
136 wiersze
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Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

import os
from loguru import logger
from tsp_client import TSPSigner, SigningSettings, TSPVerifier
from tsp_client.algorithms import DigestAlgorithm
from importlib.metadata import version
from asn1crypto.cms import ContentInfo
from certvalidator import CertificateValidator, ValidationContext
from asn1crypto import pem
import certifi
from . import Enricher
from ..core import Metadata, ArchivingContext, Media
from ..archivers import Archiver
class TimestampingEnricher(Enricher):
Uses several RFC3161 Time Stamp Authorities to generate a timestamp token that will be preserved. This can be used to prove that a certain file existed at a certain time, useful for legal purposes, for example, to prove that a certain file was not tampered with after a certain date.
The information that gets timestamped is concatenation (via paragraphs) of the file hashes existing in the current archive. It will depend on which archivers and enrichers ran before this one. Inner media files (like thumbnails) are not included in the .txt file. It should run AFTER the hash_enricher.
See for list of timestamp authorities.
name = "timestamping_enricher"
def __init__(self, config: dict) -> None:
def configs() -> dict:
return {
"tsa_urls": {
"default": [
# [Adobe Approved Trust List] and [Windows Cert Store]
# "", # not valid for timestamping
# "", # wait 15 seconds between each request.
# [Adobe: European Union Trusted Lists].
# "", # wait 15 seconds between each request.
# [Windows Cert Store]
# [Adobe: European Union Trusted Lists] and [Windows Cert Store]
# "", # not valid for timestamping
# "", # self-signed certificate in certificate chain
# "", # self-signed certificate in certificate chain
# "", # self-signed certificate in certificate chain
# "", #unable to get local issuer certificate
# "", # unable to get local issuer certificate
"help": "List of RFC3161 Time Stamp Authorities to use, separate with commas if passed via the command line.",
"cli_set": lambda cli_val, cur_val: set(cli_val.split(","))
def enrich(self, to_enrich: Metadata) -> None:
url = to_enrich.get_url()
logger.debug(f"RFC3161 timestamping existing files for {url=}")
# create a new text file with the existing media hashes
hashes = [m.get("hash").replace("SHA-256:", "").replace("SHA3-512:", "") for m in if m.get("hash")]
if not len(hashes):
logger.warning(f"No hashes found in {url=}")
tmp_dir = ArchivingContext.get_tmp_dir()
hashes_fn = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "hashes.txt")
data_to_sign = "\n".join(hashes)
with open(hashes_fn, "w") as f:
hashes_media = Media(filename=hashes_fn)
timestamp_tokens = []
from slugify import slugify
for tsa_url in self.tsa_urls:
signing_settings = SigningSettings(tsp_server=tsa_url, digest_algorithm=DigestAlgorithm.SHA256)
signer = TSPSigner()
message = bytes(data_to_sign, encoding='utf8')
# send TSQ and get TSR from the TSA server
signed = signer.sign(message=message, signing_settings=signing_settings)
# fail if there's any issue with the certificates, uses certifi list of trusted CAs
TSPVerifier(certifi.where()).verify(signed, message=message)
# download and verify timestamping certificate
cert_chain = self.download_and_verify_certificate(signed)
# continue with saving the timestamp token
tst_fn = os.path.join(tmp_dir, f"timestamp_token_{slugify(tsa_url)}")
with open(tst_fn, "wb") as f: f.write(signed)
timestamp_tokens.append(Media(filename=tst_fn).set("tsa", tsa_url).set("cert_chain", cert_chain))
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f"Error while timestamping {url=} with {tsa_url=}: {e}")
if len(timestamp_tokens):
hashes_media.set("timestamp_authority_files", timestamp_tokens)
hashes_media.set("certifi v", version("certifi"))
hashes_media.set("tsp_client v", version("tsp_client"))
hashes_media.set("certvalidator v", version("certvalidator"))
to_enrich.add_media(hashes_media, id="timestamped_hashes")
to_enrich.set("timestamped", True)
logger.success(f"{len(timestamp_tokens)} timestamp tokens created for {url=}")
logger.warning(f"No successful timestamps for {url=}")
def download_and_verify_certificate(self, signed: bytes) -> list[Media]:
# returns the leaf certificate URL, fails if not set
tst = ContentInfo.load(signed)
trust_roots = []
with open(certifi.where(), 'rb') as f:
for _, _, der_bytes in pem.unarmor(, multiple=True):
context = ValidationContext(trust_roots=trust_roots)
certificates = tst["content"]["certificates"]
first_cert = certificates[0].dump()
intermediate_certs = []
for i in range(1, len(certificates)): # cannot use list comprehension [1:]
validator = CertificateValidator(first_cert, intermediate_certs=intermediate_certs, validation_context=context)
path = validator.validate_usage({'digital_signature'}, extended_key_usage={'time_stamping'})
cert_chain = []
for cert in path:
cert_fn = os.path.join(ArchivingContext.get_tmp_dir(), f"{str(cert.serial_number)[:20]}.crt")
with open(cert_fn, "wb") as f:
cert_chain.append(Media(filename=cert_fn).set("subject", cert.subject.native["common_name"]))
return cert_chain