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6 Commity

Autor SHA1 Wiadomość Data
msramalho ccf5f857ef adds configurable limits to instagram/youtube 2024-02-25 15:14:17 +00:00
msramalho 7de317d1b5 avoiding exception 2024-02-23 15:54:33 +00:00
msramalho 70075a1e5e improving insta archiver 2024-02-23 15:37:28 +00:00
msramalho 5b9bc4919a version bump 2024-02-23 14:08:23 +00:00
msramalho f0158ffd9c adds tagged posts and better parsing 2024-02-23 14:08:17 +00:00
msramalho bfb35a43a9 adds more details from yt-dlp 2024-02-23 14:08:05 +00:00
3 zmienionych plików z 87 dodań i 26 usunięć

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ class InstagramAPIArchiver(Archiver):
self.full_profile_max_posts = int(self.full_profile_max_posts)
if self.api_endpoint[-1] == "/": self.api_endpoint = self.api_endpoint[:-1]
self.full_profile = bool(self.full_profile)
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ class InstagramAPIArchiver(Archiver):
"access_token": {"default": None, "help": "a valid instagrapi-api token"},
"api_endpoint": {"default": None, "help": "API endpoint to use"},
"full_profile": {"default": False, "help": "if true, will download all posts, tagged posts, stories, and highlights for a profile, if false, will only download the profile pic and information."},
"full_profile_max_posts": {"default": 0, "help": "Use to limit the number of posts to download when full_profile is true. 0 means no limit. limit is applied softly since posts are fetched in batch, once to: posts, tagged posts, and highlights"},
"minimize_json_output": {"default": True, "help": "if true, will remove empty values from the json output"},
@ -73,9 +75,9 @@ class InstagramAPIArchiver(Archiver):
if type(d) == list: return [self.cleanup_dict(v) for v in d]
if type(d) != dict: return d
return {
k: self.cleanup_dict(v) if type(v) in [dict, list] else v
k: clean_v
for k, v in d.items()
if v not in [0.0, 0, [], {}, "", None, "null"] and
if (clean_v := self.cleanup_dict(v)) not in [0.0, 0, [], {}, "", None, "null"] and
k not in ["x", "y", "width", "height"]
@ -93,9 +95,6 @@ class InstagramAPIArchiver(Archiver):
if self.full_profile:
user_id = user.get("pk")
# download all posts
self.download_all_posts(result, user_id)
# download all stories
stories = self._download_stories_reusable(result, username)
@ -104,25 +103,46 @@ class InstagramAPIArchiver(Archiver):
result.append("errors", f"Error downloading stories for {username}")
logger.error(f"Error downloading stories for {username}: {e}")
# download all posts
self.download_all_posts(result, user_id)
except Exception as e:
result.append("errors", f"Error downloading posts for {username}")
logger.error(f"Error downloading posts for {username}: {e}")
# download all tagged
self.download_all_tagged(result, user_id)
except Exception as e:
result.append("errors", f"Error downloading tagged posts for {username}")
logger.error(f"Error downloading tagged posts for {username}: {e}")
# download all highlights
count_highlights = 0
highlights = self.call_api(f"v1/user/highlights", {"user_id": user_id})
for h in highlights:
h_info = self._download_highlights_reusable(result, h.get("pk"))
count_highlights += len(h_info.get("items", []))
except Exception as e:
result.append("errors", f"Error downloading highlight id{h.get('pk')} for {username}")
logger.error(f"Error downloading highlight id{h.get('pk')} for {username}: {e}")
result.set("#highlights", count_highlights)
self.download_all_highlights(result, username, user_id)
except Exception as e:
result.append("errors", f"Error downloading highlights for {username}")
logger.error(f"Error downloading highlights for {username}: {e}")
result.set_url(url) # reset as scrape_item modifies it
return result.success("insta profile")
def download_all_highlights(self, result, username, user_id):
count_highlights = 0
highlights = self.call_api(f"v1/user/highlights", {"user_id": user_id})
for h in highlights:
h_info = self._download_highlights_reusable(result, h.get("pk"))
