adds instagram no stories as success, and fix for telethon-based archivers.

pull/137/head v0.10.1
msramalho 2024-03-05 14:49:10 +00:00
rodzic 601572d76e
commit f4827770e6
5 zmienionych plików z 7 dodań i 5 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -186,12 +186,13 @@ class InstagramAPIArchiver(Archiver):
def download_stories(self, result: Metadata, username: str) -> Metadata:
now ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M")
stories = self._download_stories_reusable(result, username)
if stories == []: return result.success("insta no story")
result.set_title(f"stories {username} at {now}").set("#stories", len(stories))
return result.success(f"insta stories {now}")
def _download_stories_reusable(self, result: Metadata, username: str) -> list[dict]:
stories = self.call_api(f"v1/user/stories/by/username", {"username": username})
assert stories, f"Stories for {username} not found"
if not stories or not len(stories): return []
stories = stories[::-1] # newest to oldest
for s in tqdm(stories, desc="downloading stories", unit="story"):

Wyświetl plik

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class InstagramTbotArchiver(Archiver):
# make a copy of the session that is used exclusively with this archiver instance
new_session_file = os.path.join("secrets/", f"instabot-{time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}{random_str(8)}.session")
shutil.copy(self.session_file + ".session", new_session_file)
self.session_file = new_session_file
self.session_file = new_session_file.replace(".session", "")
self.client = TelegramClient(self.session_file, self.api_id, self.api_hash)

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@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class TelethonArchiver(Archiver):
# make a copy of the session that is used exclusively with this archiver instance
new_session_file = os.path.join("secrets/", f"telethon-{time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}{random_str(8)}.session")
shutil.copy(self.session_file + ".session", new_session_file)
self.session_file = new_session_file
self.session_file = new_session_file.replace(".session", "")
# initiate the client
self.client = TelegramClient(self.session_file, self.api_id, self.api_hash)

Wyświetl plik

@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ class YoutubeDLArchiver(Archiver):
return False
# this time download
ydl = yt_dlp.YoutubeDL({**ydl_options, "getcomments": self.comments})
ydl = yt_dlp.YoutubeDL({**ydl_options, "getcomments": self.comments})
#TODO: for playlist or long lists of videos, how to download one at a time so they can be stored before the next one is downloaded?
info = ydl.extract_info(url, download=True)
if "entries" in info:

Wyświetl plik

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ _MAJOR = "0"
_MINOR = "10"
# On main and in a nightly release the patch should be one ahead of the last
# released build.
_PATCH = "0"
_PATCH = "1"
# This is mainly for nightly builds which have the suffix ".dev$DATE". See
# for the semantics.
_SUFFIX = ""