/** * Copyright (c) 2024 Vitor Pamplona * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the * Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.service.relays import android.util.Log import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.BuildConfig import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.model.RelayBriefInfoCache import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.service.HttpClientManager import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.service.checkNotInMainThread import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.encoders.HexKey import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.Event import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.EventInterface import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.RelayAuthEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.bytesUsedInMemory import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.utils.TimeUtils import kotlinx.coroutines.CancellationException import okhttp3.Request import okhttp3.Response import okhttp3.WebSocket import okhttp3.WebSocketListener import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean enum class FeedType { FOLLOWS, PUBLIC_CHATS, PRIVATE_DMS, GLOBAL, SEARCH, WALLET_CONNECT, } val COMMON_FEED_TYPES = setOf(FeedType.FOLLOWS, FeedType.PUBLIC_CHATS, FeedType.PRIVATE_DMS, FeedType.GLOBAL) val EVENT_FINDER_TYPES = setOf(FeedType.FOLLOWS, FeedType.PUBLIC_CHATS, FeedType.GLOBAL) class Relay( val url: String, val read: Boolean = true, val write: Boolean = true, val activeTypes: Set = FeedType.values().toSet(), ) { val brief = RelayBriefInfoCache.get(url) companion object { // waits 3 minutes to reconnect once things fail const val RECONNECTING_IN_SECONDS = 60 * 3 } private val httpClient = if (url.startsWith("ws://") || url.startsWith("ws://localhost")) { HttpClientManager.getHttpClient(false) } else { HttpClientManager.getHttpClient() } private var listeners = setOf() private var socket: WebSocket? = null private var isReady: Boolean = false private var usingCompression: Boolean = false var eventDownloadCounterInBytes = 0 var eventUploadCounterInBytes = 0 var spamCounter = 0 var errorCounter = 0 var pingInMs: Long? = null var lastConnectTentative: Long = 0L var afterEOSEPerSubscription = mutableMapOf() val authResponse = mutableMapOf() fun register(listener: Listener) { listeners = listeners.plus(listener) } fun unregister(listener: Listener) { listeners = listeners.minus(listener) } fun isConnected(): Boolean { return socket != null } fun connect() { connectAndRun { checkNotInMainThread() // Sends everything. renewFilters() } } private var connectingBlock = AtomicBoolean() fun connectAndRun(onConnected: (Relay) -> Unit) { Log.d("Relay", "Relay.connect $url hasProxy: ${this.httpClient.proxy != null}") // BRB is crashing OkHttp Deflater object :( if (url.contains("brb.io")) return // If there is a connection, don't wait. if (connectingBlock.getAndSet(true)) { return } checkNotInMainThread() if (socket != null) return lastConnectTentative = TimeUtils.now() try { val request = Request.Builder() .header("User-Agent", "Amethyst/${BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME}") .url(url.trim()) .build() socket = httpClient.newWebSocket(request, RelayListener(onConnected)) } catch (e: Exception) { if (e is CancellationException) throw e errorCounter++ markConnectionAsClosed() Log.e("Relay", "Relay Invalid $url") e.printStackTrace() } finally { connectingBlock.set(false) } } inner class RelayListener(val onConnected: (Relay) -> Unit) : WebSocketListener() { override fun onOpen( webSocket: WebSocket, response: Response, ) { checkNotInMainThread() Log.d("Relay", "Connect onOpen $url $socket") markConnectionAsReady( pingInMs = response.receivedResponseAtMillis - response.sentRequestAtMillis, usingCompression = response.headers.get("Sec-WebSocket-Extensions")?.contains("permessage-deflate") ?: