did_obj = ATProto.load(repo) if did_obj: return cls.pds_for(did_obj) # TODO: what should we do if the DID doesn't exist? should we return # None here? or do we need this path to return BF's URL so that we # then create the DID for non-ATP users on demand? if obj.as1: if owner := as1.get_owner(obj.as1): if user_key := Protocol.key_for(owner): if user := user_key.get(): if owner_did := user.get_copy(ATProto): return cls.pds_for(Object(id=f'at://{owner_did}')) return None def is_blocklisted(url): # don't block common.DOMAINS since we want ourselves, ie our own PDS, to # be a valid domain to send to return util.domain_or_parent_in(util.domain_from_link(url), DOMAIN_BLOCKLIST) @classmethod @ndb.transactional() def create_for(cls, user): """Creates an ATProto repo and profile for a non-ATProto user. Args: user (models.User) """ assert not isinstance(user, ATProto) if user.get_copy(ATProto): return # create new DID, repo logger.info(f'Creating new did:plc for {user.key}') did_plc = did.create_plc(user.handle_as('atproto'), pds_url=cls.PDS_URL, post_fn=util.requests_post) Object.get_or_create(did_plc.did, raw=did_plc.doc) # TODO: move this to ATProto.get_or_create? add(user.copies, Target(uri=did_plc.did, protocol='atproto')) handle = user.handle_as('atproto') # create _atproto DNS record for handle resolution # https://atproto.com/specs/handle#handle-resolution name = f'_atproto.{handle}.' val = f'"did={did_plc.did}"' logger.info(f'adding GCP DNS TXT record for {name} {val}') if not DEBUG: zone = dns_client.zone(DNS_ZONE) r = zone.resource_record_set(name=name, record_type='TXT', ttl=DNS_TTL, rrdatas=[val]) changes = zone.changes() changes.add_record_set(r) changes.create() logger.info(' done!') # fetch and store profile if not user.obj: user.obj = user.load(user.profile_id()) initial_writes = None if user.obj and user.obj.as1: # create user profile profile = cls.convert(user.obj, fetch_blobs=True) profile.setdefault('labels', {'$type': 'com.atproto.label.defs#selfLabels'}) profile['labels'].setdefault('values', []).append({ 'val' : f'bridged-from-bridgy-fed-{user.LABEL}', }) profile_json = json_dumps(dag_json.encode(profile).decode(), indent=2) logger.info(f'Storing ATProto app.bsky.actor.profile self: {profile_json}') initial_writes = [Write( action=Action.CREATE, collection='app.bsky.actor.profile', rkey='self', record=profile)] uri = at_uri(did_plc.did, 'app.bsky.actor.profile', 'self') user.obj.add('copies', Target(uri=uri, protocol='atproto')) user.obj.put() repo = Repo.create( arroba.server.storage, did_plc.did, handle=handle, callback=lambda _: common.create_task(queue='atproto-commit'), initial_writes=initial_writes, signing_key=did_plc.signing_key, rotation_key=did_plc.rotation_key) user.put() @classmethod def send(to_cls, obj, url, from_user=None, orig_obj=None): """Creates a record if we own its repo. Creates the repo first if it doesn't exist. If the repo's DID doc doesn't say we're its PDS, does nothing and returns False. Doesn't deliver anywhere externally! BGS(es) will receive this record through ``subscribeRepos`` and then deliver it to AppView(s), which will notify recipients as necessary. """ if util.domain_from_link(url) not in DOMAINS: logger.info(f'Target PDS {url} is not us') return False verb = obj.as1.get('verb') if verb in ('accept', 'undo'): logger.info(f'Skipping sending {verb}, not supported in ATProto') return False # convert to Bluesky record; short circuits on error try: record = to_cls.convert(obj, fetch_blobs=True) except ValueError as e: logger.info(f'Skipping due to {e}') return False # determine "base" object, if any type = as1.object_type(obj.as1) base_obj = obj if type in ('post', 'update', 'delete'): obj_as1 = as1.get_object(obj.as1) type = as1.object_type(obj_as1) base_obj = PROTOCOLS[obj.source_protocol].load(obj_as1['id']) if not base_obj: base_obj = obj # find user from_cls = PROTOCOLS[obj.source_protocol] from_key = from_cls.actor_key(obj) if