APRSdroid APRSdroid Preferences APRSdroid Map APRSdroid Hub Station Info Du må konfigurere APRSdroid med ditt kallesignal og din valideringsnøkkel Din valideringsnøkkel samsvarer ikke med ditt kallesignal Without a passcode, your reports will not be propagated! Minimum oppdateringstid 1 minutt! Enkeloppdatering av posisjon Start sporing Stopp sporing You have not yet sent or received any packets.\n\n Press the \"Menu\" button to send a single report or to start tracking your position.\n\n You can also change the application preferences from the menu. %s Last Report Tracking %s... Loading... Station SSIDs Station History Map aprs.fi QRZ.com APRSdroid Service APRS tjeneste enkel posisjonsoppdatering APRS Service started. Updates every %1$d minutes, %2$d km. APRS tjeneste stoppet. Velkommen til APRSdroid! This software may only be used by licensed amateur radio operators! You need to enter your callsign to use this software. To forward your packets, an APRS-IS passcode is required as well. Om APRSdroid v%s Copyright © 2009-2010 Georg Lukas (DO1GL)\n http://aprsdroid.org/ \n\n APRS® is a registered trademark of Bob Bruninga (WB4APR) \n\n This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. \n\n This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. \n\n You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. \n\n http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html Oversettelse Hjemmeside Overlays Satellite APRS Objects Show last... 30 minutes 2 hours 12 hours 1 day 2 days Om Show Hub Show Map Show Log Clear Log Avslutt Innstillinger Amatørradio Kallesignal Callsign (without SSID) Ditt radioamatør kallesignal Skriv ditt kallesignal APRS-IS Passcode APRS-IS valideringsnøkkel Skriv inn valideringsnøkkel for ditt kallesignal Request Passcode Request APRS-IS passcode online APRS innstillinger SSID Statsjonstype (1..15; 9=Mobil, 10=APRS-IS) Skriv SSID for din stasjon (none) Primary Station 1: Generic additional station 2: Generic additional station 3: Generic additional station 4: Generic additional station 5: Other network (D-Star, 3G) 6: Satellitt 7: Handholdt radio (traskeprater) 8: Båt / skip 9: Mobil stasjon 10: APRS-IS (ikke radio) 11: Balloon, aircraft, spacecraft 12: APRStt, DTMF, ... (one way) 13: Weather station 14: Transportkjøretøy 15: Generic additional station APRS symbol Ditt symbol for kartvisning Skriv symbolet som to karakterer Comment field Tekst / melding etter koordinater Enter your beacon comment APRS Connection Tilkoblingsprotokoll AFSK, HTTP, TCP or UDP Velg tilkoblingsprotokoll Connection Preferences Configuration of Connection TCP tilkobling UDP (send only) HTTP POST (send only) AFSK via Speaker Server APRS-IS server (port 8080) for å sende beacons Skriv APRS-IS server hostnavn host:port Stedsinnstillinger Minimum oppdateringstid Minutter mellom beacon sending Skriv oppdateringsintervall [min] Minimum oppdateringsavstand Kilometer mellom beacon sending (sett til 0 for kun tidsavhengighet) Skriv oppdateringsavstand [km] Avvent hastighet & retning Hold GPS aktiv (på) for mer presis posisjonsdata Bruk nettverkslokasjon Hent posisjon fra mobilnettverket (GSM) GPS Precision Battery usage vs. position quality Please set the GPS Precision High (Always on) Medium Low APRS digi path hop 1, hop 2, ... Sequence of digipeaters Enter the comma separated digi path Frame Sync Prefix No-Op Preamble (e.g. for VOX control) Enter the prefix time [ms] APRS-IS TCP server (port 14580) to contact Omliggende område Motta kun pakker fra stasjoner innen angitt radius Radius for mottak av pakker [km] Message filter b/BUDDY o/OBJECT ... Filter for incoming packets Enter a filter for incoming messages Message filter help Online reference for APRS-IS filters TCP socket timeout Time before resetting the connection Timeout value in seconds (0 = disable) Launchpad Contributions: Knut Ole Petersen https://launchpad.net/~la9foa Roger Fosland https://launchpad.net/~roger-fosland