
238 wiersze
11 KiB

import jsonlines
import mimetypes
import os, shutil, subprocess
from zipfile import ZipFile
from loguru import logger
from warcio.archiveiterator import ArchiveIterator
from ..core import Media, Metadata, ArchivingContext
from . import Enricher
from ..archivers import Archiver
from ..utils import UrlUtil, random_str
class WaczArchiverEnricher(Enricher, Archiver):
Uses to generate a .WACZ archive of the URL
If used with [profiles](
it can become quite powerful for archiving private content.
When used as an archiver it will extract the media from the .WACZ archive so it can be enriched.
name = "wacz_archiver_enricher"
def __init__(self, config: dict) -> None:
# without this STEP.__init__ is not called
def configs() -> dict:
return {
"profile": {"default": None, "help": "browsertrix-profile (for profile generation see"},
"docker_commands": {"default": None, "help":"if a custom docker invocation is needed"},
"timeout": {"default": 120, "help": "timeout for WACZ generation in seconds"},
"extract_media": {"default": False, "help": "If enabled all the images/videos/audio present in the WACZ archive will be extracted into separate Media and appear in the html report. The .wacz file will be kept untouched."},
"extract_screenshot": {"default": True, "help": "If enabled the screenshot captured by browsertrix will be extracted into separate Media and appear in the html report. The .wacz file will be kept untouched."},
"socks_proxy_host": {"default": None, "help": "SOCKS proxy host for browsertrix-crawler, use in combination with socks_proxy_port. eg: user:password@host"},
"socks_proxy_port": {"default": None, "help": "SOCKS proxy port for browsertrix-crawler, use in combination with socks_proxy_host. eg 1234"},
def setup(self) -> None:
self.use_docker = os.environ.get('WACZ_ENABLE_DOCKER') or not os.environ.get('RUNNING_IN_DOCKER')
self.docker_in_docker = os.environ.get('WACZ_ENABLE_DOCKER') and os.environ.get('RUNNING_IN_DOCKER')
self.cwd_dind = f"/crawls/crawls{random_str(8)}"
self.browsertrix_home_host = os.environ.get('BROWSERTRIX_HOME_HOST')
self.browsertrix_home_container = os.environ.get('BROWSERTRIX_HOME_CONTAINER') or self.browsertrix_home_host
# create crawls folder if not exists, so it can be safely removed in cleanup
if self.docker_in_docker:
os.makedirs(self.cwd_dind, exist_ok=True)
def cleanup(self) -> None:
if self.docker_in_docker:
logger.debug(f"Removing {self.cwd_dind=}")
shutil.rmtree(self.cwd_dind, ignore_errors=True)
def download(self, item: Metadata) -> Metadata:
# this new Metadata object is required to avoid duplication
result = Metadata()
if self.enrich(result):
return result.success("wacz")
def enrich(self, to_enrich: Metadata) -> bool:
if to_enrich.get_media_by_id("browsertrix"):"WACZ enricher had already been executed: {to_enrich.get_media_by_id('browsertrix')}")
return True
url = to_enrich.get_url()
collection = random_str(8)
browsertrix_home_host = self.browsertrix_home_host or os.path.abspath(ArchivingContext.get_tmp_dir())
browsertrix_home_container = self.browsertrix_home_container or browsertrix_home_host
cmd = [
"--url", url,
"--scopeType", "page",
"--text", "to-pages",
"--screenshot", "fullPage",
"--collection", collection,
"--id", collection,
"--saveState", "never",
"--behaviors", "autoscroll,autoplay,autofetch,siteSpecific",
"--behaviorTimeout", str(self.timeout),
"--timeout", str(self.timeout),
"--blockAds" # TODO: test
if self.docker_in_docker:
cmd.extend(["--cwd", self.cwd_dind])
# call docker if explicitly enabled or we are running on the host (not in docker)
if self.use_docker:
logger.debug(f"generating WACZ in Docker for {url=}")
logger.debug(f"{browsertrix_home_host=} {browsertrix_home_container=}")
if self.docker_commands:
cmd = self.docker_commands + cmd
cmd = ["docker", "run", "--rm", "-v", f"{browsertrix_home_host}:/crawls/", "webrecorder/browsertrix-crawler"] + cmd
if self.profile:
profile_fn = os.path.join(browsertrix_home_container, "profile.tar.gz")
logger.debug(f"copying {self.profile} to {profile_fn}")
shutil.copyfile(self.profile, profile_fn)
cmd.extend(["--profile", os.path.join("/crawls", "profile.tar.gz")])
logger.debug(f"generating WACZ without Docker for {url=}")
if self.profile:
cmd.extend(["--profile", os.path.join("/app", str(self.profile))])
try:"Running browsertrix-crawler: {' '.join(cmd)}")
