
272 wiersze
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Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

import re, requests
from datetime import datetime
from loguru import logger
from retrying import retry
from tqdm import tqdm
from . import Archiver
from ..core import Metadata
from ..core import Media
class InstagramAPIArchiver(Archiver):
Uses an API deployment to fetch instagram posts data
# TODO: improvement collect aggregates of locations[0].location and mentions for all posts
name = "instagram_api_archiver"
global_pattern = re.compile(r"(?:(?:http|https):\/\/)?(?:www.)?(?\/(stories(?:\/highlights)?|p|reel)?\/?([^\/\?]*)\/?(\d+)?")
def __init__(self, config: dict) -> None:
if self.api_endpoint[-1] == "/": self.api_endpoint = self.api_endpoint[:-1]
self.full_profile = bool(self.full_profile)
self.minimize_json_output = bool(self.minimize_json_output)
def configs() -> dict:
return {
"access_token": {"default": None, "help": "a valid instagrapi-api token"},
"api_endpoint": {"default": None, "help": "API endpoint to use"},
"full_profile": {"default": False, "help": "if true, will download all posts, tagged posts, stories, and highlights for a profile, if false, will only download the profile pic and information."},
"minimize_json_output": {"default": True, "help": "if true, will remove empty values from the json output"},
def download(self, item: Metadata) -> Metadata:
url = item.get_url()
url.replace("", "").replace("", "")
insta_matches = self.global_pattern.findall(url)"{insta_matches=}")
if not len(insta_matches) or len(insta_matches[0])!=3: return
if len(insta_matches) > 1:
logger.warning(f"Multiple instagram matches found in {url=}, using the first one")
g1, g2, g3 = insta_matches[0][0], insta_matches[0][1], insta_matches[0][2]
if g1 == "": return self.download_profile(item, g2)
elif g1 == "p": return self.download_post(item, g2, context="post")
elif g1 == "reel": return self.download_post(item, g2, context="reel")
elif g1 == "stories/highlights": return self.download_highlights(item, g2)
elif g1 == "stories":
if len(g3): return self.download_post(item, id=g3, context="story")
return self.download_stories(item, g2)
logger.warning(f"Unknown instagram regex group match {g1=} found in {url=}")
@retry(wait_random_min=1000, wait_random_max=3000, stop_max_attempt_number=5)
def call_api(self, path: str, params: dict) -> dict:
headers = {
"accept": "application/json",
"x-access-key": self.access_token
logger.debug(f"calling {self.api_endpoint}/{path} with {params=}")
return requests.get(f"{self.api_endpoint}/{path}", headers=headers, params=params).json()
def cleanup_dict(self, d: dict | list) -> dict:
# repeats 3 times to remove nested empty values
if not self.minimize_json_output: return d
if type(d) == list: return [self.cleanup_dict(v) for v in d]
if type(d) != dict: return d
return {
k: self.cleanup_dict(v) if type(v) in [dict, list] else v
for k, v in d.items()
if v not in [0.0, 0, [], {}, "", None, "null"] and
k not in ["x", "y", "width", "height"]
def download_profile(self, result: Metadata, username: str) -> Metadata:
# download basic profile info
url = result.get_url()
user = self.call_api("v2/user/by/username", {"username": username}).get("user")
assert user, f"User {username} not found"
user = self.cleanup_dict(user)
result.set_title(user.get("full_name", username)).set("data", user)
if pic_url := user.get("profile_pic_url_hd", user.get("profile_pic_url")):
filename = self.download_from_url(pic_url)
result.add_media(Media(filename=filename), id=f"profile_picture")
if self.full_profile:
user_id = user.get("pk")
# download all posts
self.download_all_posts(result, user_id)
# download all stories
stories = self._download_stories_reusable(result, username)
result.set("#stories", len(stories))
except Exception as e:
result.append("errors", f"Error downloading stories for {username}")
logger.error(f"Error downloading stories for {username}: {e}")
# download all highlights
count_highlights = 0
highlights = self.call_api(f"v1/user/highlights", {"user_id": user_id})
for h in highlights:
h_info = self._download_highlights_reusable(result, h.get("pk"))
count_highlights += len(h_info.get("items", []))
except Exception as e:
result.append("errors", f"Error downloading highlight id{h.get('pk')} for {username}")
logger.error(f"Error downloading highlight id{h.get('pk')} for {username}: {e}")
result.set("#highlights", count_highlights)
except Exception as e:
result.append("errors", f"Error downloading highlights for {username}")
logger.error(f"Error downloading highlights for {username}: {e}")
result.set_url(url) # reset as scrape_item modifies it
return result.success("insta profile")
def download_post(self, result: Metadata, code: str = None, id: str = None, context: str = None) -> Metadata:
if id:
post = self.call_api(f"v1/media/by/id", {"id": id})
post = self.call_api(f"v1/media/by/code", {"code": code})
assert post, f"Post {id or code} not found"
if caption_text := post.get("caption_text"):
post = self.scrape_item(result, post, context)
