const assert = require('assert') const tap = require('tap') const request = require('supertest') const micro = require('micro') const badgen = require('../service.js') const liveFns = require('../libs/live-fns/_index.js') // process.env.TARGET should be the service url // - "" // - "http://localhost:3000" const service = process.env.TARGET || micro(badgen) const isSvg = str => str.trim().startsWith(' { tap.test(badgePath, t => { return request(service) .get(badgePath) .expect(200) .expect('Content-Type', /svg\+xml/) .then(res => assert(isSvg(res.body.toString()))) }) }) const keywords = ['badge', 'v', 'nls', 'license', 'red'] const chaosTests = new Array(10).fill().map(undef => { const keys = keywords.concat(Object.keys(liveFns)) const len = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 5) const args = new Array(len).fill().map(undef => { return keys[Math.floor(Math.random() * keys.length)] }) return `/${args.join('/')}` }) chaosTests.forEach(badgePath => { tap.test(badgePath, t => { return request(service) .get(badgePath) .expect('Content-Type', /svg\+xml/) .then(res => assert(isSvg(res.body.toString()))) }) })