false, ) // Log.w("Relay", "Relay OnOpen, Loading All subscriptions $url") onConnected(this@Relay) listeners.forEach { it.onRelayStateChange(this@Relay, StateType.CONNECT, null) } } override fun onMessage( webSocket: WebSocket, text: String, ) { checkNotInMainThread() eventDownloadCounterInBytes += text.bytesUsedInMemory() try { processNewRelayMessage(text) } catch (e: Throwable) { if (e is CancellationException) throw e e.printStackTrace() text.chunked(2000) { chunked -> listeners.forEach { it.onError(this@Relay, "", Error("Problem with $chunked")) } } } } override fun onClosing( webSocket: WebSocket, code: Int, reason: String, ) { checkNotInMainThread() Log.w("Relay", "Relay onClosing $url: $reason") listeners.forEach { it.onRelayStateChange( this@Relay, StateType.DISCONNECTING, null, ) } } override fun onClosed( webSocket: WebSocket, code: Int, reason: String, ) { checkNotInMainThread() markConnectionAsClosed() Log.w("Relay", "Relay onClosed $url: $reason") listeners.forEach { it.onRelayStateChange(this@Relay, StateType.DISCONNECT, null) } } override fun onFailure( webSocket: WebSocket, t: Throwable, response: Response?, ) { checkNotInMainThread() errorCounter++ socket?.cancel() // 1000, "Normal close" // Failures disconnect the relay. markConnectionAsClosed() Log.w("Relay", "Relay onFailure $url, ${response?.message} $response") t.printStackTrace() listeners.forEach { it.onError( this@Relay, "", Error("WebSocket Failure. Response: $response. Exception: ${t.message}", t), ) } } } fun markConnectionAsReady( pingInMs: Long, usingCompression: Boolean, ) { this.resetEOSEStatuses() this.isReady = true this.pingInMs = pingInMs this.usingCompression = usingCompression } fun markConnectionAsClosed() { this.socket = null this.isReady = false this.usingCompression = false this.resetEOSEStatuses() } fun processNewRelayMessage(newMessage: String) { val msgArray = Event.mapper.readTree(newMessage) when (val type = msgArray.get(0).asText()) { "EVENT" -> { val subscriptionId = msgArray.get(1).asText() val event = Event.fromJson(msgArray.get(2)) // Log.w("Relay", "Relay onEVENT ${event.kind} $url, $subscriptionId ${msgArray.get(2)}") listeners.forEach { it.onEvent( this@Relay, subscriptionId, event, afterEOSEPerSubscription[subscriptionId] == true, ) } } "EOSE" -> listeners.forEach { val subscriptionId = msgArray.get(1).asText() afterEOSEPerSubscription[subscriptionId] = true // Log.w("Relay", "Relay onEOSE $url $subscriptionId") it.onRelayStateChange(this@Relay, StateType.EOSE, subscriptionId) } "NOTICE" -> listeners.forEach { val message = msgArray.get(1).asText() Log.w("Relay", "Relay onNotice $url, $message") it.onError(this@Relay, message, Error("Relay sent notice: $message")) } "OK" -> listeners.forEach { val eventId = msgArray[1].asText() val success = msgArray[2].asBoolean() val message = if (msgArray.size() > 2) msgArray[3].asText() else "" if (authResponse.containsKey(eventId)) { val wasAlreadyAuthenticated = authResponse.get(eventId) authResponse.put(eventId, success) if (wasAlreadyAuthenticated != true && success) { renewFilters() } } Log.w("Relay", "Relay on OK $url, $eventId, $success, $message") it.onSendResponse(this@Relay, eventId, success, message) } "AUTH" -> listeners.forEach { // Log.w("Relay", "Relay onAuth $url, ${msg[1].asString}") it.onAuth(this@Relay, msgArray[1].asText()) } "NOTIFY" -> listeners.forEach { // Log.w("Relay", "Relay onNotify $url, ${msg[1].asString}") it.onNotify(this@Relay, msgArray[1].asText()) } "CLOSED" -> listeners.forEach { Log.w("Relay", "Relay onClosed $url, $newMessage") } else -> listeners.forEach { Log.w("Relay", "Unsupported message: $newMessage") it.onError( this@Relay, "", Error("Unknown type $type on channel. Msg was $newMessage"), ) } } } fun disconnect() { Log.d("Relay", "Relay.disconnect $url") checkNotInMainThread() lastConnectTentative = 0L // this is not an error, so prepare to reconnect as soon as requested. socket?.cancel() socket = null isReady = false usingCompression = false resetEOSEStatuses() } fun resetEOSEStatuses() { afterEOSEPerSubscription = LinkedHashMap(afterEOSEPerSubscription.size) } fun sendFilter( requestId: String, filters: List, ) { checkNotInMainThread() if (read) { if (isConnected()) { if (isReady) { val relayFilters = filters.filter { filter -> activeTypes.any { it in filter.types } } if (relayFilters.isNotEmpty()) { val request = relayFilters.joinToStringLimited( separator = ",", limit = 20, prefix = """["REQ","$requestId",""", postfix = "]", ) { it.filter.toJson(url) } // Log.d("Relay", "onFilterSent $url $requestId $request") socket?.send(request) eventUploadCounterInBytes += request.bytesUsedInMemory() resetEOSEStatuses() } } } else { // waits 60 seconds to reconnect after disconnected. if (TimeUtils.now() > lastConnectTentative + RECONNECTING_IN_SECONDS) { // sends all filters after connection is successful. connect() } } } } fun Iterable.joinToStringLimited( separator: CharSequence = ", ", prefix: CharSequence = "", postfix: CharSequence = "", limit: Int = -1, transform: ((T) -> CharSequence)? = null, ): String { val buffer = StringBuilder() buffer.append(prefix) var count = 0 for (element in this) { if (limit < 0 || count <= limit) { if (++count > 1) buffer.append(separator) when { transform != null -> buffer.append(transform(element)) element is CharSequence? -> buffer.append(element) element is Char -> buffer.append(element) else -> buffer.append(element.toString()) } } else { break } } buffer.append(postfix) return buffer.toString() } fun connectAndSendFiltersIfDisconnected() { checkNotInMainThread() if (socket == null) { // waits 60 seconds to reconnect after disconnected. if (TimeUtils.now() > lastConnectTentative + RECONNECTING_IN_SECONDS) { // println("sendfilter Only if Disconnected ${url} ") connect() } } } fun renewFilters() { // Force update all filters after AUTH. Client.allSubscriptions().forEach { sendFilter(requestId = it.key, it.value) } } fun send(signedEvent: EventInterface) { checkNotInMainThread() if (signedEvent is RelayAuthEvent) { authResponse.put(signedEvent.id, false) // specific protocol for this event. val event = """["AUTH",${signedEvent.toJson()}]""" socket?.send(event) eventUploadCounterInBytes += event.bytesUsedInMemory() } else { if (write) { val event = """["EVENT",${signedEvent.toJson()}]""" if (isConnected()) { if (isReady) { socket?.send(event) eventUploadCounterInBytes += event.bytesUsedInMemory() } } else { // sends all filters after connection is successful. connectAndRun { checkNotInMainThread() socket?.send(event) eventUploadCounterInBytes += event.bytesUsedInMemory() // Sends everything. renewFilters() } } } } } fun close(subscriptionId: String) { checkNotInMainThread() val msg = """["CLOSE","$subscriptionId"]""" // Log.d("Relay", "Close Subscription $url $msg") socket?.send(msg) } fun isSameRelayConfig(other: Relay): Boolean { return url == other.url && write == other.write && read == other.read && activeTypes == other.activeTypes } enum class StateType { // Websocket connected CONNECT, // Websocket disconnecting DISCONNECTING, // Websocket disconnected DISCONNECT, // End Of Stored Events EOSE, } interface Listener { /** A new message was received */ fun onEvent( relay: Relay, subscriptionId: String, event: Event, afterEOSE: Boolean, ) fun onError( relay: Relay, subscriptionId: String, error: Error, ) fun onSendResponse( relay: Relay, eventId: String, success: Boolean, message: String, ) fun onAuth( relay: Relay, challenge: String, ) /** * Connected to or disconnected from a relay * * @param type is 0 for disconnect and 1 for connect */ fun onRelayStateChange( relay: Relay, type: StateType, channel: String?, ) /** Relay sent an invoice */ fun onNotify( relay: Relay, description: String, ) } }