
87 wiersze
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from __future__ import annotations
from abc import abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import IO, Optional
import os
from ..utils.misc import random_str
from ..core import Media, Step, ArchivingContext, Metadata
from ..enrichers import HashEnricher
from loguru import logger
from slugify import slugify
class Storage(Step):
name = "storage"
PATH_GENERATOR_OPTIONS = ["flat", "url", "random"]
FILENAME_GENERATOR_CHOICES = ["random", "static"]
def __init__(self, config: dict) -> None:
# without this STEP.__init__ is not called
assert self.path_generator in Storage.PATH_GENERATOR_OPTIONS, f"path_generator must be one of {Storage.PATH_GENERATOR_OPTIONS}"
assert self.filename_generator in Storage.FILENAME_GENERATOR_CHOICES, f"filename_generator must be one of {Storage.FILENAME_GENERATOR_CHOICES}"
def configs() -> dict:
return {
"path_generator": {
"default": "url",
"help": "how to store the file in terms of directory structure: 'flat' sets to root; 'url' creates a directory based on the provided URL; 'random' creates a random directory.",
"filename_generator": {
"default": "random",
"help": "how to name stored files: 'random' creates a random string; 'static' uses a replicable strategy such as a hash.",
def init(name: str, config: dict) -> Storage:
# only for typing...
return Step.init(name, config, Storage)
def store(self, media: Media, url: str, metadata: Optional[Metadata]=None) -> None:
if media.is_stored():
logger.debug(f"{media.key} already stored, skipping")
self.set_key(media, url)
self.upload(media, metadata=metadata)
def get_cdn_url(self, media: Media) -> str: pass
def uploadf(self, file: IO[bytes], key: str, **kwargs: dict) -> bool: pass
def upload(self, media: Media, **kwargs) -> bool:
logger.debug(f'[{}] storing file {media.filename} with key {media.key}')
with open(media.filename, 'rb') as f:
return self.uploadf(f, media, **kwargs)
def set_key(self, media: Media, url) -> None:
"""takes the media and optionally item info and generates a key"""
if media.key is not None and len(media.key) > 0: return
folder = ArchivingContext.get("folder", "")
filename, ext = os.path.splitext(media.filename)
# path_generator logic
if self.path_generator == "flat":
path = ""
filename = slugify(filename) # in case it comes with os.sep
elif self.path_generator == "url": path = slugify(url)
elif self.path_generator == "random":
path = ArchivingContext.get("random_path", random_str(24), True)
# filename_generator logic
if self.filename_generator == "random": filename = random_str(24)
elif self.filename_generator == "static":
he = HashEnricher({"hash_enricher": {"algorithm": ArchivingContext.get("hash_enricher.algorithm"), "chunksize": 1.6e7}})
hd = he.calculate_hash(media.filename)
filename = hd[:24]
media.key = os.path.join(folder, path, f"{filename}{ext}")