import got from '../libs/got' import { scale } from '../libs/utils' import { createBadgenHandler, PathArgs } from '../libs/create-badgen-handler' const help = `## Usage - \`/uptime-robot/status/:api-key\` _status_ - \`/uptime-robot/day/:api-key\` _(24 hours) uptime_ - \`/uptime-robot/week/:api-key\` _(past week) uptime_ - \`/uptime-robot/month/:api-key\` _(past month) uptime_ - \`/uptime-robot/response/:api-key\` _(last hours) response_ ## Creating the API key To use an \`/uptime-robot\` badge, you have to create or find an API key specific to your monitor. From your UptimeRobot dashboard, go to [My Settings]( > API Settings > Monitor-Specific API Keys.` export default createBadgenHandler({ help, title: 'Uptime Robot', examples: { '/uptime-robot/status/m780862024-50db2c44c703e5c68d6b1ebb': 'status', '/uptime-robot/day/m780862024-50db2c44c703e5c68d6b1ebb': '(24 hours) uptime', '/uptime-robot/week/m780862024-50db2c44c703e5c68d6b1ebb': '(past week) uptime', '/uptime-robot/month/m780862024-50db2c44c703e5c68d6b1ebb': '(past month) uptime', '/uptime-robot/response/m780862024-50db2c44c703e5c68d6b1ebb': '(last hour) response', }, handlers: { '/uptime-robot/:topic/:apikey': handler } }) /** * DOCS * * * USAGE * /uptime-robot/:topic/:api_key * :api_key are generated from uptimerobot settings page */ async function handler ({ topic, apikey }: PathArgs) { const endpoint = `` const { monitors } = await, { json: { api_key: apikey, custom_uptime_ratios: '1-7-30', response_times: 1, response_times_limit: 12 } }).json() /* eslint-disable camelcase */ const { status, custom_uptime_ratio, average_response_time } = monitors[0] switch (topic) { case 'status': const _stat = statuses[status] return { subject: 'status', status: _stat ? _stat[0] : 'unknown', color: _stat ? _stat[1] : 'grey' } case 'day': return uptime('past-day', custom_uptime_ratio) case 'week': return uptime('past-week', custom_uptime_ratio) case 'month': return uptime('past-month', custom_uptime_ratio) case 'response': return { subject: 'response', status: average_response_time + 'ms', color: 'blue' } } } const statuses = { 0: ['paused', 'yellow'], 1: ['not checked yet', 'grey'], 2: ['up', 'green'], 8: ['seems down', 'orange'], 9: ['down', 'red'] } const uptime = (period, ratios) => { const [day, week, month] = ratios.split('-').map(r => parseFloat(r)) switch (period) { case 'past-day': return { subject: 'uptime /24h', status: day + '%', color: ratioColor(day) } case 'past-week': return { subject: 'uptime /week', status: week + '%', color: ratioColor(week) } case 'past-month': return { subject: 'uptime /month', status: month + '%', color: ratioColor(month) } } } const ratioColor = scale( [94, 97, 99, 99.9], ['red', 'orange', 'EA2', '9C1', 'green'] )