steps: # only 1 feeder allowed feeder: cli_feeder # defaults to cli_feeder archivers: # order matters, uncomment to activate # - vk_archiver # - telethon_archiver # - telegram_archiver # - twitter_archiver # - twitter_api_archiver # - instagram_tbot_archiver # - instagram_archiver # - tiktok_archiver - youtubedl_archiver # - wayback_archiver_enricher enrichers: - hash_enricher # - screenshot_enricher # - thumbnail_enricher - wayback_archiver_enricher # - wacz_enricher - pdq_hash_enricher formatter: html_formatter # defaults to mute_formatter storages: - local_storage # - s3_storage # - gdrive_storage databases: - console_db # - csv_db # - gsheet_db # - mongo_db configurations: gsheet_feeder: sheet: "your sheet name" header: 1 service_account: "secrets/service_account.json" # allow_worksheets: "only parse this worksheet" # block_worksheets: "blocked sheet 1,blocked sheet 2" use_sheet_names_in_stored_paths: false columns: url: link status: archive status folder: destination folder archive: archive location date: archive date thumbnail: thumbnail timestamp: upload timestamp title: upload title text: textual content screenshot: screenshot hash: hash wacz: wacz replaywebpage: replaywebpage instagram_tbot_archiver: api_id: "TELEGRAM_BOT_API_ID" api_hash: "TELEGRAM_BOT_API_HASH" # session_file: "secrets/anon" telethon_archiver: api_id: "TELEGRAM_BOT_API_ID" api_hash: "TELEGRAM_BOT_API_HASH" # session_file: "secrets/anon" join_channels: false channel_invites: # if you want to archive from private channels - invite: id: 0000000001 - invite: id: 0000000002 twitter_api_archiver: # either bearer_token only bearer_token: "TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN" # OR all of the below # consumer_key: "" # consumer_secret: "" # access_token: "" # access_secret: "" instagram_archiver: username: "INSTAGRAM_USERNAME" password: "INSTAGRAM_PASSWORD" # session_file: "secrets/instaloader.session" vk_archiver: username: "or phone number" password: "vk pass" session_file: "secrets/vk_config.v2.json" screenshot_enricher: width: 1280 height: 2300 wayback_archiver_enricher: timeout: 10 key: "wayback key" secret: "wayback secret" hash_enricher: algorithm: "SHA3-512" # can also be SHA-256 wacz_enricher: profile: secrets/profile.tar.gz local_storage: save_to: "./local_archive" save_absolute: true filename_generator: static path_generator: flat s3_storage: bucket: your-bucket-name region: reg1 key: S3_KEY secret: S3_SECRET endpoint_url: "https://{region}" cdn_url: "https://{bucket}.{region}{key}" # if private:true S3 urls will not be readable online private: false # with 'random' you can generate a random UUID for the URL instead of a predictable path, useful to still have public but unlisted files, alternative is 'default' or not omitted from config key_path: random gdrive_storage: path_generator: url filename_generator: random root_folder_id: folder_id_from_url oauth_token: secrets/gd-token.json # needs to be generated with scripts/ service_account: "secrets/service_account.json" csv_db: csv_file: "./local_archive/db.csv"