Migrate https endpoint to v2

Amio 2019-06-02 11:47:11 +08:00
rodzic 0cf8688645
commit d08eb01a44
2 zmienionych plików z 74 dodań i 1 usunięć

endpoints/https.ts 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
import got from '../libs/got'
import {
BadgenServeMeta as Meta,
BadgenServeHandlers as Handlers,
BadgenServeHandlerArgs as Args
} from '../libs/badgen-serve'
const help = `
## Use Badgen with HTTPS Endpoint
1. Create a https endpoint with [RunKit][runkit-href] / [Now][now-href]
or any platform, which returns a JSON in this format:
subject: 'hello',
status: 'world',
color: 'blue'
2. Assume the endpoint can be reached as:
then then the corresponding badge url on Badgen is:
Take this endpoint & badgen url for example:
- https://cal-badge-icd0onfvrxx6.runkit.sh
- https://badgen.net/https/cal-badge-icd0onfvrxx6.runkit.sh
Furthermore, you may append path args to it:
- https://cal-badge-icd0onfvrxx6.runkit.sh/Asia/Shanghai
- https://badgen.net/https/cal-badge-icd0onfvrxx6.runkit.sh/Asia/Shanghai
[runkit-href]: https://runkit.com/home#endpoint
[now-href]: https://zeit.co/now
li a { font-family: monospace; font-size: 0.9em }
export const meta: Meta = {
title: 'With https endpoint',
examples: {
'/https/cal-badge-icd0onfvrxx6.runkit.sh': 'https endpoint',
'/https/cal-badge-icd0onfvrxx6.runkit.sh/Asia/Shanghai': 'https endpoint (with path args)',
export const handlers: Handlers = {
'/https/:hostname': handler,
'/https/:hostname/:path+': handler
async function handler ({ hostname, path }: Args) {
const endpoint = `https://${hostname}/${path || ''}`
return await got(endpoint).then(res => res.body)
export default badgenServe(handlers)

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@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ export const liveBadgeList = [
export async function loadBadgeMeta () {