not from_key: logger.info(f"Couldn't find {obj.source_protocol} user for {obj.key}") return False # load user user = from_cls.get_or_create(from_key.id(), propagate=True) did = user.get_copy(ATProto) assert did logger.info(f'{user.key} is {did}') did_doc = to_cls.load(did) pds = to_cls.pds_for(did_doc) if not pds or util.domain_from_link(pds) not in DOMAINS: logger.warning(f'{from_key} {did} PDS {pds} is not us') return False # load repo repo = arroba.server.storage.load_repo(did) assert repo repo.callback = lambda _: common.create_task(queue='atproto-commit') # write commit type = record['$type'] lex_type = LEXICONS[type]['type'] assert lex_type == 'record', f"Can't store {type} object of type {lex_type}" ndb.transactional() def write(): tid = next_tid() logger.info(f'Storing ATProto {type} {tid}: ' + json_dumps(dag_json.encode(record).decode(), indent=2)) repo.apply_writes([Write(action=Action.CREATE, collection=type, rkey=tid, record=record)]) at_uri = f'at://{did}/{type}/{tid}' base_obj.add('copies', Target(uri=at_uri, protocol=to_cls.LABEL)) base_obj.put() write() return True @classmethod def fetch(cls, obj, **kwargs): """Tries to fetch a ATProto object. Args: obj (models.Object): with the id to fetch. Fills data into the ``as2`` property. kwargs: ignored Returns: bool: True if the object was fetched and populated successfully, False otherwise Raises: TODO """ id = obj.key.id() if not cls.owns_id(id): logger.info(f"ATProto can't fetch {id}") return False # did:plc, did:web if id.startswith('did:'): try: obj.raw = did.resolve(id, get_fn=util.requests_get) return True except (ValueError, requests.RequestException) as e: util.interpret_http_exception(e) return False if id.startswith('https://bsky.app/'): try: id = bluesky.web_url_to_at_uri(id) except ValueError: return False if not id: return False obj.key = ndb.Key(Object, id) # at:// URI. if it has a handle, resolve and replace with DID. # examples: # at://did:plc:s2koow7r6t7tozgd4slc3dsg/app.bsky.feed.post/3jqcpv7bv2c2q # https://bsky.social/xrpc/com.atproto.repo.getRecord?repo=did:plc:s2koow7r6t7tozgd4slc3dsg&collection=app.bsky.feed.post&rkey=3jqcpv7bv2c2q repo, collection, rkey = parse_at_uri(id) if not repo.startswith('did:'): handle = repo repo = cls.handle_to_id(repo) if not repo: return False assert repo.startswith('did:') obj.key = ndb.Key(Object, id.replace(f'at://{handle}', f'at://{repo}')) client = Client(f'https://{os.environ["APPVIEW_HOST"]}', headers={'User-Agent': USER_AGENT}) try: ret = client.com.atproto.repo.getRecord( repo=repo, collection=collection, rkey=rkey) except RequestException as e: util.interpret_http_exception(e) return False # TODO: verify sig? obj.bsky = { **ret['value'], 'cid': ret.get('cid'), } return True @classmethod def convert(cls, obj, fetch_blobs=False, from_user=None): """Converts a :class:`models.Object` to ``app.bsky.*`` lexicon JSON. Args: obj (models.Object) fetch_blobs (bool): whether to fetch images and other blobs, store them in :class:`arroba.datastore_storage.AtpRemoteBlob`\s if they don't already exist, and fill them into the returned object. from_user (models.User): user (actor) this activity/object is from Returns: dict: JSON object """ from_proto = PROTOCOLS.get(obj.source_protocol) if from_proto and not common.is_enabled(cls, from_proto): error(f'{cls.LABEL} <=> {from_proto.LABEL} not enabled') if obj.bsky: return obj.bsky if not obj.as1: return {} blobs = {} # maps str URL to dict blob object if fetch_blobs: for o in obj.as1, as1.get_object(obj.as1): for url in util.get_urls(o, 'image'): if url not in blobs: blob = AtpRemoteBlob.get_or_create( url=url, get_fn=util.requests_get) blobs[url] = blob.as_object() ret = bluesky.from_as1(cls.translate_ids(obj.as1), blobs=blobs) # fill in CIDs from Objects def populate_cid(strong_ref): if uri := strong_ref.get('uri'): # TODO: fail if this load fails? since we don't populate CID if ref_obj := ATProto.load(uri): strong_ref.update({ 'cid': ref_obj.bsky.get('cid'), 'uri': ref_obj.key.id(), }) match ret.get('$type'): case 'app.bsky.feed.like' | 'app.bsky.feed.repost': populate_cid(ret['subject']) case 'app.bsky.feed.post' if ret.get('reply'): populate_cid(ret['reply']['root']) populate_cid(ret['reply']['parent']) return ret # URL route is registered in hub.py def poll_notifications(): """Fetches and enqueueus new activities from the AppView for our users. Uses the ``listNotifications`` endpoint, which is intended for end users. 