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Audio + Mastodon = Audon Audon is a service for Mastodon (and Pleroma) users to create and join rooms of live audio conversations. ## Tech Stack - **[Go](** powers the backend server - **[Vue.js](, [Vite]( and [Vuetify](** are used for the browser frontend - **[LiveKit](** as WebRTC SFU and TURN server - **[MongoDB]( and [Redis](** for storing data ## Deployment Only Docker-based installation is currently supported. This repository provides pre-configured `Dockerfile` and `docker-compose.yaml`. Note that the LiveKit service runs in the Host-network mode, thus the following ports have to be available in the host machine. - 7880/tcp - 7881/tcp - 50000-60000/udp - 5349/tcp - 3478/udp These ports are changeable in `config/livekit.yaml`. Please refer to the documentation of LiveKit [here]( ### Requirements - **Docker** 20.10+ - **docker-compose** 2.12+ ## Installation Steps Before getting started, clone this repo in your working directory. ``` git clone --recursive ``` ### Edit Config Files The followings config files are needed to run Audon. - `.env.production` - `config/livekit.yaml` - `config/redis.conf` First, create them by copying the sample files. ``` cp .env.production.sample .env.production && cp config/livekit.sample.yaml config/livekit.yaml && cp config/redis.sample.conf config/redis.conf ``` Then, create a pair of API key and secret to connect to LiveKit. ``` docker run --rm -it livekit/generate ``` You will be asked some questions, but they do not matter. Just enter random domains and keep hitting Return/Enter key. Then generated API key and secret appear as follows: ``` API Key: your-key API Secret: your-secret ``` Copy and paste these values to `.env.production` and `config/livekit.yaml`, for example, ```yaml keys: your-key:your-secret ``` ```conf # Same as the keys field in livekit.yaml LIVEKIT_API_KEY=your-key # Same as the keys field in livekit.yaml LIVEKIT_API_SECRET=your-secret ``` ### Prepare Reverse Proxy The easiest way is to use [Caddy]( as TLS endpoints. Here is an example Caddyfile: ``` { encode gzip reverse_proxy } { reverse_proxy } h2:// { reverse_proxy } h3:// { reverse_proxy h3:// } ``` You may want to use your own TLS certificates with `tls` directive of Caddyfile. ### Build and Start Containers With your config files ready, run the following command to start containers. ``` docker compose build && docker compose up -d ```