# thread-keeper 📚 High-fidelity capture of Twitter threads as sealed PDFs @ [social.perma.cc](https://social.perma.cc). [![](github.png)](https://social.perma.cc) An experiment of the [Harvard Library Innovation Lab](https://lil.law.harvard.edu). > 🚧 Experimental - Prototype. > Early release to be consolidated. --- ## Summary - [Dependencies](#dependencies) - [Local development](#local-development) - [Dev CLI](#dev-cli) - [Code docs](/docs) - [Environment variables](#environment-variables) - [Access Keys System](#access-keys-system) --- ## Dependencies ### Runtimes - [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) 18+ - [Python](https://www.python.org/) 3.9+ ### Browsers - Google Chrome _(`npx playwright install --force chrome` may be used)_. ### Python dependencies - ⚠️ For now: Python dependencies are installed at machine level, as a post-install step of `npm install`. ### Known Ubuntu packages ``` curl bash gcc g++ python3 python3-pip python3-dev zlib1g zlib1g-dev libjpeg-dev libssl-dev libffi-dev ghostscript poppler-utils ``` - ⚠️ On Linux, this project is only compatible with Ubuntu at the time, because it uses Playwright + Chrome. - Node may be sourced from [Nodesource](https://github.com/nodesource/distributions/blob/master/README.md#installation-instructions). ### For development on Mac OS A `brewfile` is available. Run `brew bundle` to install machine-level dependencies that can be provided by [homebrew](https://brew.sh/). [☝️ Back to summary](#summary) --- ## Local development ### Getting started Run the following commands to initialize the project and start the development server. ```bash brew bundle # (Mac OS only) - See Linux dependencies above. npm install # To install npm packages npx playwright install chrome # To ensure Playwright has a version of Chrome to talk to npm run generate-dev-cert # Will generate a certificate for self-signing PDFs. For testing purposes only. npm run dev # Starts the development server on port 3000 ``` ### Certificates history The _"Signatures Verification Page"_ page lists the certificates that were used for signing PDFs with the app. You may provide that history by creating two files under `/data`: - `signing-certs-history.json` - `timestamping-certs-history.json` Expected format: ```json [ { "from": "2022-11-18 13:07:56 UTC", "to": "present", "domain": "domain.ext", "info": "https://...", "cert": "https://..." }, ... ] ``` [☝️ Back to summary](#summary) --- ## Dev CLI ### start ```bash npm run start ``` Starts the app's server on port 3000 with warning-level logs. ### dev ```bash npm run dev ``` Starts the app's server on port 3000 with info-level logs. Watches for file changes. ### generate-dev-cert ```bash npm run generate-dev-cert ``` Generate a `certs/cert.pem` and `certs/key.pem` for local development purposes. ### docgen ```bash npm run docgen ``` Generates JSDoc-based code documentation under `/docs`. ### test ```bash npm run test ``` Runs the test suite. Requires test fixtures _(see `fixtures` folder)_. > ⚠️ At the moment, this codebase only features a very limited set of high-level integration tests. [☝️ Back to summary](#summary) --- ## Environment variables | Name | Required? | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | `CERTS_PATH` | No | If set, will be used as path to `.pem` files used for signing .PDF files. | | `DATA_PATH` | No | If set, will be used as path to folder used for storing app data. | | `REQUIRE_ACCESS_KEY` | No | If set and `"1"`, an access key will be required to make capture. | | `MAX_PARALLEL_CAPTURES_TOTAL` | No | If set and contains an integer, determines the maximum of captures that the server can run in parallel. | | `MAX_PARALLEL_CAPTURES_PER_IP` | No | If set and contains an integer, determines the maximum of captures that a single client can run in parallel. | [☝️ Back to summary](#summary) --- ## Access keys system If the `REQUIRE_ACCESS_KEY` environment variable is on, users will be required to use an access key to make captures. Keys can be stored in a file named `access-key.json` under the _"data"_ folder. **Example: `app/data/access-keys.json`:** ```json { "BB67BBC4-1F4B-4353-8E6D-9927A10F4509": true } ``` ### Create an access key to test with: ```bash $ uuidgen BB67BBC4-1F4B-4353-8E6D-9927A10F4509 ``` [☝️ Back to summary](#summary)