const tap = require('tap') const badgen = require('../lib/index.js') const icons = require('./icon-data-uri.js') tap.test('generate badge with { subject, status }', t => { const svg = badgen({ subject: 'npm', status: 'v1.0.0' }) t.ok(typeof svg === 'string', 'successfully generated') t.matchSnapshot(svg, 'snapshot') t.end() }) tap.test('generate badge with { subject, status, color }', t => { const svg = badgen({ subject: 'npm', status: 'v1.0.0', color: 'ADF' }) t.ok(typeof svg === 'string', 'successfully generated') t.matchSnapshot(svg, 'snapshot') t.end() }) tap.test('generate badge with { subject, status, style }', t => { const svg = badgen({ subject: 'npm', status: 'v1.0.0', style: 'flat' }) t.ok(typeof svg === 'string', 'successfully generated') t.matchSnapshot(svg, 'snapshot') t.end() }) tap.test('generate badge with { subject, status, color, style }', t => { const svg = badgen({ subject: 'npm', status: 'v1.0.0', color: 'ADF', style: 'flat' }) t.ok(typeof svg === 'string', 'successfully generated') t.matchSnapshot(svg, 'snapshot') t.end() }) tap.test('generate badge with { subject, status, icon }', t => { const svg = badgen({ subject: 'docker', status: 'icon', icon: }) t.matchSnapshot(svg, 'snapshot') t.end() }) tap.test('generate badge with { status, icon }', t => { const svg = badgen({ subject: '', status: 'icon', icon: }) t.matchSnapshot(svg, 'snapshot') t.end() }) tap.test('generate badge with { status, icon, iconWidth }', t => { const svg = badgen({ subject: '', status: 'icon', icon: icons.lgtm, iconWidth: 19 }) t.matchSnapshot(svg, 'snapshot') t.end() }) tap.test('generate badge with { subject, status, icon, style }', t => { const svg = badgen({ subject: 'docker', status: 'icon', style: 'flat', icon: icons.lgtm }) t.matchSnapshot(svg, 'snapshot') t.end() }) tap.test('type checking', t => { t.throws(() => badgen({ status: '' }), TypeError, 'throw if subject is non-string') t.throws(() => badgen({ subject: '' }), TypeError, 'throw if status is non-string') t.end() })