"""Translates user ids, handles, and object ids between protocols. https://fed.brid.gy/docs#translate """ import inspect import logging import re from threading import Lock from urllib.parse import urljoin, urlparse from cachetools import cached, LRUCache from flask import request from google.cloud.ndb.query import FilterNode, Query from granary.bluesky import BSKY_APP_URL_RE, web_url_to_at_uri from oauth_dropins.webutil import util from common import ( LOCAL_DOMAINS, PRIMARY_DOMAIN, PROTOCOL_DOMAINS, subdomain_wrap, SUPERDOMAIN, ) import models logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Protocols to check User.copies and Object.copies before translating # populated in models.reset_protocol_properties COPIES_PROTOCOLS = None # Webfinger allows all sorts of characters that ATProto handles don't, # notably _ and ~. Map those to -. # ( : (colon) is mostly just used in the fake protocols in unit tests.) # https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7565.html#section-7 # https://atproto.com/specs/handle # https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/982 # https://github.com/swicg/activitypub-webfinger/issues/9 ATPROTO_DASH_CHARS = ('_', '~', ':') # can't use translate_user_id because Web.owns_id checks valid_domain, which # doesn't allow our protocol subdomains BOT_ACTOR_AP_IDS = tuple(f'https://{domain}/{domain}' for domain in PROTOCOL_DOMAINS) def validate(id, from_, to): """Validates args. Asserts that all args are non-None. If ``from_`` or ``to`` are instances, returns their classes. """ assert id and from_ and to, (id, from_, to) if not inspect.isclass(from_): from_ = from_.__class__ if not inspect.isclass(to): to = to.__class__ return id, from_, to @cached(LRUCache(10000), lock=Lock()) def web_ap_base_domain(user_domain): """Returns the full Bridgy Fed domain to use for a given Web user. Specifically, returns ``http://localhost/` if we're running locally, ``https://[ap_subdomain].brid.gy/`` for the Web entity for this domain if it exists, otherwise ``https://web.brid.gy/``. Args: user_domain (str) Returns: str: """ if (request.host in LOCAL_DOMAINS and not (user_domain == PRIMARY_DOMAIN or user_domain in PROTOCOL_DOMAINS)): return request.host_url from web import Web if user := Web.get_by_id(user_domain): return f'https://{user.ap_subdomain}{SUPERDOMAIN}/' return f'https://web{SUPERDOMAIN}/' def translate_user_id(*, id, from_, to): """Translate a user id from one protocol to another. TODO: unify with :func:`translate_object_id`. Args: id (str) from_ (protocol.Protocol) to (protocol.Protocol) Returns: str: the corresponding id in ``to`` """ id, from_, to = validate(id, from_, to) assert from_.owns_id(id) is not False or from_.LABEL == 'ui', \ (id, from_.LABEL, to.LABEL) parsed = urlparse(id) if from_.LABEL == 'web' and parsed.path.strip('/') == '': # home page; replace with domain id = parsed.netloc # bsky.app profile URL to DID if to.LABEL == 'atproto': if match := BSKY_APP_URL_RE.match(id): repo = match.group('id') if repo.startswith('did:'): return repo from atproto import ATProto try: return ATProto.handle_to_id(repo) except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: logger.warning(e) return None if from_ == to: return id # follow use_instead user = from_.get_by_id(id) if user: id = user.key.id() if from_.LABEL in COPIES_PROTOCOLS or to.LABEL in COPIES_PROTOCOLS: if user: if copy := user.get_copy(to): return copy if orig := models.get_original(id): if isinstance(orig, to): return orig.key.id() match from_.LABEL, to.LABEL: case _, 'atproto' | 'nostr': logger.debug(f"Can't translate user id {id} to {to.LABEL} , haven't copied it there yet!") return None case 'web', 'activitypub': return urljoin(web_ap_base_domain(id), id) case 'activitypub', 'web': return id case _, 'activitypub' | 'web': return subdomain_wrap(from_, f'/{to.ABBREV}/{id}') # only for unit tests case _, 'fake' | 'other' | 'eefake': return f'{to.LABEL}:u:{id}' case 'fake' | 'other', _: return id assert False, (id, from_.LABEL, to.LABEL) def normalize_user_id(*, id, proto): """Normalizes a user id to its canonical representation in a given protocol. Examples: * Web: * user.com => user.com * www.user.com => user.com * https://user.com/ => user.com * ATProto: * did:plc:123 => did:plc:123 * https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:123 => did:plc:123 Args: id (str) proto (protocol.Protocol) Returns: str: the normalized user id """ normalized = translate_user_id(id=id, from_=proto, to=proto) if proto.LABEL == 'web': normalized = util.domain_from_link(normalized) return normalized def profile_id(*, id, proto): """Returns the profile object id for a given user id. Examples: * Web: user.com => https:///user.com/ * ActivityPub: https://inst.ance/alice => https://inst.ance/alice * ATProto: did:plc:123 => at://did:plc:123/app.bsky.actor.profile/self Args: id (str) proto (protocol.Protocol) Returns: str: the profile id """ assert proto.owns_id(id) is not False, (id, proto.LABEL) match proto.LABEL: case 'atproto': return f'at://{id}/app.bsky.actor.profile/self' case 'fake': return id.replace('fake:', 'fake:profile:') case 'web': return f'https://{id}/' case _: return id def translate_handle(*, handle, from_, to, enhanced): """Translates a user handle from one protocol to another. Args: handle (str) from_ (protocol.Protocol) to (protocol.Protocol) enhanced (bool): whether to convert to an "enhanced" handle based on the user's domain Returns: str: the corresponding handle in ``to`` Raises: ValueError: if the user's handle is invalid, eg begins or ends with an underscore or dash """ handle, from_, to = validate(handle, from_, to) if from_ == to: return handle if from_.LABEL != 'ui': if from_.owns_handle(handle, allow_internal=True) is False: raise ValueError(f'input handle {handle} is not valid for {from_.LABEL}') output = None match from_.LABEL, to.LABEL: case _, 'activitypub': domain = f'{from_.ABBREV}{SUPERDOMAIN}' if enhanced or handle == PRIMARY_DOMAIN or handle in PROTOCOL_DOMAINS: domain = handle output = f'@{handle}@{domain}' case _, 'atproto': output = handle.lstrip('@').replace('@', '.') for from_char in ATPROTO_DASH_CHARS: output = output.replace(from_char, '-') if enhanced or handle == PRIMARY_DOMAIN or handle in PROTOCOL_DOMAINS: pass else: output = f'{output}.{from_.ABBREV}{SUPERDOMAIN}' case 'activitypub', 'web': user, instance = handle.lstrip('@').split('@') # TODO: get this from the actor object's url field? output = (f'https://{user}' if user == instance else f'https://{instance}/@{user}') case _, 'web': output = handle # only for unit tests case _, 'fake' | 'other' | 'eefake': output = f'{to.LABEL}:handle:{handle}' assert output, (handle, from_.LABEL, to.LABEL) # don't check Web handles because they're sometimes URLs, eg # @user@instance => https://instance/@user if to.LABEL != 'web' and to.owns_handle(output, allow_internal=True) is False: raise ValueError(f'translated handle {output} is not valid for {to.LABEL}') return output def translate_object_id(*, id, from_, to): """Translates a user handle from one protocol to another. TODO: unify with :func:`translate_user_id`. Args: id (str) from_ (protocol.Protocol) to (protocol.Protocol) Returns: str: the corresponding id in ``to`` """ id, from_, to = validate(id, from_, to) assert from_.owns_id(id) is not False or from_.LABEL == 'ui' # bsky.app profile URL to DID if to.LABEL == 'atproto': if match := BSKY_APP_URL_RE.match(id): repo = match.group('id') handle = None if not repo.startswith('did:'): handle = repo from atproto import ATProto try: repo = ATProto.handle_to_id(repo) except (AssertionError, ValueError) as e: logger.warning(e) return None return web_url_to_at_uri(id, handle=handle, did=repo) if from_ == to: return id if from_.LABEL in COPIES_PROTOCOLS or to.LABEL in COPIES_PROTOCOLS: if obj := from_.load(id, remote=False): if copy := obj.get_copy(to): return copy if orig := models.get_original(id): return orig.key.id() match from_.LABEL, to.LABEL: case _, 'atproto' | 'nostr': logger.debug(f"Can't translate object id {id} to {to.LABEL} , haven't copied it there yet!") return id case 'web', 'activitypub': return urljoin(web_ap_base_domain(util.domain_from_link(id)), f'/r/{id}') case _, 'activitypub' | 'web': return subdomain_wrap(from_, f'/convert/{to.ABBREV}/{id}') # only for unit tests case _, 'fake' | 'other' | 'eefake': return f'{to.LABEL}:o:{from_.ABBREV}:{id}' assert False, (id, from_.LABEL, to.LABEL)