package com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.ui.components import android.util.Patterns import androidx.compose.animation.animateContentSize import import import* import import androidx.compose.material.* import androidx.compose.runtime.* import androidx.compose.runtime.livedata.observeAsState import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier import androidx.compose.ui.draw.clip import import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp import androidx.navigation.NavController import import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.lnurl.LnInvoiceUtil import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.model.LocalCache import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.model.toByteArray import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.model.toNote import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.service.Nip19 import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.ui.note.NoteCompose import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.ui.note.toShortenHex import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.ui.screen.loggedIn.AccountViewModel import nostr.postr.toNpub import import import import java.util.regex.Pattern val imageExtension = Pattern.compile("(.*/)*.+\\.(png|jpg|gif|bmp|jpeg|webp|svg)$") val videoExtension = Pattern.compile("(.*/)*.+\\.(mp4|avi|wmv|mpg|amv|webm)$") val noProtocolUrlValidator = Pattern.compile("^[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\\+~#=]{1,256}\\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\\b(?:[-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\\+.~#?&//=]*)$") val tagIndex = Pattern.compile(".*\\#\\[([0-9]+)\\].*") val mentionsPattern: Pattern = Pattern.compile("@([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)") val hashTagsPattern: Pattern = Pattern.compile("#([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)") val urlPattern: Pattern = Patterns.WEB_URL fun isValidURL(url: String?): Boolean { return try { URL(url).toURI() true } catch (e: MalformedURLException) { false } catch (e: URISyntaxException) { false } } @Composable fun RichTextViewer( content: String, canPreview: Boolean, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, tags: List>?, accountViewModel: AccountViewModel, navController: NavController, ) { Column(modifier = modifier.animateContentSize()) { // FlowRow doesn't work well with paragraphs. So we need to split them content.split('\n').forEach { paragraph -> FlowRow() { paragraph.split(' ').forEach { word: String -> if (canPreview) { // Explicit URL val lnInvoice = LnInvoiceUtil.findInvoice(word) if (lnInvoice != null) { InvoicePreview(lnInvoice) } else if (isValidURL(word)) { val removedParamsFromUrl = word.split("?")[0].toLowerCase() if (imageExtension.matcher(removedParamsFromUrl).matches()) { ZoomableImageView(word) } else if (videoExtension.matcher(removedParamsFromUrl).matches()) { VideoView(word) } else { UrlPreview(word, word) } } else if (Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS.matcher(word).matches()) { ClickableEmail(word) } else if (Patterns.PHONE.matcher(word).matches() && word.length > 6) { ClickablePhone(word) } else if (noProtocolUrlValidator.matcher(word).matches()) { UrlPreview("https://$word", word) } else if (tagIndex.matcher(word).matches() && tags != null) { TagLink(word, tags, accountViewModel, navController) } else if (isBechLink(word)) { BechLink(word, navController) } else { Text( text = "$word ", style = LocalTextStyle.current.copy(textDirection = TextDirection.Content), ) } } else { if (isValidURL(word)) { ClickableUrl("$word ", word) } else if (Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS.matcher(word).matches()) { ClickableEmail(word) } else if (Patterns.PHONE.matcher(word).matches() && word.length > 6) { ClickablePhone(word) } else if (noProtocolUrlValidator.matcher(word).matches()) { ClickableUrl(word, "https://$word") } else if (tagIndex.matcher(word).matches() && tags != null) { TagLink(word, tags, accountViewModel, navController) } else if (isBechLink(word)) { BechLink(word, navController) } else { Text( text = "$word ", style = LocalTextStyle.current.copy(textDirection = TextDirection.Content), ) } } } } } } } fun isBechLink(word: String): Boolean { return word.startsWith("nostr:", true) || word.startsWith("npub1", true) || word.startsWith("note1", true) || word.startsWith("nprofile1", true) || word.startsWith("nevent1", true) || word.startsWith("@npub1", true) || word.startsWith("@note1", true) || word.startsWith("@nprofile1", true) || word.startsWith("@nevent1", true) } @Composable fun BechLink(word: String, navController: NavController) { val uri = if (word.startsWith("nostr", true)) { word } else if (word.startsWith("@")) { word.replaceFirst("@", "nostr:") } else { "nostr:${word}" } val nip19Route = try { Nip19().uriToRoute(uri) } catch (e: Exception) { null } if (nip19Route == null) { Text(text = "$word ") } else { ClickableRoute(nip19Route, navController) } } @Composable fun TagLink(word: String, tags: List>, accountViewModel: AccountViewModel, navController: NavController) { val matcher = tagIndex.matcher(word) val index = try { matcher.find() } catch (e: Exception) { println("Couldn't link tag ${word}") null } if (index == null) { return Text(text = "$word ") } if (index >= 0 && index < tags.size) { if (tags[index][0] == "p") { val baseUser = LocalCache.checkGetOrCreateUser(tags[index][1]) if (baseUser != null) { val userState = val user = userState.value?.user if (user != null) { ClickableUserTag(user, navController) } else { Text(text = "$word ") } } else { // if here the tag is not a valid Nostr Hex Text(text = "$word ") } } else if (tags[index][0] == "e") { val note = LocalCache.checkGetOrCreateNote(tags[index][1]) if (note != null) { //ClickableNoteTag(note, navController) NoteCompose( baseNote = note, accountViewModel = accountViewModel, modifier = Modifier .padding(0.dp) .fillMaxWidth() .clip(shape = RoundedCornerShape(15.dp)) .border( 1.dp, MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface.copy(alpha = 0.12f), RoundedCornerShape(15.dp) ) .background(MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface.copy(alpha = 0.05f)), isQuotedNote = true, navController = navController) } else { // if here the tag is not a valid Nostr Hex Text(text = "$word ") } } else Text(text = "$word ") } }