🤷 https://github.com/bluesky-social/atproto/discussions/1538 TODO: unify with poll_posts """ repos = {r.key.id(): r for r in AtpRepo.query()} logger.info(f'Got {len(repos)} repos') if not repos: return users = itertools.chain(*(cls.query(cls.copies.uri.IN(list(repos))) for cls in set(PROTOCOLS.values()) if cls and cls != ATProto)) client = Client(f'https://{os.environ["APPVIEW_HOST"]}', headers={'User-Agent': USER_AGENT}) for user in users: # TODO: remove for launch if not DEBUG and user.key.id() not in ['indieweb.org', 'snarfed.org']: logger.info(f'Skipping {user.key.id()}') continue logger.debug(f'Fetching notifs for {user.key.id()}') # TODO: store and use cursor # seenAt would be easier, but they don't support it yet # https://github.com/bluesky-social/atproto/issues/1636 did = user.get_copy(ATProto) repo = repos[did] client.session['accessJwt'] = service_jwt(os.environ['APPVIEW_HOST'], repo_did=did, privkey=repo.signing_key) resp = client.app.bsky.notification.listNotifications() for notif in resp['notifications']: logger.debug(f'Got {notif["reason"]} from {notif["author"]["handle"]} {notif["uri"]} {notif["cid"]} : {json_dumps(notif, indent=2)}') # TODO: verify sig. skipping this for now because we're getting # these from the AppView, which is trusted, specifically we expect # the BGS and/or the AppView already checked sigs. obj = Object.get_or_create(id=notif['uri'], bsky=notif['record'], source_protocol=ATProto.ABBREV) if not obj.status: obj.status = 'new' obj.add('notify', user.key) obj.put() common.create_task(queue='receive', obj=obj.key.urlsafe(), authed_as=notif['author']['did']) return 'OK' # URL route is registered in hub.py def poll_posts(): """Fetches and enqueueus new posts from the AppView for our users. Uses the ``getTimeline`` endpoint, which is intended for end users. 🤷 TODO: unify with poll_notifications """ repos = {r.key.id(): r for r in AtpRepo.query()} logger.info(f'Got {len(repos)} repos') if not repos: return users = itertools.chain(*(cls.query(cls.copies.uri.IN(list(repos))) for cls in set(PROTOCOLS.values()) if cls and cls != ATProto)) client = Client(f'https://{os.environ["APPVIEW_HOST"]}', headers={'User-Agent': USER_AGENT}) for user in users: # TODO: remove for launch if not DEBUG and user.key.id() not in ['indieweb.org', 'snarfed.org']: logger.info(f'Skipping {user.key.id()}') continue logger.debug(f'Fetching posts for {user.key.id()}') # TODO: store and use cursor # seenAt would be easier, but they don't support it yet # https://github.com/bluesky-social/atproto/issues/1636 did = user.get_copy(ATProto) repo = repos[did] client.session['accessJwt'] = service_jwt(os.environ['APPVIEW_HOST'], repo_did=did, privkey=repo.signing_key) resp = client.app.bsky.feed.getTimeline() for item in resp['feed']: # TODO: handle reposts once we have a URI for them # https://github.com/bluesky-social/atproto/issues/1811 if item.get('reason'): continue post = item['post'] logger.debug(f'Got {post["uri"]}: {json_dumps(item, indent=2)}') # TODO: verify sig. skipping this for now because we're getting # these from the AppView, which is trusted, specifically we expect # the BGS and/or the AppView already checked sigs. obj = Object.get_or_create(id=post['uri'], bsky=post['record'], source_protocol=ATProto.ABBREV) if not obj.status: obj.status = 'new' obj.add('feed', user.key) obj.put() common.create_task(queue='receive', obj=obj.key.urlsafe(), authed_as=did) return 'OK'