package com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.ui.actions import android.util.Patterns import import androidx.compose.ui.text.AnnotatedString import androidx.compose.ui.text.SpanStyle import androidx.compose.ui.text.TextRange import androidx.compose.ui.text.buildAnnotatedString import androidx.compose.ui.text.input.OffsetMapping import androidx.compose.ui.text.input.TransformedText import androidx.compose.ui.text.input.VisualTransformation import import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.model.LocalCache import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.encoders.decodePublicKey import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.encoders.toHexKey import kotlin.math.roundToInt data class RangesChanges(val original: TextRange, val modified: TextRange) class UrlUserTagTransformation(val color: Color) : VisualTransformation { override fun filter(text: AnnotatedString): TransformedText { return buildAnnotatedStringWithUrlHighlighting(text, color) } } fun buildAnnotatedStringWithUrlHighlighting(text: AnnotatedString, color: Color): TransformedText { val substitutions = mutableListOf() val newText = buildAnnotatedString { val builderBefore = StringBuilder() // important to correctly measure Tag start and end val builderAfter = StringBuilder() // important to correctly measure Tag start and end append( text.split('\n').map { paragraph: String -> paragraph.split(' ').map { word: String -> try { if (word.startsWith("@npub") && word.length >= 64) { val keyB32 = word.substring(0, 64) val restOfWord = word.substring(64) val startIndex = builderBefore.toString().length builderBefore.append("$keyB32$restOfWord ") // accounts for the \n at the end of each paragraph val endIndex = startIndex + keyB32.length val key = decodePublicKey(keyB32.removePrefix("@")) val user = LocalCache.getOrCreateUser(key.toHexKey()) val newWord = "@${user.toBestDisplayName()}" val startNew = builderAfter.toString().length builderAfter.append("$newWord$restOfWord ") // accounts for the \n at the end of each paragraph substitutions.add( RangesChanges( TextRange(startIndex, endIndex), TextRange(startNew, startNew + newWord.length) ) ) newWord + restOfWord } else { builderBefore.append(word + " ") builderAfter.append(word + " ") word } } catch (e: Exception) { // if it can't parse the key, don't try to change. builderBefore.append(word + " ") builderAfter.append(word + " ") word } }.joinToString(" ") }.joinToString("\n") ) val newText = toAnnotatedString() newText.split("\\s+".toRegex()).filter { word -> Patterns.WEB_URL.matcher(word).matches() }.forEach { val startIndex = text.indexOf(it) val endIndex = startIndex + it.length addStyle( style = SpanStyle( color = color, textDecoration = TextDecoration.None ), start = startIndex, end = endIndex ) } substitutions.forEach { addStyle( style = SpanStyle( color = color, textDecoration = TextDecoration.None ), start = it.modified.start, end = it.modified.end ) } } val numberOffsetTranslator = object : OffsetMapping { override fun originalToTransformed(offset: Int): Int { val inInsideRange = substitutions.filter { offset > it.original.start && offset < it.original.end }.firstOrNull() if (inInsideRange != null) { val percentInRange = (offset - inInsideRange.original.start) / (inInsideRange.original.length.toFloat()) return (inInsideRange.modified.start + inInsideRange.modified.length * percentInRange).roundToInt() } val lastRangeThrough = substitutions.lastOrNull { offset >= it.original.end } if (lastRangeThrough != null) { return lastRangeThrough.modified.end + (offset - lastRangeThrough.original.end) } else { return offset } } override fun transformedToOriginal(offset: Int): Int { val inInsideRange = substitutions.filter { offset > it.modified.start && offset < it.modified.end }.firstOrNull() if (inInsideRange != null) { val percentInRange = (offset - inInsideRange.modified.start) / (inInsideRange.modified.length.toFloat()) return (inInsideRange.original.start + inInsideRange.original.length * percentInRange).roundToInt() } val lastRangeThrough = substitutions.lastOrNull { offset >= it.modified.end } if (lastRangeThrough != null) { return lastRangeThrough.original.end + (offset - lastRangeThrough.modified.end) } else { return offset } } } return TransformedText( newText, numberOffsetTranslator ) }