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package com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.ui.actions
import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.model.LocalCache
import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.model.Note
import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.model.User
import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.crypto.KeyPair
import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.encoders.HexKey
import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.encoders.Nip19
import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.encoders.bechToBytes
import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.encoders.toNpub
class NewMessageTagger(
var message: String,
var mentions: List<User>? = null,
var replyTos: List<Note>? = null,
var channelHex: String? = null
) {
val directMentions = mutableSetOf<HexKey>()
fun addUserToMentions(user: User) {
mentions = if (mentions?.contains(user) == true) mentions else mentions?.plus(user) ?: listOf(user)
fun addNoteToReplyTos(note: Note) {
directMentions.add(note.idHex) { addUserToMentions(it) }
replyTos = if (replyTos?.contains(note) == true) replyTos else replyTos?.plus(note) ?: listOf(note)
fun tagIndex(user: User): Int {
// Postr Events assembles replies before mentions in the tag order
return (if (channelHex != null) 1 else 0) + (replyTos?.size ?: 0) + (mentions?.indexOf(user) ?: 0)
fun tagIndex(note: Note): Int {
// Postr Events assembles replies before mentions in the tag order
return (if (channelHex != null) 1 else 0) + (replyTos?.indexOf(note) ?: 0)
fun run() {
// adds all references to mentions and reply tos
message.split('\n').forEach { paragraph: String ->
paragraph.split(' ').forEach { word: String ->
val results = parseDirtyWordForKey(word)
if (results?.key?.type == Nip19.Type.USER) {
} else if (results?.key?.type == Nip19.Type.NOTE) {
} else if (results?.key?.type == Nip19.Type.EVENT) {
} else if (results?.key?.type == Nip19.Type.ADDRESS) {
val note = LocalCache.checkGetOrCreateAddressableNote(results.key.hex)
if (note != null) {
// Tags the text in the correct order.
message = message.split('\n').map { paragraph: String ->
paragraph.split(' ').map { word: String ->
val results = parseDirtyWordForKey(word)
if (results?.key?.type == Nip19.Type.USER) {
val user = LocalCache.getOrCreateUser(results.key.hex)
} else if (results?.key?.type == Nip19.Type.NOTE) {
val note = LocalCache.getOrCreateNote(results.key.hex)
} else if (results?.key?.type == Nip19.Type.EVENT) {
val note = LocalCache.getOrCreateNote(results.key.hex)
} else if (results?.key?.type == Nip19.Type.ADDRESS) {
val note = LocalCache.checkGetOrCreateAddressableNote(results.key.hex)
if (note != null) {
} else {
} else {
}.joinToString(" ")
data class DirtyKeyInfo(val key: Nip19.Return, val restOfWord: String)
fun parseDirtyWordForKey(mightBeAKey: String): DirtyKeyInfo? {
var key = mightBeAKey
if (key.startsWith("nostr:", true)) {
key = key.substring("nostr:".length)
key = key.removePrefix("@")
if (key.length < 63) {
return null
try {
val keyB32 = key.substring(0, 63)
val restOfWord = key.substring(63)
if (key.startsWith("nsec1", true)) {
// Converts to npub
val pubkey = Nip19.uriToRoute(KeyPair(privKey = keyB32.bechToBytes()).pubKey.toNpub()) ?: return null
return DirtyKeyInfo(pubkey, restOfWord)
} else if (key.startsWith("npub1", true)) {
val pubkey = Nip19.uriToRoute(keyB32) ?: return null
return DirtyKeyInfo(pubkey, restOfWord)
} else if (key.startsWith("note1", true)) {
val noteId = Nip19.uriToRoute(keyB32) ?: return null
return DirtyKeyInfo(noteId, restOfWord)
} else if (key.startsWith("nprofile", true)) {
val pubkeyRelay = Nip19.uriToRoute(keyB32 + restOfWord) ?: return null
return DirtyKeyInfo(pubkeyRelay, pubkeyRelay.additionalChars)
} else if (key.startsWith("nevent1", true)) {
val noteRelayId = Nip19.uriToRoute(keyB32 + restOfWord) ?: return null
return DirtyKeyInfo(noteRelayId, noteRelayId.additionalChars)
} else if (key.startsWith("naddr1", true)) {
val address = Nip19.uriToRoute(keyB32 + restOfWord) ?: return null
return DirtyKeyInfo(address, address.additionalChars) // no way to know when they address ends and dirt begins
} catch (e: Exception) {
return null