Bridgy Fed developer documentation ---------------------------------- Bridgy Fed connects your web site to `Mastodon `__ and the `fediverse `__ via `ActivityPub `__, `webmentions `__, and `microformats2 `__. Your site gets its own fediverse profile, posts and avatar and header and all. Bridgy Fed translates likes, reposts, mentions, follows, and more back and forth. `See the user docs `__ and `developer docs `__ for more details. Also see the `original `__ `design `__ blog posts. License: This project is placed in the public domain. Development ----------- Development reference docs are at ` `__. Pull requests are welcome! Feel free to `ping me in #indieweb-dev `__ with any questions. First, fork and clone this repo. Then, install the `Google Cloud SDK `__ and run ``gcloud components install beta cloud-datastore-emulator`` to install the `datastore emulator `__. Once you have them, set up your environment by running these commands in the repo root directory: .. code:: sh gcloud config set project bridgy-federated python3 -m venv local source local/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt Now, run the tests to check that everything is set up ok: .. code:: shell gcloud beta emulators datastore start --use-firestore-in-datastore-mode --no-store-on-disk --host-port=localhost:8089 --quiet < /dev/null >& /dev/null & python3 -m unittest discover Finally, run this in the repo root directory to start the web app locally: .. code:: shell GAE_ENV=localdev FLASK_ENV=development flask run -p 8080 If you send a pull request, please include (or update) a test for the new functionality! If you hit an error during setup, check out the `oauth-dropins Troubleshooting/FAQ section `__. You may need to change `granary `__, `oauth-dropins `__, `mf2util `__, or other dependencies as well as as Bridgy Fed. To do that, clone their repo locally, then install them in “source” mode with e.g.: .. code:: sh pip uninstall -y granary pip install -e To deploy to the production instance on App Engine - if @snarfed has added you as an owner - run: .. code:: sh gcloud -q beta app deploy --no-cache --project bridgy-federated *.yaml How to add a new protocol ------------------------- 1. Determine `how you’ll map the new protocol to other existing Bridgy Fed protocols `__, specifically identity, protocol inference, events, and operations. `Add those to the existing tables in the docs `__ in a PR. This is an important step before you start writing code. 2. If the new protocol uses a new data format - which is likely - add that format to `granary `__ in a new file with functions that convert to/from `ActivityStreams 1 `__ and tests. See ` `__ and ` `__ for examples. 3. Implement the protocol in a new ``.py`` file as a subclass of both `Protocol `__ and `User `__. Implement the ``send``, ``fetch``, ``serve``, and ``target_for`` methods from ``Protocol`` and ``handle``, ``web_url``, ``ap_address``, and ``ap_actor`` from ``User`` . 4. TODO: add a new usage section to the docs for the new protocol. 5. TODO: does the new protocol need any new UI or signup functionality? Unusual, but not impossible. Add that if necessary. 6. Add the new protocol’s logo to ``static/``, use it in `templates/user.html `__. Stats ----- I occasionally generate stats and graphs of usage and growth via BigQuery, `like I do with Bridgy `__. Here’s how. 1. `Export the full datastore to Google Cloud Storage. `__ Include all entities except ``MagicKey``. Check to see if any new kinds have been added since the last time this command was run. :: gcloud datastore export --async gs:// --kinds Follower,Object Note that ``--kinds`` is required. `From the export docs `__: > *Data exported without specifying an entity filter cannot be loaded into BigQuery.* 2. Wait for it to be done with ``gcloud datastore operations list | grep done``. 3. `Import it into BigQuery `__: :: for kind in Follower Object; do bq load --replace --nosync --source_format=DATASTORE_BACKUP datastore.$kind gs://$kind/all_namespaces_kind_$kind.export_metadata done 4. Check the jobs with ``bq ls -j``, then wait for them with ``bq wait``. 5. `Run the full stats BigQuery query. `__ Download the results as CSV. 6. `Open the stats spreadsheet. `__ Import the CSV, replacing the *data* sheet. 7. Check out the graphs! Save full size images with OS or browser screenshots, thumbnails with the *Download Chart* button.