translation import 2018-10-31

Georg Lukas 2018-10-31 18:00:05 +01:00
rodzic 6df161c5a9
commit 230d7274eb
5 zmienionych plików z 44 dodań i 57 usunięć

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@ -2,31 +2,29 @@
<!-- APRSdroid strings.xml - this file contains strings which need to be translated -->
<string name="app_name">APRSdroid</string>
<string name="app_prefs">APRSdroid Preferences</string>
<string name="app_map">APRSdroid Map</string>
<string name="app_hub">APRSdroid Hub</string>
<string name="app_prefs">APRSdroid Voorkeure</string>
<string name="app_map">APRSdroid Kaart</string>
<string name="app_hub">APRSdroid Kern</string>
<string name="app_log">APRSdroid Log</string>
<string name="app_sta">Station Info</string>
<string name="app_messages">Messages</string>
<string name="app_messages_clear">Clear Messages</string>
<string name="app_sta">Stasie Informasie</string>
<string name="app_messages">Boodskappe</string>
<string name="app_messages_clear">Wis Boodskappe Uit</string>
<!-- APRSdroid activity -->
<string name="firstrun">You need to configure APRSdroid with your callsign and passcode!</string>
<string name="wrongpasscode">Your passcode does not match your callsign!</string>
<string name="anon_warning">Without a passcode, your reports will not be propagated!</string>
<string name="mininterval">Minimum update time is 1 minute!</string>
<string name="singlelog">Send Position</string>
<string name="startlog">Start Tracking</string>
<string name="stoplog">Stop Tracking</string>
<string name="firstrun">Jy moet APRSdroid instel met jou roepsein en toegangs kode!</string>
<string name="wrongpasscode">Jou toegangs kode stem nie ooreen met jou roepsein nie!</string>
<string name="anon_warning">Sonder \'n toegangs kode sal jou berigte nie propageer nie!</string>
<string name="mininterval">Minimum opdateer tydperk is 1 minuut!</string>
<string name="singlelog">Stuur Posisie</string>
<string name="startlog">Begin Nasporing</string>
<string name="stoplog">Eindig Nasporing</string>
<string name="empty_logview">You have not yet sent or received any packets.\n\n
Press the \"Menu\" button to send a single report or to start tracking your position.\n\n
You can also change the application preferences from the menu.</string>
<string name="empty_logview">Jy het nog geen pakkette gestuur of ontvang nie.\n\n Druk die \"Menu\" knoppie om \'n enkele berig te stuur of om nasporing van jou posisie te begin.\n\nJy kan ook program voorkeure verander deur die menu.</string>
<!-- Maps activity -->
<string name="sta_lastreport">%s Last Report</string>
<string name="map_track_call">Tracking %s...</string>
<string name="map_track_unknown">Position for %s unknown!</string>
<string name="map_select">Select station</string>
<string name="sta_lastreport">%s Laaste Berig</string>
<string name="map_track_call">Nasporing %s...</string>
<string name="map_track_unknown">Posisie van %s onbekend!</string>
<string name="map_select">Kies stasie</string>
<string name="map_loading">Loading...</string>
@ -350,7 +348,8 @@
<string name="p_themefile_choose">Choose theme file</string>
<string name="themefile_error">Error loading theme file %s!</string>
<string name="translator_credits">translator-credits</string>
<string name="translator_credits">Launchpad Contributions:
Robin Pringle</string>
<!-- Bluetooth TNC settings -->
<string name="p_bt_client">Client Mode</string>

