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import traceback
import requests, time
from loguru import logger
from . import Enricher
from ..core import Metadata, Media, ArchivingContext
from ..storages import S3Storage
class WhisperEnricher(Enricher):
Connects with a Whisper API service to get texts out of audio
whisper API repository:
Only works if an S3 compatible storage is used
name = "whisper_enricher"
def __init__(self, config: dict) -> None:
# without this STEP.__init__ is not called
assert type(self.api_endpoint) == str and len(self.api_endpoint) > 0, "please provide a value for the whisper_enricher api_endpoint"
assert type(self.api_key) == str and len(self.api_key) > 0, "please provide a value for the whisper_enricher api_key"
self.timeout = int(self.timeout)
def configs() -> dict:
return {
"api_endpoint": {"default": None, "help": "WhisperApi api endpoint, eg:, a deployment of"},
"api_key": {"default": None, "help": "WhisperApi api key for authentication"},
"include_srt": {"default": False, "help": "Whether to include a subtitle SRT (SubRip Subtitle file) for the video (can be used in video players)."},
"timeout": {"default": 90, "help": "How many seconds to wait at most for a successful job completion."},
"action": {"default": "translate", "help": "which Whisper operation to execute", "choices": ["transcribe", "translate", "language_detection"]},
def enrich(self, to_enrich: Metadata) -> None:
if not self._get_s3_storage():
logger.error("WhisperEnricher: To use the WhisperEnricher you need to use S3Storage so files are accessible publicly to the whisper service being called.")
url = to_enrich.get_url()
logger.debug(f"WHISPER[{self.action}]: iterating media items for {url=}.")
job_results = {}
for i, m in enumerate(
if m.is_video() or m.is_audio():, metadata=to_enrich)
job_id = self.submit_job(m)
job_results[job_id] = False
logger.debug(f"JOB SUBMITTED: {job_id=} for {m.key=}")[i].set("whisper_model", {"job_id": job_id})
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Failed to submit whisper job for {m.filename=} with error {e}\n{traceback.format_exc()}")
job_results = self.check_jobs(job_results)
for i, m in enumerate(
if m.is_video() or m.is_audio():
job_id =[i].get("whisper_model", {}).get("job_id")
if not job_id: continue[i].set("whisper_model", {
"job_id": job_id,
"job_status_check": f"{self.api_endpoint}/jobs/{job_id}",
"job_artifacts_check": f"{self.api_endpoint}/jobs/{job_id}/artifacts",
**(job_results[job_id] if job_results[job_id] else {"result": "incomplete or failed job"})
# append the extracted text to the content of the post so it gets written to the DBs like gsheets text column
if job_results[job_id]:
for k,v in job_results[job_id].items():
if "_text" in k and len(v):
to_enrich.set_content(f"\n[automatic video transcript]: {v}")
def submit_job(self, media: Media):
s3 = self._get_s3_storage()
s3_url = s3.get_cdn_url(media)
assert s3_url in media.urls, f"Could not find S3 url ({s3_url}) in list of stored media urls "
payload = {
"url": s3_url,
"type": self.action,
# "language": "string" # may be a config
logger.debug(f"calling API with {payload=}")
response ='{self.api_endpoint}/jobs', json=payload, headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {self.api_key}'})
assert response.status_code == 201, f"calling the whisper api {self.api_endpoint} returned a non-success code: {response.status_code}"
return response.json()['id']
def check_jobs(self, job_results: dict):
start_time = time.time()
all_completed = False
while not all_completed and (time.time() - start_time) <= self.timeout:
all_completed = True
for job_id in job_results:
if job_results[job_id] != False: continue
all_completed = False # at least one not ready
try: job_results[job_id] = self.check_job(job_id)
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Failed to check {job_id=} with error {e}\n{traceback.format_exc()}")
if not all_completed: time.sleep(3)
return job_results
def check_job(self, job_id):
r = requests.get(f'{self.api_endpoint}/jobs/{job_id}', headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {self.api_key}'})
assert r.status_code == 200, f"Job status did not respond with 200, instead with: {r.status_code}"
j = r.json()
logger.debug(f"Checked job {job_id=} with status='{j['status']}'")
if j['status'] == "processing": return False
elif j['status'] == "error": return f"Error: {j['meta']['error']}"
elif j['status'] == "success":
r_res = requests.get(f'{self.api_endpoint}/jobs/{job_id}/artifacts', headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {self.api_key}'})
assert r_res.status_code == 200, f"Job artifacts did not respond with 200, instead with: {r_res.status_code}"
result = {}
for art_id, artifact in enumerate(r_res.json()):
subtitle = []
full_text = []
for i, d in enumerate(artifact.get("data")):
subtitle.append(f"{i+1}\n{d.get('start')} --> {d.get('end')}\n{d.get('text').strip()}")
if not len(subtitle): continue
if self.include_srt: result[f"artifact_{art_id}_subtitle"] = "\n".join(subtitle)
result[f"artifact_{art_id}_text"] = "\n".join(full_text)
# call /delete endpoint on timely success
r_del = requests.delete(f'{self.api_endpoint}/jobs/{job_id}', headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {self.api_key}'})
logger.debug(f"DELETE whisper {job_id=} result: {r_del.status_code}")
return result
return False
def _get_s3_storage(self) -> S3Storage:
return next(s for s in ArchivingContext.get("storages") if s.__class__ == S3Storage)
logger.warning("No S3Storage instance found in storages")