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# Apportionment methods
from fractions import Fraction
import math
import numpy as np
import string
class TiesException(Exception):
def compute(
filtered_votes = apply_threshold(votes, threshold)
if method == "quota":
return quota(filtered_votes, seats, fractions, parties, tiesallowed, verbose)
elif method in ["lrm", "hamilton", "largest_remainder"]:
return largest_remainder(filtered_votes, seats, fractions, parties, tiesallowed, verbose)
elif method in [
return divisor(filtered_votes, seats, method, fractions, parties, tiesallowed, verbose)
raise NotImplementedError("apportionment method " + method + " not known")
def apply_threshold(votes, threshold):
"""Sets vote counts to 0 if threshold is not met."""
if threshold is not None:
v = []
combined_votes = sum(votes)
min_votes = combined_votes * threshold
for vote in votes:
if vote < min_votes:
return v
return votes
def __print_results(representatives, parties):
for i in range(len(representatives)):
print(" " + str(parties[i]) + ": " + str(representatives[i]))
# verifies whether a given assignment of representatives
# is within quota
def within_quota(votes, representatives, parties=string.ascii_letters, verbose=True):
n = sum(votes)
seats = sum(representatives)
within = True
for i in range(len(votes)):
upperquota = int(math.ceil(float(votes[i]) * seats / n))
if representatives[i] > upperquota:
if verbose:
"upper quota of party",
"violated: quota is",
float(votes[i]) * seats / n,
"but has",
within = False
lowerquota = int(math.floor(float(votes[i]) * seats / n))
if representatives[i] < lowerquota:
if verbose:
"lower quota of party",
"violated: quota is",
float(votes[i]) * seats / n,
"but has only",
within = False
return within
# Largest remainder method (Hamilton method)
def largest_remainder(
votes, seats, fractions=False, parties=string.ascii_letters, tiesallowed=True, verbose=True
# votes = np.array(votes)
if verbose:
print("\nLargest remainder method with Hare quota (Hamilton)")
if fractions:
q = Fraction(int(sum(votes)), seats)
quotas = [Fraction(int(p), q) for p in votes]
representatives = np.array([int(qu.numerator // qu.denominator) for qu in quotas])
votes = np.array(votes)
quotas = (votes * seats) / np.sum(votes)
representatives = np.int_(np.trunc(quotas))
ties = False
if np.sum(representatives) < seats:
remainders = quotas - representatives
cutoff = remainders[np.argsort(remainders)[np.sum(representatives) - seats]]
tiebreaking_message = (
" tiebreaking in order of: "
+ str(parties[: len(votes)])
+ "\n ties broken in favor of: "
for i in range(len(votes)):
reps_sum = np.sum(representatives)
if reps_sum == seats and remainders[i] >= cutoff:
if not ties:
tiebreaking_message = tiebreaking_message[:-2]
tiebreaking_message += "\n to the disadvantage of: "
ties = True
tiebreaking_message += parties[i] + ", "
elif reps_sum < seats and remainders[i] > cutoff:
representatives[i] += 1
elif reps_sum < seats and remainders[i] == cutoff:
tiebreaking_message += parties[i] + ", "
representatives[i] += 1
if ties and verbose:
if ties and not tiesallowed:
raise TiesException("Tie occurred")
if verbose:
__print_results(representatives, parties)
return representatives.tolist()
# Divisor methods
def divisor(
votes, seats, method, fractions=False, parties=string.ascii_letters, tiesallowed=True, verbose=True
votes = np.array(votes)
representatives = np.zeros(len(votes), dtype=int)
if method in ["dhondt", "jefferson", "greatestdivisors"]:
if verbose:
print("\nD'Hondt (Jefferson) method")
divisors = np.arange(seats) + 1
elif method in ["saintelague", "webster", "majorfractions"]:
if verbose:
print("\nSainte Lague (Webster) method")
divisors = 2 * np.arange(seats) + 1
elif method in ["modified_saintelague"]:
if verbose:
print("\nModified Sainte Lague (Webster) method")
divisors = np.insert(2 * np.arange(1.0, seats) + 1, 0, 1.4)
elif method in ["huntington", "hill", "equalproportions"]:
if verbose:
print("\nHuntington-Hill method")
if seats < len(votes):
representatives = __divzero_fewerseatsthanparties(
votes, seats, parties, tiesallowed, verbose
representatives = np.where(votes > 0, 1, 0)
divisors = np.arange(seats)
divisors = np.sqrt((divisors + 1) * (divisors + 2))
elif method in ["adams", "smallestdivisor"]:
if verbose:
print("\nAdams method")
if seats < len(votes):