count_highlights += len(h_info.get("items", []))
except Exception as e:
result.append("errors", f"Error downloading highlight id{h.get('pk')} for {username}")
logger.error(f"Error downloading highlight id{h.get('pk')} for {username}: {e}")
if self.full_profile_max_posts and count_highlights >= self.full_profile_max_posts:
logger.info(f"HIGHLIGHTS reached full_profile_max_posts={self.full_profile_max_posts}")
result.set("#highlights", count_highlights)
def download_post(self, result: Metadata, code: str = None, id: str = None, context: str = None) -> Metadata:
if id:
post = self.call_api(f"v1/media/by/id", {"id": id})
@ -188,7 +208,7 @@ class InstagramAPIArchiver(Archiver):
post_count = 0
while end_cursor != "":
posts = self.call_api(f"v1/user/medias/chunk", {"user_id": user_id, "end_cursor": end_cursor})
if not len(posts): break
if not len(posts) or not type(posts) == list or len(posts) != 2: break
posts, end_cursor = posts[0], posts[1]
logger.info(f"parsing {len(posts)} posts, next {end_cursor=}")
@ -199,7 +219,35 @@ class InstagramAPIArchiver(Archiver):
logger.error(f"Error downloading post, skipping {p.get('id')}: {e}")
if self.full_profile_max_posts and post_count >= self.full_profile_max_posts:
logger.info(f"POSTS reached full_profile_max_posts={self.full_profile_max_posts}")
result.set("#posts", post_count)
def download_all_tagged(self, result: Metadata, user_id: str):
next_page_id = ""
pbar = tqdm(desc="downloading tagged posts")
tagged_count = 0
while next_page_id != None:
resp = self.call_api(f"v2/user/tag/medias", {"user_id": user_id, "page_id": next_page_id})
posts = resp.get("response", {}).get("items", [])
if not len(posts): break
next_page_id = resp.get("next_page_id")
logger.info(f"parsing {len(posts)} tagged posts, next {next_page_id=}")
for p in posts:
try: self.scrape_item(result, p, "tagged")
except Exception as e:
result.append("errors", f"Error downloading tagged post {p.get('id')}")
logger.error(f"Error downloading tagged post, skipping {p.get('id')}: {e}")
if self.full_profile_max_posts and tagged_count >= self.full_profile_max_posts:
logger.info(f"TAGS reached full_profile_max_posts={self.full_profile_max_posts}")
result.set("#tagged", tagged_count)
### reusable parsing utils below
@ -217,10 +265,10 @@ class InstagramAPIArchiver(Archiver):
if self.minimize_json_output:
del item["clips_metadata"]
if code := item.get("code"):
result.set("url", f"https://www.instagram.com/p/{code}/")
if code := item.get("code") and not result.get("url"):
resources = item.get("resources", [])
resources = item.get("resources", item.get("carousel_media", []))
item, media, media_id = self.scrape_media(item, context)
# if resources are present take the main media from the first resource
if not media and len(resources):
@ -242,7 +290,7 @@ class InstagramAPIArchiver(Archiver):
def scrape_media(self, item: dict, context:str) -> tuple[dict, Media, str]:
# remove unnecessary info
if self.minimize_json_output:
for k in ["image_versions", "video_versions", "video_dash_manifest"]:
for k in ["image_versions", "video_versions", "video_dash_manifest", "image_versions2", "video_versions2"]:
if k in item: del item[k]
item = self.cleanup_dict(item)
@ -253,19 +301,24 @@ class InstagramAPIArchiver(Archiver):
# retrieve video info
best_id = item.get('id', item.get('pk'))
taken_at = item.get("taken_at")
taken_at = item.get("taken_at", item.get("taken_at_ts"))
code = item.get("code")
caption_text = item.get("caption_text")
if "carousel_media" in item: del item["carousel_media"]
if video_url := item.get("video_url"):
filename = self.download_from_url(video_url, verbose=False)
video_media = Media(filename=filename)
if taken_at: video_media.set("date", taken_at)
if code: video_media.set("url", f"https://www.instagram.com/p/{code}")
if caption_text: video_media.set("text", caption_text)
video_media.set("preview", [image_media])
video_media.set("data", [item])