if post.get("taken_at"): result.set_timestamp(post.get("taken_at"))
return result.success(f"insta {context or 'post'}")
def download_highlights(self, result: Metadata, id: str) -> Metadata:
h_info = self._download_highlights_reusable(result, id)
items = len(h_info.get("items", []))
del h_info["items"]
result.set_title(h_info.get("title")).set("data", h_info).set("#reels", items)
return result.success("insta highlights")
def _download_highlights_reusable(self, result: Metadata, id: str) ->dict:
full_h = self.call_api(f"v2/highlight/by/id", {"id": id})
h_info = full_h.get("response", {}).get("reels", {}).get(f"highlight:{id}")
assert h_info, f"Highlight {id} not found: {full_h=}"
if cover_media := h_info.get("cover_media", {}).get("cropped_image_version", {}).get("url"):
filename = self.download_from_url(cover_media)
result.add_media(Media(filename=filename), id=f"cover_media highlight {id}")
items = h_info.get("items", [])[::-1] # newest to oldest
for h in tqdm(items, desc="downloading highlights", unit="highlight"):
try: self.scrape_item(result, h, "highlight")
except Exception as e:
result.append("errors", f"Error downloading highlight {h.get('id')}")
logger.error(f"Error downloading highlight, skipping {h.get('id')}: {e}")
return h_info
def download_stories(self, result: Metadata, username: str) -> Metadata:
now ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M")
stories = self._download_stories_reusable(result, username)
result.set_title(f"stories {username} at {now}").set("#stories", len(stories))
return result.success(f"insta stories {now}")
def _download_stories_reusable(self, result: Metadata, username: str) -> list[dict]:
stories = self.call_api(f"v1/user/stories/by/username", {"username": username})
assert stories, f"Stories for {username} not found"
stories = stories[::-1] # newest to oldest
for s in tqdm(stories, desc="downloading stories", unit="story"):
try: self.scrape_item(result, s, "story")
except Exception as e:
result.append("errors", f"Error downloading story {s.get('id')}")
logger.error(f"Error downloading story, skipping {s.get('id')}: {e}")
return stories
def download_all_posts(self, result: Metadata, user_id: str):
end_cursor = None
pbar = tqdm(desc="downloading posts")
post_count = 0
while end_cursor != "":
posts = self.call_api(f"v1/user/medias/chunk", {"user_id": user_id, "end_cursor": end_cursor})
if not len(posts): break
posts, end_cursor = posts[0], posts[1]"parsing {len(posts)} posts, next {end_cursor=}")
for p in posts:
try: self.scrape_item(result, p, "post")
except Exception as e:
result.append("errors", f"Error downloading post {p.get('id')}")
logger.error(f"Error downloading post, skipping {p.get('id')}: {e}")
result.set("#posts", post_count)
### reusable parsing utils below
def scrape_item(self, result:Metadata, item:dict, context:str=None) -> dict:
receives a Metadata and an API dict response
fetches the media and adds it to the Metadata
cleans and returns the API dict
context can be used to give specific id prefixes to media
if "clips_metadata" in item:
if reusable_text := item.get("clips_metadata", {}).get("reusable_text_attribute_string"):
item["clips_metadata_text"] = reusable_text
if self.minimize_json_output:
del item["clips_metadata"]
if code := item.get("code"):
result.set("url", f"{code}/")
resources = item.get("resources", [])
item, media, media_id = self.scrape_media(item, context)
# if resources are present take the main media from the first resource
if not media and len(resources):
_, media, media_id = self.scrape_media(resources[0], context)
resources = resources[1:]
assert media, f"Image/video not found in {item=}"
# posts with multiple items contain a resources list
resources_metadata = Metadata()
for r in resources:
self.scrape_item(resources_metadata, r)
if not resources_metadata.is_empty():
media.set("other media",
result.add_media(media, id=media_id)
return item
def scrape_media(self, item: dict, context:str) -> tuple[dict, Media, str]:
# remove unnecessary info
if self.minimize_json_output:
for k in ["image_versions", "video_versions", "video_dash_manifest"]:
if k in item: del item[k]
item = self.cleanup_dict(item)
image_media = None
if image_url := item.get("thumbnail_url"):
filename = self.download_from_url(image_url, verbose=False)
image_media = Media(filename=filename)
# retrieve video info
best_id = item.get('id', item.get('pk'))
taken_at = item.get("taken_at")
code = item.get("code")
if video_url := item.get("video_url"):
filename = self.download_from_url(video_url, verbose=False)
video_media = Media(filename=filename)
if taken_at: video_media.set("date", taken_at)
if code: video_media.set("url", f"{code}")
video_media.set("preview", [image_media])
video_media.set("data", [item])
return item, video_media, f"{context or 'video'} {best_id}"
elif image_media:
if taken_at: image_media.set("date", taken_at)
if code: image_media.set("url", f"{code}")
image_media.set("data", [item])
return item, image_media, f"{context or 'image'} {best_id}"
return item, None, None