
172 wiersze
7.1 KiB

import os, datetime, traceback, random, tempfile
from loguru import logger
from slugify import slugify
from urllib.parse import quote
from archivers import TelethonArchiver, TelegramArchiver, TiktokArchiver, YoutubeDLArchiver, TwitterArchiver, TwitterApiArchiver, VkArchiver, WaybackArchiver, InstagramArchiver, ArchiveResult, Archiver
from utils import GWorksheet, expand_url
from configs import Config
from storages import Storage
def update_sheet(gw, row, url, result: ArchiveResult):
cell_updates = []
row_values = gw.get_row(row)
def batch_if_valid(col, val, final_value=None):
final_value = final_value or val
if val and gw.col_exists(col) and gw.get_cell(row_values, col) == '':
cell_updates.append((row, col, final_value))
cell_updates.append((row, 'status', result.status))
batch_if_valid('archive', result.cdn_url)
batch_if_valid('date', True, datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).isoformat())
batch_if_valid('thumbnail', result.thumbnail, f'=IMAGE("{result.thumbnail}")')
batch_if_valid('thumbnail_index', result.thumbnail_index)
batch_if_valid('title', result.title)
batch_if_valid('duration', result.duration, str(result.duration))
batch_if_valid('screenshot', result.screenshot)
batch_if_valid('hash', result.hash)
if result.wacz is not None:
batch_if_valid('wacz', result.wacz)
batch_if_valid('replaywebpage', f'{quote(result.wacz)}#view=pages&url={quote(url)}')
if result.timestamp is not None:
if type(result.timestamp) == int:
timestamp_string = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(result.timestamp).replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).isoformat()
elif type(result.timestamp) == str:
timestamp_string = result.timestamp
timestamp_string = result.timestamp.isoformat()
batch_if_valid('timestamp', timestamp_string)
def missing_required_columns(gw: GWorksheet):
missing = False
for required_col in ['url', 'status']:
if not gw.col_exists(required_col):
logger.warning(f'Required column for {required_col}: "{gw.columns[required_col]}" not found, skipping worksheet {gw.wks.title}')
missing = True
return missing
def should_process_sheet(c, sheet_name):
if len(c.worksheet_allow) and sheet_name not in c.worksheet_allow:
# ALLOW rules exist AND sheet name not explicitly allowed
return False
if len(c.worksheet_block) and sheet_name in c.worksheet_block:
# BLOCK rules exist AND sheet name is blocked
return False
return True
def process_sheet(c: Config):
sh =
# loop through worksheets to check
for ii, wks in enumerate(sh.worksheets()):
if not should_process_sheet(c, wks.title):'Ignoring worksheet "{wks.title}" due to allow/block configurations')
continue'Opening worksheet {ii=}: {wks.title=} {c.header=}')
gw = GWorksheet(wks, header_row=c.header, columns=c.column_names)
if missing_required_columns(gw): continue
# archives will default to being in a folder 'doc_name/worksheet_name'
default_folder = os.path.join(slugify(c.sheet), slugify(wks.title))
storage = c.get_storage()
# loop through rows in worksheet
for row in range(1 + c.header, gw.count_rows() + 1):
url = gw.get_cell(row, 'url')
original_status = gw.get_cell(row, 'status')
status = gw.get_cell(row, 'status', fresh=original_status in ['', None] and url != '')
is_retry = False
if url == '' or status not in ['', None]:
is_retry = Archiver.should_retry_from_status(status)
if not is_retry: continue
# All checks done - archival process starts here
gw.set_cell(row, 'status', 'Archive in progress')
url = expand_url(url)
c.set_folder(gw.get_cell_or_default(row, 'folder', default_folder, when_empty_use_default=True))
# make a new driver so each spreadsheet row is idempotent
# order matters, first to succeed excludes remaining
active_archivers = [
TelethonArchiver(storage, c),
TiktokArchiver(storage, c),
TwitterApiArchiver(storage, c),
InstagramArchiver(storage, c),
YoutubeDLArchiver(storage, c),
TelegramArchiver(storage, c),
TwitterArchiver(storage, c),
VkArchiver(storage, c),
WaybackArchiver(storage, c)
for archiver in active_archivers:
logger.debug(f'Trying {archiver} on {row=}')
result =, check_if_exists=c.check_if_exists)
except KeyboardInterrupt as e: raise e # so the higher level catch can catch it
except Exception as e:
result = False
logger.error(f'Got unexpected error in row {row} with {} for {url=}: {e}\n{traceback.format_exc()}')
if result:
success = result.status in ['success', 'already archived']
result.status = f"{}: {result.status}"
if success:
logger.success(f'{} succeeded on {row=}, {url=}')
# only 1 retry possible for now
if is_retry and Archiver.is_retry(result.status):
result.status = Archiver.remove_retry(result.status)
logger.warning(f'{} did not succeed on {row=}, final status: {result.status}')
if result:
update_sheet(gw, row, url, result)
gw.set_cell(row, 'status', 'failed: no archiver')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# catches keyboard interruptions to do a clean exit
logger.warning(f"caught interrupt on {row=}, {url=}")
gw.set_cell(row, 'status', '')
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f'Got unexpected error in row {row} for {url=}: {e}\n{traceback.format_exc()}')
gw.set_cell(row, 'status', 'failed: unexpected error (see logs)')
logger.success(f'Finished worksheet {wks.title}')
def main():
c = Config()
c.parse()'Opening document {c.sheet} for header {c.header}')
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir="./") as tmpdir:
Storage.TMP_FOLDER = tmpdir
if __name__ == '__main__':