/** * Copyright (c) 2024 Vitor Pamplona * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the * Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.commons.hashtags import androidx.compose.foundation.Image import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.PathFillType.Companion.NonZero import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.SolidColor import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.StrokeCap.Companion.Butt import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.StrokeJoin.Companion.Miter import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.vector.ImageVector import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.vector.ImageVector.Builder import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.vector.path import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.vector.rememberVectorPainter import androidx.compose.ui.tooling.preview.Preview import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp @Preview @Composable fun CustomHashTagIconsGrownostrPreview() { Image( painter = rememberVectorPainter( CustomHashTagIcons.Grownostr, ), contentDescription = "", ) } public val CustomHashTagIcons.Grownostr: ImageVector get() { if (customHashTagIconsGrowNostr != null) { return customHashTagIconsGrowNostr!! } customHashTagIconsGrowNostr = Builder( name = "Grownostr", defaultWidth = 128.0.dp, defaultHeight = 128.0.dp, viewportWidth = 128.0f, viewportHeight = 128.0f, ).apply { path( fill = SolidColor(Color(0xFF6200ee)), stroke = null, strokeLineWidth = 1.23984f, strokeLineCap = Butt, strokeLineJoin = Miter, strokeLineMiter = 4.0f, pathFillType = NonZero, ) { moveTo(9.224f, 0.486f) curveTo(32.035f, 17.55f, 41.727f, 30.892f, 55.972f, 46.502f) curveTo(58.127f, 41.355f, 55.87f, 32.947f, 54.169f, 27.762f) curveTo(47.608f, 7.761f, 28.73f, 0.498f, 9.224f, 0.486f) close() } path( fill = SolidColor(Color(0xFF6200ee)), stroke = null, strokeLineWidth = 1.23984f, strokeLineCap = Butt, strokeLineJoin = Miter, strokeLineMiter = 4.0f, pathFillType = NonZero, ) { moveTo(71.434f, 71.774f) curveTo(80.152f, 58.93f, 119.83f, 33.376f, 120.809f, 24.042f) curveTo(99.67f, 24.479f, 79.224f, 31.773f, 72.715f, 53.799f) curveToRelative(-1.57f, 5.311f, -1.279f, 12.494f, -1.28f, 17.975f) close() } path( fill = SolidColor(Color(0xFF3700b3)), stroke = null, strokeLineWidth = 1.23984f, strokeLineCap = Butt, strokeLineJoin = Miter, strokeLineMiter = 4.0f, pathFillType = NonZero, ) { moveTo(106.897f, 34.151f) curveTo(85.728f, 55.379f, 83.294f, 51.88f, 72.931f, 73.418f) curveTo(99.006f, 72.295f, 124.096f, 52.448f, 120.96f, 24.204f) curveToRelative(-6.391f, 2.874f, -10.261f, 5.064f, -14.063f, 9.946f) close() } path( fill = SolidColor(Color(0xFF3700b3)), stroke = null, strokeLineWidth = 1.23984f, strokeLineCap = Butt, strokeLineJoin = Miter, strokeLineMiter = 4.0f, pathFillType = NonZero, ) { moveTo(8.753f, 0.486f) curveTo(9.992f, 16.183f, 11.87f, 33.641f, 26.582f, 42.19f) curveToRelative(8.311f, 4.828f, 18.0f, 6.141f, 27.276f, 7.889f) curveTo(51.373f, 34.848f, 52.381f, 36.195f, 23.789f, 11.482f) curveTo(19.47f, 7.834f, 15.869f, 4.353f, 8.753f, 0.486f) close() } path( fill = SolidColor(Color(0xFF818181)), stroke = null, strokeLineWidth = 1.23984f, strokeLineCap = Butt, strokeLineJoin = Miter, strokeLineMiter = 4.0f, pathFillType = NonZero, ) { moveToRelative(32.781f, 4.205f) lineToRelative(1.24f, 1.24f) close() } path( fill = SolidColor(Color(0xFF35b458)), stroke = null, strokeLineWidth = 1.23984f, strokeLineCap = Butt, strokeLineJoin = Miter, strokeLineMiter = 4.0f, pathFillType = NonZero, ) { moveToRelative(21.622f, 10.404f) curveToRelative(1.727f, 1.778f, 2.769f, 2.535f, 4.959f, 3.72f) curveToRelative(-2.998f, 0.895f, -5.545f, 1.175f, -8.679f, 1.24f) verticalLineToRelative(3.72f) curveToRelative(12.329f, 0.0f, 18.717f, 3.247f, 26.037f, 13.638f) horizontalLineToRelative(-8.679f) verticalLineToRelative(3.72f) curveToRelative(3.974f, 0.004f, 8.635f, -0.583f, 11.99f, 1.987f) curveToRelative(5.095f, 3.903f, 6.276f, 10.83f, 