Migrate runkit endpoint to v2

Amio 2019-06-01 21:17:31 +08:00
rodzic e2414a7a38
commit fa35ebc5b2
3 zmienionych plików z 91 dodań i 1 usunięć

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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
import got from '../libs/got'
import {
BadgenServeMeta as Meta,
BadgenServeHandlers as Handlers,
BadgenServeHandlerArgs as Args
} from '../libs/badgen-serve'
const help = `## URL
endpoint-id path-args (optional)
## RunKit Endpoint
If you are not familiar with RunKit endpoint, [this guide](https://runkit.com/docs/endpoint) would help.
## Use Badgen with RunKit Endpoint
1. Create a RunKit notebook (e.g. https://runkit.com/amio/cal-badge), which gives you an endpoint:
it would response with a JSON like:
"subject": "2019",
"status": "6-1",
"color": "blue"
2. Click <kbd>endpoint</kbd> on notebook page for the endpoint address, then you have \`endpoint-id\` from it's subdomain:
3. Use the \`endpoint-id\` for badgen url:
That's it:
Further more, you can append arbitrary path args (e.g. \`/Asia/Shanghai\`) to the end of url, Badgen will request runkit endpoint with that. This badge:
represents badge data from:
export const meta: Meta = {
title: 'RunKit',
examples: {
'/runkit/satisfaction-flq08o9mm3ka/102909/topic': 'satisfaction (topic)',
'/runkit/satisfaction-flq08o9mm3ka/102909/people': 'satisfaction (people)',
'/runkit/satisfaction-flq08o9mm3ka/102909/employee': 'satisfaction (employ)',
export const handlers: Handlers = {
'/runkit/:endpoint-id': handler,
'/runkit/:endpoint-id/:path+': handler
async function handler ({ 'endpoint-id': id, path }: Args) {
const endpoint = `https://${id}.runkit.sh/${path || ''}`
return await got(endpoint).then(res => res.body)
export default badgenServe(handlers)

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@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ export const liveBadgeList = [
export async function loadBadgeMeta () {

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ type BadgenHelpParams = {
function genMarkdown ({ id, help, examples, routes }: BadgenHelpParams) {
const Docs = help ? help : `# /${id}`
const Docs = `# /${id}\n\n${help || ''}`
const schemeLinks = routes.map(r => `- \`${r}\``)
const Schemes = `## Schemes\n\n${schemeLinks.join(' \n')}`