2019-06-21 13:45:26 +00:00
import got from '../libs/got'
import {
badgenServe ,
BadgenServeMeta as Meta ,
BadgenServeHandlers as Handlers ,
BadgenServeHandlerArgs as Args
} from '../libs/badgen-serve'
2019-06-21 18:40:58 +00:00
const help = `
# # Private repositories
In order to use the dependabot badge with a private GitHub repository you will need to get its id . You can use the [ GitHub API ] ( https : //developer.github.com/v3/) and [curl](https://curl.haxx.se/docs/manual.html) to do this like so:
< pre >
curl - u "<b>$your_username</b>" https : //api.github.com/repos/<b>$repo_owner</b>/<b>$repo_name</b>
< / pre >
* _ \ ` $ your_username \` is well your GitHub username for authentication._
* _ \ ` $ repo_owner \` is the owner of the repo e.g. badgen._
* _ \ ` $ repo_name \` is the name of the repo e.g. badgen-icons._
You will need to have read permissions for the repo for this to work , and once entering the command you will be prompted to provide a password for your GitHub account . If you use 2 factor authentication use one of the following 2 methods :
* Pass a 2 factor authentication code
< pre >
curl - u "$your_username" < b > -- header 'x-github-otp: $2fa_code' < / b > https : //api.github.com/repos/$repo_owner/$repo_name
< / pre >
* _ \ ` $ 2fa_code \` is the 2 factor authentication code from your phone._
* Pass a personal access token
< pre >
curl < b > -- header 'Authorization: token $pat_token' < / b > https : //api.github.com/repos/$repo_owner/$repo_name
< / pre >
* _ \ ` $ pat_token \` is a personal authentication token (see [this article](https://help.github.com/en/articles/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line))._
Running one of the above curl commands should output a large JSON object of all the repository details , all we want is the "id" field , it should be the first item and be a 9 digit number .
Once you have found the id for your repo , you can use it with the badgen dependabot endpoint like so :
< pre >
https : //badgen.net/dependabot/badgen/example-private-repo/<b>123456789</b>?icon=dependabot
< / pre >
2019-06-21 13:45:26 +00:00
export const meta : Meta = {
title : 'Dependabot' ,
examples : {
2019-06-21 18:40:58 +00:00
'/dependabot/dependabot/dependabot-core/?icon=dependabot' : 'status'
} ,
2019-06-21 13:45:26 +00:00
export const handlers : Handlers = {
2019-06-21 15:01:59 +00:00
'/dependabot/:owner/:repo/:identifier?' : handler
2019-06-21 13:45:26 +00:00
export default badgenServe ( handlers )
2019-06-21 15:01:59 +00:00
async function handler ( { owner , repo , identifier } : Args ) {
2019-06-21 13:45:26 +00:00
// https://github.com/dependabot/feedback/issues/6#issuecomment-503994253
2019-06-21 15:01:59 +00:00
let endpoint = ` https://api.dependabot.com/badges/status?host=github&repo= ${ owner } / ${ repo } `
2019-08-30 03:22:22 +00:00
if ( identifier ) {
2019-06-21 13:45:26 +00:00
endpoint += ` &identifier= ${ identifier } `
2019-08-30 03:22:22 +00:00
const { status , colour } = await got ( endpoint ) . then ( res = > res . body )
2019-06-21 13:45:26 +00:00
return {
subject : 'Dependabot' ,
status ,
color : colour