my_env = os.environ.copy()
if self.socks_proxy_host and self.socks_proxy_port:
logger.debug("Using SOCKS proxy for browsertrix-crawler")
my_env["SOCKS_HOST"] = self.socks_proxy_host
my_env["SOCKS_PORT"] = str(self.socks_proxy_port), check=True, env=my_env)
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"WACZ generation failed: {e}")
return False
if self.docker_in_docker:
wacz_fn = os.path.join(self.cwd_dind, "collections", collection, f"{collection}.wacz")
elif self.use_docker:
wacz_fn = os.path.join(browsertrix_home_container, "collections", collection, f"{collection}.wacz")
wacz_fn = os.path.join("collections", collection, f"{collection}.wacz")
if not os.path.exists(wacz_fn):
logger.warning(f"Unable to locate and upload WACZ {wacz_fn=}")
return False
to_enrich.add_media(Media(wacz_fn), "browsertrix")
if self.extract_media or self.extract_screenshot:
self.extract_media_from_wacz(to_enrich, wacz_fn)
if self.docker_in_docker:
jsonl_fn = os.path.join(self.cwd_dind, "collections", collection, "pages", "pages.jsonl")
elif self.use_docker:
jsonl_fn = os.path.join(browsertrix_home_container, "collections", collection, "pages", "pages.jsonl")
jsonl_fn = os.path.join("collections", collection, "pages", "pages.jsonl")
if not os.path.exists(jsonl_fn):
logger.warning(f"Unable to locate and pages.jsonl {jsonl_fn=}")
else:"Parsing pages.jsonl {jsonl_fn=}")
with as reader:
for obj in reader:
if 'title' in obj:
if 'text' in obj:
return True
def extract_media_from_wacz(self, to_enrich: Metadata, wacz_filename: str) -> None:
Receives a .wacz archive, and extracts all relevant media from it, adding them to to_enrich.
""""WACZ extract_media or extract_screenshot flag is set, extracting media from {wacz_filename=}")
# unzipping the .wacz
tmp_dir = ArchivingContext.get_tmp_dir()
unzipped_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "unzipped")
with ZipFile(wacz_filename, 'r') as z_obj:
# if warc is split into multiple gzip chunks, merge those
warc_dir = os.path.join(unzipped_dir, "archive")
warc_filename = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "merged.warc")
with open(warc_filename, 'wb') as outfile:
for filename in sorted(os.listdir(warc_dir)):
if filename.endswith('.gz'):
chunk_file = os.path.join(warc_dir, filename)
with open(chunk_file, 'rb') as infile:
shutil.copyfileobj(infile, outfile)
# get media out of .warc
counter = 0
seen_urls = set()
import json
with open(warc_filename, 'rb') as warc_stream:
for record in ArchiveIterator(warc_stream):
# only include fetched resources
if record.rec_type == "resource" and record.content_type == "image/png" and self.extract_screenshot: # screenshots
fn = os.path.join(tmp_dir, f"warc-file-{counter}.png")
with open(fn, "wb") as outf: outf.write(
m = Media(filename=fn)
to_enrich.add_media(m, "browsertrix-screenshot")
counter += 1
if not self.extract_media: continue
if record.rec_type != 'response': continue
record_url = record.rec_headers.get_header('WARC-Target-URI')
if not UrlUtil.is_relevant_url(record_url):
logger.debug(f"Skipping irrelevant URL {record_url} but it's still present in the WACZ.")
if record_url in seen_urls:
logger.debug(f"Skipping already seen URL {record_url}.")
# filter by media mimetypes
content_type = record.http_headers.get("Content-Type")
if not content_type: continue
if not any(x in content_type for x in ["video", "image", "audio"]): continue
# create local file and add media
ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(content_type)
warc_fn = f"warc-file-{counter}{ext}"
fn = os.path.join(tmp_dir, warc_fn)
record_url_best_qual = UrlUtil.twitter_best_quality_url(record_url)
with open(fn, "wb") as outf: outf.write(
m = Media(filename=fn)
m.set("src", record_url)
# if a link with better quality exists, try to download that
if record_url_best_qual != record_url:
m.filename = self.download_from_url(record_url_best_qual, warc_fn)
m.set("src", record_url_best_qual)
m.set("src_alternative", record_url)
except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Unable to download best quality URL for {record_url=} got error {e}, using original in WARC.")
# remove bad videos
if m.is_video() and not m.is_valid_video(): continue
to_enrich.add_media(m, warc_fn)
counter += 1
seen_urls.add(record_url)"WACZ extract_media/extract_screenshot finished, found {counter} relevant media file(s)")