representatives = __divzero_fewerseatsthanparties(
votes, seats, parties, tiesallowed, verbose
representatives = np.where(votes > 0, 1, 0)
divisors = np.arange(seats) + 1
elif method in ["dean", "harmonicmean"]:
if verbose:
print("\nDean method")
if seats < len(votes):
representatives = __divzero_fewerseatsthanparties(
votes, seats, parties, tiesallowed, verbose
representatives = np.array([1 if p > 0 else 0 for p in votes])
if fractions:
divisors = np.array([
Fraction(2 * (i + 1) * (i + 2), 2 * (i + 1) + 1) for i in range(seats)
divisors = np.arange(seats)
divisors = (2 * (divisors + 1) * (divisors + 2)) / (2 * (divisors + 1) + 1)
raise NotImplementedError("divisor method " + method + " not known")
# assigning representatives
if seats > np.sum(representatives):
if fractions and method not in ["huntington", "hill", "modified_saintelague"]:
weights = np.array([[Fraction(int(p), d) for d in divisors.tolist()] for p in votes])
flatweights = sorted([w for l in weights for w in l])
weights = np.array([p / divisors for p in votes])
flatweights = np.sort(weights, axis=None)
minweight = flatweights[-seats + np.sum(representatives)]
representatives += np.count_nonzero(weights > minweight, axis=1)
ties = False
# dealing with ties
if seats > np.sum(representatives):
tiebreaking_message = (
" tiebreaking in order of: "
+ str(parties[: len(votes)])
+ "\n ties broken in favor of: "
for i in range(len(votes)):
if np.sum(representatives) == seats and minweight in weights[i]:
if not ties:
if not tiesallowed:
raise TiesException("Tie occurred")
tiebreaking_message = tiebreaking_message[:-2]
tiebreaking_message += "\n to the disadvantage of: "
ties = True
tiebreaking_message += parties[i] + ", "
if np.sum(representatives) < seats and minweight in weights[i]:
tiebreaking_message += parties[i] + ", "
representatives[i] += 1
if ties and verbose:
if ties and not tiesallowed:
raise TiesException("Tie occurred")
if verbose:
__print_results(representatives, parties)
return representatives.tolist()
# required for methods with 0 divisors (Adams, Huntington-Hill)
def __divzero_fewerseatsthanparties(votes, seats, parties, tiesallowed, verbose):
representatives = np.zeros(len(votes), dtype=int)
if verbose:
" fewer seats than parties; "
+ str(seats)
+ " strongest parties receive one seat"
tiebreaking_message = " ties broken in favor of: "
ties = False
mincount = np.sort(votes)[-seats]
for i in range(len(votes)):
if np.sum(representatives) < seats and votes[i] >= mincount:
if votes[i] == mincount:
tiebreaking_message += parties[i] + ", "
representatives[i] = 1
elif np.sum(representatives) == seats and votes[i] >= mincount:
if not ties:
tiebreaking_message = tiebreaking_message[:-2]
tiebreaking_message += "\n to the disadvantage of: "
ties = True
tiebreaking_message += parties[i] + ", "
if ties and not tiesallowed:
raise TiesException("Tie occurred")
if ties and verbose:
return representatives
def quota(votes, seats, fractions=False, parties=string.ascii_letters, tiesallowed=True, verbose=True):
"""The quota method
see Balinski, M. L., & Young, H. P. (1975).
The quota method of apportionment.
The American Mathematical Monthly, 82(7), 701-730.)
Warning: tiesallowed is not supported here (difficult to implement)
if not tiesallowed:
raise NotImplementedError(
"parameter tiesallowed not supported for Quota method"
if verbose:
print("\nQuota method")
votes = np.array(votes)
representatives = np.zeros(len(votes), dtype=int)
while np.sum(representatives) < seats:
if fractions:
quotas = [Fraction(int(votes[i]), int(representatives[i]) + 1)
for i in range(len(votes))]
quotas = votes / (representatives + 1)
# check if upper quota is violated
upperquota = votes * (np.sum(representatives) + 1) / np.sum(votes)
upperquota = np.trunc(np.ceil(upperquota))
quotas = np.where(representatives >= upperquota, 0, quotas)
maxquotas = np.nonzero(quotas == quotas.max())[0]
nextrep = maxquotas[0]
# print tiebreaking information
if verbose and len(maxquotas) > 1:
"tiebreaking necessary in round "
+ str(np.sum(representatives) + 1)
+ ":"
+ " tiebreaking in order of: "
+ str(parties[: len(votes)])
+ "\n ties broken in favor of: "
+ str(parties[nextrep])
+ "\n to the disadvantage of: "
+ ", ".join(parties[i] for i in maxquotas[1:])
representatives[nextrep] += 1
if verbose:
__print_results(representatives, parties)
return representatives.tolist()