Wyświetl plik

@ -70,11 +70,7 @@
<!-- about dialog -->
<string name="ad_title">Sobre APRSdroid v%s</string>
<string name="ad_copyright">Copyright © 2009-2018 Georg Lukas (DO1GL)\n
APRS® is a registered trademark of Bob Bruninga (WB4APR)
<string name="ad_copyright">Copyright © 2009-2018 Georg Lukas (DO1GL)\n \n\n APRS® es una marca registrada Bob Bruninga (WB4APR)</string>
<string name="ad_gpl">Este programa es software libre, puede redistribuirlo y / o modificarlo bajo los términos de la Licencia Pública General GNU publicada por la Free Software Foundation, versión 2 de la Licencia, o (a su elección) cualquier versión posterior. \ n \ n Este programa se distribuye con la esperanza de que sea útil, pero SIN NINGUNA GARANTÍA, incluso sin la garantía implícita de COMERCIALIZACIÓN o IDONEIDAD PARA UN PROPÓSITO PARTICULAR. Vea la Licencia Pública General de GNU para más detalles. \ n \ n Usted debe haber recibido una copia de la Licencia Pública General de GNU junto con este programa, si no, escriba a la Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, EE.UU.. \ n \ n</string>
<string name="ad_thanks">Gracias a:</string>
<string name="ad_thanks_0">Mi novia ♥♥♥</string>
@ -112,8 +108,8 @@
<string name="quit">Salir</string>
<string name="preferences">Preferencias</string>
<!-- preferences -->
<string name="profile_load">Load profile...</string>
<string name="profile_export">Export profile...</string>
<string name="profile_load">Cargar perfil</string>
<string name="profile_export">Exportar perfil</string>
<string name="p__ham">Radioaficionado</string>
<string name="p_callsign">Distintivo de llamada</string>
<string name="p_callsign_nossid">Distintivo de llamada (sin SSID)</string>
@ -387,9 +383,9 @@
<string name="ssl_expire_in">Su certificado expirará en %d días!</string>
<!-- Config import -->
<string name="profile_import_activity">Profile import</string>
<string name="profile_import_done">Imported profile: %s</string>
<string name="profile_import_error">Error importing profile: %s!</string>
<string name="profile_import_activity">Importar perfil</string>
<string name="profile_import_done">Perfil importado: %s</string>
<string name="profile_import_error">Error importando perfil: %s!</string>
<!-- (USB) Serial TNC settings -->
<string name="p_serial_baudrate">(USB) Configuración TNC en seria</string>

Wyświetl plik

@ -70,11 +70,7 @@
<!-- about dialog -->
<string name="ad_title">À propos d\'APRSdroid v%s</string>
<string name="ad_copyright">Copyright © 2009-2018 Georg Lukas (DO1GL)\n
APRS® is a registered trademark of Bob Bruninga (WB4APR)
<string name="ad_copyright">Copyright © 2009-2018 Georg Lukas (DO1GL)\n \n\n APRS® est une marque déposée par Bob Bruninga (WB4APR)</string>
<string name="ad_gpl">Ce programme est un logiciel libre ; vous pouvez le redistribuer et/ou le modifier selon les termes de la Licence Publique Générale GNU publiée par la Free Software Foundation ; soit la version 2 de la Licence, ou (à votre choix) toute version ultérieure. \n\n Ce programme est distribué dans l\'espoir qu\'il sera utile, mais SANS AUCUNE GARANTIE : sans même la garantie implicite de COMMERCIALISATION ou D\'ADAPTATION À UN USAGE PARTICULIER. Voir la Licence Publique Générale GNU pour plus de détails. \n\n Vous devriez avoir reçu un exemplaire de la Licence Publique Générale GNU avec ce programme, sinon, écrivez à la Free Software Foundation, Inc, 51 rue Franklin, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. \n\n</string>
<string name="ad_thanks">Merci à :</string>
<string name="ad_thanks_0">Ma femme ♥♥♥</string>
@ -112,8 +108,8 @@
<string name="quit">Quitter</string>
<string name="preferences">Préférences</string>
<!-- preferences -->
<string name="profile_load">Load profile...</string>
<string name="profile_export">Export profile...</string>
<string name="profile_load">Charger le Profil...</string>
<string name="profile_export">Exporter le profil...</string>
<string name="p__ham">Radioamateur</string>
<string name="p_callsign">Indicatif</string>
<string name="p_callsign_nossid">Indicatif (sans SSID)</string>
@ -392,9 +388,9 @@
<string name="ssl_expire_in">Votre certificat va expirer dans %d jours !</string>
<!-- Config import -->
<string name="profile_import_activity">Profile import</string>
<string name="profile_import_done">Imported profile: %s</string>
<string name="profile_import_error">Error importing profile: %s!</string>
<string name="profile_import_activity">Importer le profil</string>
<string name="profile_import_done">Fichier importé: %s</string>
<string name="profile_import_error">Erreurs en important le profil: %s!</string>
<!-- (USB) Serial TNC settings -->
<string name="p_serial_baudrate">Débit</string>