7.861f, 16.61f) curveToRelative(4.072f, 14.857f, 6.186f, 30.48f, 6.186f, 45.874f) curveToRelative(0.0f, 7.101f, -12.143f, 35.848f, 4.959f, 24.797f) curveToRelative(2.201f, -11.686f, -0.793f, -24.101f, -0.55f, -34.716f) curveToRelative(3.591f, -12.146f, 10.482f, -24.099f, 19.148f, -30.583f) curveToRelative(4.709f, -1.594f, 11.079f, 2.021f, 12.398f, -4.132f) lineTo(84.854f, 57.518f) curveTo(92.594f, 48.012f, 98.343f, 42.675f, 110.891f, 42.64f) verticalLineToRelative(-2.48f) horizontalLineToRelative(-8.679f) lineToRelative(4.959f, -6.199f) curveTo(99.438f, 34.305f, 94.621f, 42.1f, 88.573f, 46.36f) curveTo(88.312f, 42.964f, 88.199f, 42.117f, 84.854f, 41.4f) curveTo(84.466f, 54.133f, 72.011f, 71.537f, 63.777f, 79.835f) curveTo(63.682f, 68.403f, 61.36f, 55.477f, 56.361f, 45.12f) curveTo(53.377f, 38.937f, 48.971f, 33.724f, 45.694f, 27.762f) curveToRelative(-1.764f, -3.211f, -2.345f, -6.791f, -4.234f, -9.919f) curveToRelative(-0.849f, 1.547f, -0.929f, 1.919f, -1.24f, 3.72f) curveTo(34.743f, 17.118f, 28.995f, 10.143f, 21.622f, 10.404f) close() } path( fill = SolidColor(Color(0xFF818181)), stroke = null, strokeLineWidth = 1.23984f, strokeLineCap = Butt, strokeLineJoin = Miter, strokeLineMiter = 4.0f, pathFillType = NonZero, ) { moveToRelative(42.699f, 10.404f) lineToRelative(1.24f, 1.24f) close() } path( fill = SolidColor(Color(0xFF818181)), stroke = null, strokeLineWidth = 1.23984f, strokeLineCap = Butt, strokeLineJoin = Miter, strokeLineMiter = 4.0f, pathFillType = NonZero, ) { moveToRelative(103.452f, 25.282f) lineToRelative(1.24f, 1.24f) close() } path( fill = SolidColor(Color(0xFF01ff01)), stroke = null, strokeLineWidth = 1.23984f, strokeLineCap = Butt, strokeLineJoin = Miter, strokeLineMiter = 4.0f, pathFillType = NonZero, ) { moveToRelative(12.943f, 27.762f) lineToRelative(1.24f, 1.24f) lineToRelative(-1.24f, -1.24f) moveToRelative(76.87f, 2.48f) lineToRelative(1.24f, 1.24f) close() } path( fill = SolidColor(Color(0xFF818181)), stroke = null, strokeLineWidth = 1.23984f, strokeLineCap = Butt, strokeLineJoin = Miter, strokeLineMiter = 4.0f, pathFillType = NonZero, ) { moveToRelative(73.695f, 48.839f) lineToRelative(1.24f, 1.24f) close() } path( fill = SolidColor(Color(0xFFf99721)), stroke = null, strokeLineWidth = 1.18196f, strokeLineCap = Butt, strokeLineJoin = Miter, strokeLineMiter = 4.0f, pathFillType = NonZero, ) { moveToRelative(0.081f, 127.881f) curveToRelative(9.289f, 0.0f, 23.307f, 0.004f, 33.058f, -0.192f) curveToRelative(18.284f, -0.22f, 37.955f, -11.486f, 49.607f, -18.06f) curveToRelative(-6.533f, -6.661f, -21.685f, -9.693f, -28.933f, -6.422f) curveToRelative(-6.339f, 4.411f, -16.531f, 6.015f, -23.401f, 9.187f) curveToRelative(-10.618f, 8.433f, -25.203f, 8.662f, -30.331f, 15.487f) close() } path( fill = SolidColor(Color(0xFF857f2d)), stroke = null, strokeLineWidth = 1.01399f, strokeLineCap = Butt, strokeLineJoin = Miter, strokeLineMiter = 4.0f, pathFillType = NonZero, ) { moveToRelative(61.97f, 101.518f) lineToRelative(1.014f, 1.014f) close() } path( fill = SolidColor(Color(0xFFffff01)), stroke = null, strokeLineWidth = 1.01399f, strokeLineCap = Butt, strokeLineJoin = Miter, strokeLineMiter = 4.0f, pathFillType = NonZero, ) { moveToRelative(51.83f, 105.574f) lineToRelative(1.014f, 1.014f) lineToRelative(-1.014f, -1.014f) moveToRelative(23.322f, 0.0f) lineToRelative(1.014f, 1.014f) close() } path( fill = SolidColor(Color(0xFFdf7f07)), stroke = null, strokeLineWidth = 1.19243f, strokeLineCap = Butt, strokeLineJoin = Miter, strokeLineMiter = 4.0f, pathFillType = NonZero, ) { moveToRelative(31.334f, 127.881f) horizontalLineToRelative(96.757f) curveToRelative(-5.648f, -7.803f, -12.978f, -6.398f, -22.037f, -10.163f) curveToRelative(-9.516f, -3.956f, -14.557f, -9.591f, -27.043f, -7.551f) curveToRelative(-9.571f, 1.564f, -14.284f, 7.555f, -22.675f, 10.005f) curveToRelative(-9.678f, 2.827f, -17.397f, 1.076f, -25.003f, 7.709f) close() } } .build() return customHashTagIconsGrowNostr!! } private var customHashTagIconsGrowNostr: ImageVector? = null