add Protocol.LOGO_HTML constant, change user page to link to external user

for #442
Ryan Barrett 2023-10-10 11:14:42 -07:00
rodzic a6cd9f22ab
commit 1b78e86e6c
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ID klucza GPG: 6BE31FDF4776E9D4
11 zmienionych plików z 43 dodań i 17 usunięć

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@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ How to add a new protocol
1. Implement the protocol in a new `.py` file as a subclass of both [`Protocol`]( and [`User`]( Implement the `send`, `fetch`, `serve`, and `target_for` methods from `Protocol` and `handle` and `web_url` from `User` .
1. TODO: add a new usage section to the docs for the new protocol.
1. TODO: does the new protocol need any new UI or signup functionality? Unusual, but not impossible. Add that if necessary.
1. Add the new protocol's logo to `static/`, use it in [`templates/user.html`](
1. Protocol logos may be emoji or image files. If this one is a file, add it `static/`. Then add the emoji or file `<img>` tag in the `Protocol` subclass's `LOGO_HTML` constant.

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@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ class ActivityPub(User, Protocol):
Key id is AP/AS2 actor id URL. (*Not* fediverse/WebFinger @-@ handle!)
ABBREV = 'ap'
LOGO_HTML = '<img src="/static/fediverse_logo.svg">'
def _pre_put_hook(self):
"""Validate id, require URL, don't allow Bridgy Fed domains.

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@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ class ATProto(User, Protocol):
ABBREV = 'atproto'
LOGO_HTML = '<img src="/static/atproto_logo.png">'
def _pre_put_hook(self):
"""Validate id, require did:plc or non-blocklisted did:web.

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@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ def pretty_link(url, text=None, **kwargs):
kwargs: passed through to :func:`oauth_dropins.webutil.util.pretty_link`
if g.user and g.user.is_web_url(url):
return g.user.user_page_link()
return g.user.user_link()
if text is None:
match = re.match(r'https?://([^/]+)/(@|users/)([^/]+)$', url)

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@ -465,11 +465,17 @@ class User(StringIdModel, metaclass=ProtocolUserMeta):
return path
def user_page_link(self):
"""Returns a pretty user page link with the user's name and profile picture."""
def user_link(self):
"""Returns a pretty link to the external user with name and profile picture."""
actor = self.obj.as1 if self.obj and self.obj.as1 else {}
img = util.get_url(actor, 'image') or ''
return f'<a class="h-card u-author" href="{self.user_page_path()}"><img src="{img}" class="profile"> {}</a>'
return f"""\
<a class="h-card u-author" href="{self.web_url()}">
<img src="{img}" class="profile">
<span class="logo">{self.LOGO_HTML}</span>
class Object(StringIdModel):
@ -835,7 +841,7 @@ class Object(StringIdModel):
if (self.source_protocol in ('web', 'webmention', 'ui') and g.user
and (g.user.key in self.users or in
# outbound; show a nice link to the user
return g.user.user_page_link()
return g.user.user_link()
actor = {}
if self.as1:

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@ -59,9 +59,11 @@ class Protocol:
LABEL (str): human-readable lower case name
OTHER_LABELS (list of str): label aliases
ABBREV (str): lower case abbreviation, used in URL paths
LOGO_HTML (str): logo emoji or ``<img>`` tag
def __init__(self):
assert False

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<div class="row">
<div class="big" style="display: inline">
{{ g.user.user_page_link()|safe }}
{{ g.user.user_link()|safe }}
<span title="Fediverse address">

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@ -31,9 +31,12 @@ class CommonTest(TestCase):
# current user's homepage gets converted to BF user page
g.user = Web(id='')
'<a class="h-card u-author" href="/web/"><img src="" class="profile"></a>',
<a class="h-card u-author" href="">
<img src="" class="profile">
<span class="logo">🕸</span>
</a>""", common.pretty_link(''))
def test_redirect_wrap_empty(self):

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@ -135,10 +135,21 @@ class UserTest(TestCase):
self.assertEqual('/web/y.z/followers', g.user.user_page_path('followers'))
self.assertEqual('/fa/foo', self.make_user('foo', cls=Fake).user_page_path())
def test_user_page_link(self):
self.assertEqual('<a class="h-card u-author" href="/web/y.z"><img src="" class="profile"> y.z</a>', g.user.user_page_link())
def test_user_link(self):
<a class="h-card u-author" href="https://y.z/">
<img src="" class="profile">
<span class="logo">🕸</span>
</a>""", g.user.user_link())
g.user.obj = Object(id='a', as2=ACTOR)
self.assertEqual('<a class="h-card u-author" href="/web/y.z"><img src="" class="profile"> Mrs. ☕ Foo</a>', g.user.user_page_link())
<a class="h-card u-author" href="https://y.z/">
<img src="" class="profile">
<span class="logo">🕸</span>
Mrs. Foo
</a>""", g.user.user_link())
def test_is_web_url(self):
for url in 'y.z', '//y.z', 'http://y.z', 'https://y.z':
@ -398,11 +409,12 @@ class ObjectTest(TestCase):
self.assert_multiline_in(expected, obj.actor_link())
def test_actor_link_user(self):
g.user = Fake(id='', obj=Object(id='a', as2={"name": "Alice"}))
g.user = Fake(id='fake:user', obj=Object(id='a', as2={"name": "Alice"}))
obj = Object(id='x', source_protocol='ui', users=[g.user.key])
'href="/fa/"><img src="" class="profile"> Alice</a>',
got = obj.actor_link()
self.assertIn('href="fake:user">', got)
self.assertIn('Alice', got)
def test_put_updates_load_cache(self):
obj = Object(id='x', as2={})

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@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ class Web(User, Protocol):
ABBREV = 'web'
OTHER_LABELS = ('webmention',)
LOGO_HTML = '🕸️'
has_redirects = ndb.BooleanProperty()
redirects_error = ndb.TextProperty()