return item, video_media, f"{context or 'video'} {best_id}"
elif image_media:
if taken_at: image_media.set("date", taken_at)
if code: image_media.set("url", f"https://www.instagram.com/p/{code}")
if caption_text: image_media.set("text", caption_text)
image_media.set("data", [item])
return item, image_media, f"{context or 'image'} {best_id}"

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@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ class YoutubeDLArchiver(Archiver):
self.livestreams = bool(self.livestreams)
self.live_from_start = bool(self.live_from_start)
self.end_means_success = bool(self.end_means_success)
self.allow_playlist = bool(self.allow_playlist)
self.max_downloads = self.max_downloads
def configs() -> dict:
@ -26,6 +28,8 @@ class YoutubeDLArchiver(Archiver):
"live_from_start": {"default": False, "help": "if set, will download live streams from their earliest available moment, otherwise starts now."},
"proxy": {"default": "", "help": "http/socks (https seems to not work atm) proxy to use for the webdriver, eg https://proxy-user:password@proxy-ip:port"},
"end_means_success": {"default": True, "help": "if True, any archived content will mean a 'success', if False this archiver will not return a 'success' stage; this is useful for cases when the yt-dlp will archive a video but ignore other types of content like images or text only pages that the subsequent archivers can retrieve."},
'allow_playlist': {"default": False, "help": "If True will also download playlists, set to False if the expectation is to download a single video."},
"max_downloads": {"default": "inf", "help": "Use to limit the number of videos to download when a channel or long page is being extracted. 'inf' means no limit."},
def download(self, item: Metadata) -> Metadata:
@ -35,11 +39,11 @@ class YoutubeDLArchiver(Archiver):
logger.debug('Using Facebook cookie')
yt_dlp.utils.std_headers['cookie'] = self.facebook_cookie
ydl_options = {'outtmpl': os.path.join(ArchivingContext.get_tmp_dir(), f'%(id)s.%(ext)s'), 'quiet': False, 'noplaylist': True, 'writesubtitles': self.subtitles, 'writeautomaticsub': self.subtitles, "live_from_start": self.live_from_start, "proxy": self.proxy}
ydl_options = {'outtmpl': os.path.join(ArchivingContext.get_tmp_dir(), f'%(id)s.%(ext)s'), 'quiet': False, 'noplaylist': not self.allow_playlist , 'writesubtitles': self.subtitles, 'writeautomaticsub': self.subtitles, "live_from_start": self.live_from_start, "proxy": self.proxy, "max_downloads": self.max_downloads, "playlistend": self.max_downloads}
ydl = yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(ydl_options) # allsubtitles and subtitleslangs not working as expected, so default lang is always "en"
# don'd download since it can be a live stream
# don't download since it can be a live stream
info = ydl.extract_info(url, download=False)
if info.get('is_live', False) and not self.livestreams:
logger.warning("Livestream detected, skipping due to 'livestreams' configuration setting")
@ -64,13 +68,17 @@ class YoutubeDLArchiver(Archiver):
result = Metadata()
if "description" in info: result.set_content(info["description"])
for entry in entries:
filename = ydl.prepare_filename(entry)
if not os.path.exists(filename):
filename = filename.split('.')[0] + '.mkv'
new_media = Media(filename).set("duration", info.get("duration"))
new_media = Media(filename)
for x in ["duration", "original_url", "fulltitle", "description", "upload_date"]:
if x in entry: new_media.set(x, entry[x])
# read text from subtitles if enabled
if self.subtitles:
for lang, val in (info.get('requested_subtitles') or {}).items():

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ _MAJOR = "0"
_MINOR = "9"
# On main and in a nightly release the patch should be one ahead of the last
# released build.
_PATCH = "7"
_PATCH = "11"
# This is mainly for nightly builds which have the suffix ".dev$DATE". See
# https://semver.org/#is-v123-a-semantic-version for the semantics.
_SUFFIX = ""