
32 wiersze
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2023-04-18 03:58:14 +00:00
# Preprocesses docs and runs Sphinx (apidoc and build) to build the HTML docs.
# Requires:
# brew install pandoc
# pip install sphinx (in virtualenv)
set -e
absfile=`readlink -f $0`
cd `dirname $absfile`
# sphinx-apidoc -f -o source ../ ../tests
rm -f index.rst
cat > index.rst <<EOF
Bridgy Fed developer documentation
tail -n +4 ../ \
| pandoc --from=markdown --to=rst \
| sed -E 's/```/`/; s/`` </ </' \
>> index.rst
source ../local/bin/activate
# Run sphinx in the virtualenv's python interpreter so it can import packages
# installed in the virtualenv.
python3 `which sphinx-build` -b html . _build/html