{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}{{ id }} {{ tab }} - Bridgy Fed{% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if user.LABEL == 'web' and not user.has_redirects %}

Bridgy Fed is providing {{ user.handle_or_id() }} a presence in the fediverse and/or Bluesky. This account was generated automatically when someone first followed it. Learn more here.

Do you own {{ user.handle_or_id() }}? You can opt out or upgrade your fediverse handle from @web.brid.gy to @{{ user.handle_or_id() }}.

Got your redirects set up? {% if user.redirects_error %}
See results {{ user.redirects_error|safe }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {# promos for web users #}
{{ user.user_link(handle=True, maybe_internal_link=False)|safe }}
{% set copies = user.copies|map(attribute='protocol')|list %} {% for proto in set(PROTOCOLS.values()) %} {% if proto and not isinstance(user, proto) and proto.LABEL not in ('ui', 'web') and user.is_enabled(proto) %} {% set url = proto.bridged_web_url_for(user) %} {% set handle = user.handle_as(proto) %} · {% if url %} {% endif %} {{ util.ellipsize(handle, chars=40) }} {% if url %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
👤 Profile{% if user.LABEL == 'web' %}🏠 Feed{% endif %}🔔 Notifications
{% block subtabs %} {% endblock subtabs %} {% block feed %} {% include "activities.html" %} {% endblock feed %} {% endblock content %}