chore: update readme about adding badge, resolved #665 (#670)

Amio Jin 2024-07-09 11:37:54 +08:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic 50577c9792
commit 408c8871bd
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ID klucza GPG: B5690EEEBB952194
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@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ At the time of's reveal, it had only four live badges as demonstra
If a service you wish to have is still missing here, we welcome new contributions. Basically, you need to add a file in `api/[name-of-service].ts` and that's it. Take [/crates]( as an example:
- [api/crates.ts](api/crates.ts) - main function for [crates]( badges
- [libs/badge-list.ts](libs/badge-list.ts) - contains index of all live badges
- [pages/api/crates.ts](pages/api/crates.ts) - main function for [crates]( badges
- [libs/badge-list2.ts](libs/badge-list2.ts) - contains index of all live badges
To ensure that your addition is working correctly, start the development server with `npm run dev`.