Wyświetl plik

@ -70,11 +70,7 @@
<!-- about dialog -->
<string name="ad_title">Iwwer APRSdroid v%s</string>
<string name="ad_copyright">Copyright © 2009-2018 Georg Lukas (DO1GL)\n
APRS® is a registered trademark of Bob Bruninga (WB4APR)
<string name="ad_copyright">Copyright © 2009-2018 Georg Lukas (DO1GL)\n \n\n APRS® ass eng registréiert Handelsmark vum Bob Bruninga (WB4APR)</string>
<string name="ad_gpl">Dëst ass eng fräi Software; du kanns se ënnert den Konditiounen vun der GNU General Public License wéi se vun der Free Software Foundation publizéiert ginn ass virun verdeelen an/oder modifizéieren; entweder ënnert der Versioun 2 vun der Lizenz, oder (als deng Optioun) ënnert enger méi spéiderer Versioun. \n\n Dësen Programm gëtt an der Hoffnung verdeelt, dass en nëtzlech ass, mee OUNI IRGENDENG GARANTIE; och ouni di implizéiert Garantie fir MARKTGÄNGEGKEET oder FITNESS FIR EN BESONNESCHEN ZWECK. Kuck an der GNU General Public License fir weider Detailer. \n\n Du miss eng Kopie vun der GNU General Public License mat dësem Programm kritt hunn; wann net, dann schreif un d\'Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. \n\n</string>
<string name="ad_thanks">E Merci un:</string>
<string name="ad_thanks_0">Meng YL ♥♥♥</string>
@ -107,13 +103,13 @@
<string name="show_map">Kaart weisen</string>
<string name="show_log">Log weisen</string>
<string name="export_log">Export Log</string>
<string name="export_empty">Nothing to export</string>
<string name="export_empty">Näischt do fir z\'exportéieren</string>
<string name="clear_log">Log läschen</string>
<string name="quit">Verloossen</string>
<string name="preferences">Astellungen</string>
<!-- preferences -->
<string name="profile_load">Load profile...</string>
<string name="profile_export">Export profile...</string>
<string name="profile_load">Profil lueden...</string>
<string name="profile_export">Profil exportéieren...</string>
<string name="p__ham">Funkamateur</string>
<string name="p_callsign">Rufzeechen</string>
<string name="p_callsign_nossid">Rufzeechen (ouni SSID)</string>
@ -321,13 +317,13 @@
<string name="p_sotimeout_summary">Zäit bevrun d\'Verbindung resett gëtt</string>
<string name="p_sotimeout_entry">Timeout Wäert an Sekonnen (0 = ausschalten)</string>
<string name="p_mapfile">Map file name</string>
<string name="p_mapfile_summary">MapsForge map file for APRSdroid</string>
<string name="p_mapfile">Kaarten Dateinumm</string>
<string name="p_mapfile_summary">MapsForge Kaartendatei fir APRSdroid</string>
<string name="p_mapfile_choose">Wiel Kartendatei</string>
<string name="mapfile_error">Fehler beim Kaartendatei %s lueden!</string>
<string name="p_themefile">Theme file name</string>
<string name="p_themefile_summary">MapsForge rendering theme (XML)</string>
<string name="p_themefile">Theme Dateinumm</string>
<string name="p_themefile_summary">MapsForge Duerstellungs Theme (XML)</string>
<string name="p_themefile_choose">Wiel Themendatei</string>
<string name="themefile_error">Fehler beim Themendatei %s lueden!</string>
@ -377,9 +373,9 @@
<string name="ssl_expire_in">Däin Zertifikat leeft an %d Deeg of!</string>
<!-- Config import -->
<string name="profile_import_activity">Profile import</string>
<string name="profile_import_done">Imported profile: %s</string>
<string name="profile_import_error">Error importing profile: %s!</string>
<string name="profile_import_activity">Konfiguratioun importéieren</string>
<string name="profile_import_done">Importéiert Profil: %s</string>
<string name="profile_import_error">Feeler beim Profil importéieren: %s!</string>
<!-- (USB) Serial TNC settings -->
<string name="p_serial_baudrate">Baudrate</string>

Wyświetl plik

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ z późniejszych wersji. \n\n Niniejszy program rozpowszechniany jest z nadziej
<string name="show_hub">Pokaż hub</string>
<string name="show_map">Pokaż mapę</string>
<string name="show_log">Pokaż dziennik</string>
<string name="export_log">Ekspoertuj log</string>
<string name="export_log">Eksportuj log</string>
<string name="export_empty">Brak danych do eksportu</string>
<string name="clear_log">Wyczyść dziennik</string>
<string name="quit">Zakończ</string>