/* Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries. You may use this software * and any derivatives exclusively with Microchip products. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS SUPPLIED BY MICROCHIP "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ITS INTERACTION WITH MICROCHIP PRODUCTS, COMBINATION * WITH ANY OTHER PRODUCTS, OR USE IN ANY APPLICATION. * * IN NO EVENT WILL MICROCHIP BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, * INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS, DAMAGE, COST OR EXPENSE OF ANY KIND * WHATSOEVER RELATED TO THE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED, EVEN IF MICROCHIP HAS * BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OR THE DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE. TO THE * FULLEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, MICROCHIP'S TOTAL LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS * IN ANY WAY RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE WILL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF FEES, IF * ANY, THAT YOU HAVE PAID DIRECTLY TO MICROCHIP FOR THIS SOFTWARE. * * MICROCHIP PROVIDES THIS SOFTWARE CONDITIONALLY UPON YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THESE * TERMS. */ /* * File: * Author: * Comments: * Revision history: */ // This is a guard condition so that contents of this file are not included // more than once. #ifndef APPLICATION_H #define APPLICATION_H #include // include processor files - each processor file is guarded. /** * ********************************************************** * Macros functions * ********************************************************** **/ #define LED_OFF() Led_SetHigh(); #define LED_ON() Led_SetLow(); /** * ********************************************************** * Macros definitions * ********************************************************** **/ #define SET 5 #define CLEAR 0 #define RTC_COUNT 10 /** * ********************************************************** * Function declarations * ********************************************************** **/ void SwitchPress_InterruptHandler(void); void RTC_Compare_InterruptHandler(void); void External_Crystal_init(void); #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ // TODO If C++ is being used, regular C code needs function names to have C // linkage so the functions can be used by the c code. #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* XC_HEADER_TEMPLATE_H */