package com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.model import android.content.res.Resources import android.util.Log import androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable import androidx.core.os.ConfigurationCompat import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData import androidx.lifecycle.distinctUntilChanged import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.OptOutFromFilters import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.service.FileHeader import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.service.NostrLnZapPaymentResponseDataSource import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.service.relays.Client import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.service.relays.Constants import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.service.relays.FeedType import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.service.relays.Relay import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.service.relays.RelayPool import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.ui.components.BundledUpdate import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.ui.note.combineWith import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.crypto.CryptoUtils import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.crypto.KeyPair import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.encoders.ATag import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.encoders.HexKey import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.encoders.hexToByteArray import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.encoders.toHexKey import* import kotlinx.collections.immutable.ImmutableSet import kotlinx.collections.immutable.persistentSetOf import kotlinx.collections.immutable.toImmutableSet import kotlinx.coroutines.DelicateCoroutinesApi import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import java.math.BigDecimal import import java.util.Locale val DefaultChannels = setOf( "25e5c82273a271cb1a840d0060391a0bf4965cafeb029d5ab55350b418953fbb", // -> Anigma's Nostr "42224859763652914db53052103f0b744df79dfc4efef7e950fc0802fc3df3c5" // -> Amethyst's Group ) fun getLanguagesSpokenByUser(): Set { val languageList = ConfigurationCompat.getLocales(Resources.getSystem().getConfiguration()) val codedList = mutableSetOf() for (i in 0 until languageList.size()) { languageList.get(i)?.let { codedList.add(it.language) } } return codedList } val GLOBAL_FOLLOWS = " Global " val KIND3_FOLLOWS = " All Follows " @OptIn(DelicateCoroutinesApi::class) @Stable class Account( val keyPair: KeyPair, var followingChannels: Set = DefaultChannels, // deprecated var followingCommunities: Set = setOf(), // deprecated var hiddenUsers: Set = setOf(), // deprecated var localRelays: Set = Constants.defaultRelays.toSet(), var dontTranslateFrom: Set = getLanguagesSpokenByUser(), var languagePreferences: Map = mapOf(), var translateTo: String = Locale.getDefault().language, var zapAmountChoices: List = listOf(500L, 1000L, 5000L), var reactionChoices: List = listOf("+"), var defaultZapType: LnZapEvent.ZapType = LnZapEvent.ZapType.PRIVATE, var defaultFileServer: ServersAvailable = ServersAvailable.NOSTR_BUILD, var defaultHomeFollowList: String = KIND3_FOLLOWS, var defaultStoriesFollowList: String = GLOBAL_FOLLOWS, var defaultNotificationFollowList: String = GLOBAL_FOLLOWS, var defaultDiscoveryFollowList: String = GLOBAL_FOLLOWS, var zapPaymentRequest: Nip47URI? = null, var hideDeleteRequestDialog: Boolean = false, var hideBlockAlertDialog: Boolean = false, var hideNIP24WarningDialog: Boolean = false, var backupContactList: ContactListEvent? = null, var proxy: Proxy? = null, var proxyPort: Int = 9050, var showSensitiveContent: Boolean? = null, var warnAboutPostsWithReports: Boolean = true, var filterSpamFromStrangers: Boolean = true, var lastReadPerRoute: Map = mapOf(), var settings: Settings = Settings() ) { var transientHiddenUsers: ImmutableSet = persistentSetOf() // Observers line up here. val live: AccountLiveData = AccountLiveData(this) val liveLanguages: AccountLiveData = AccountLiveData(this) val liveLastRead: AccountLiveData = AccountLiveData(this) val saveable: AccountLiveData = AccountLiveData(this) @Immutable data class LiveHiddenUsers( val hiddenUsers: ImmutableSet, val spammers: ImmutableSet, val showSensitiveContent: Boolean? ) val liveHiddenUsers: LiveData = live.combineWith(getBlockListNote().live().metadata) { localLive, liveMuteListEvent -> val liveBlockedUsers = (liveMuteListEvent?.note?.event as? PeopleListEvent)?.publicAndPrivateUsers(keyPair.privKey) LiveHiddenUsers( hiddenUsers = liveBlockedUsers ?: persistentSetOf(), spammers = localLive?.account?.transientHiddenUsers ?: persistentSetOf(), showSensitiveContent = showSensitiveContent ) }.distinctUntilChanged() var userProfileCache: User? = null fun updateAutomaticallyStartPlayback( automaticallyStartPlayback: ConnectivityType ) { settings.automaticallyStartPlayback = automaticallyStartPlayback live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun updateAutomaticallyShowUrlPreview( automaticallyShowUrlPreview: ConnectivityType ) { settings.automaticallyShowUrlPreview = automaticallyShowUrlPreview live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun updateAutomaticallyShowImages( automaticallyShowImages: ConnectivityType ) { settings.automaticallyShowImages = automaticallyShowImages live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun updateOptOutOptions(warnReports: Boolean, filterSpam: Boolean) { warnAboutPostsWithReports = warnReports filterSpamFromStrangers = filterSpam OptOutFromFilters.start(warnAboutPostsWithReports, filterSpamFromStrangers) if (!filterSpamFromStrangers) { transientHiddenUsers = persistentSetOf() } live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun userProfile(): User { return userProfileCache ?: run { val myUser: User = LocalCache.getOrCreateUser(keyPair.pubKey.toHexKey()) userProfileCache = myUser myUser } } fun isWriteable(): Boolean { return keyPair.privKey != null } fun sendNewRelayList(relays: Map) { if (!isWriteable()) return val contactList = userProfile().latestContactList if (contactList != null && contactList.tags.isNotEmpty()) { val event = ContactListEvent.updateRelayList( earlierVersion = contactList, relayUse = relays, privateKey = keyPair.privKey!! ) Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } else { val event = ContactListEvent.createFromScratch( followUsers = listOf(), followTags = listOf(), followGeohashes = listOf(), followCommunities = listOf(), followEvents = DefaultChannels.toList(), relayUse = relays, privateKey = keyPair.privKey!! ) // Keep this local to avoid erasing a good contact list. // Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } } fun sendNewUserMetadata(toString: String, identities: List) { if (!isWriteable()) return keyPair.privKey?.let { val event = MetadataEvent.create(toString, identities, keyPair.privKey!!) Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } } fun reactionTo(note: Note, reaction: String): List { return note.reactedBy(userProfile(), reaction) } fun hasBoosted(note: Note): Boolean { return boostsTo(note).isNotEmpty() } fun boostsTo(note: Note): List { return note.boostedBy(userProfile()) } fun hasReacted(note: Note, reaction: String): Boolean { return note.hasReacted(userProfile(), reaction) } fun reactTo(note: Note, reaction: String) { if (!isWriteable()) return if (hasReacted(note, reaction)) { // has already liked this note return } if (note.event is ChatMessageEvent) { val event = note.event as ChatMessageEvent val users = event.recipientsPubKey().plus(event.pubKey).toSet().toList() if (reaction.startsWith(":")) { val emojiUrl = EmojiUrl.decode(reaction) if (emojiUrl != null) { note.event?.let { val giftWraps = NIP24Factory().createReactionWithinGroup( emojiUrl = emojiUrl, originalNote = it, to = users, from = keyPair.privKey!! ) broadcastPrivately(giftWraps) } return } } note.event?.let { val giftWraps = NIP24Factory().createReactionWithinGroup( content = reaction, originalNote = it, to = users, from = keyPair.privKey!! ) broadcastPrivately(giftWraps) } } else { if (reaction.startsWith(":")) { val emojiUrl = EmojiUrl.decode(reaction) if (emojiUrl != null) { note.event?.let { val event = ReactionEvent.create(emojiUrl, it, keyPair.privKey!!) Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } return } } note.event?.let { val event = ReactionEvent.create(reaction, it, keyPair.privKey!!) Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } } } fun createZapRequestFor(note: Note, pollOption: Int?, message: String = "", zapType: LnZapEvent.ZapType): LnZapRequestEvent? { if (!isWriteable()) return null note.event?.let { event -> return LnZapRequestEvent.create( event, userProfile().latestContactList?.relays()?.keys?.ifEmpty { null } ?: { it.url }.toSet(), keyPair.privKey!!, pollOption, message, zapType ) } return null } fun hasWalletConnectSetup(): Boolean { return zapPaymentRequest != null } fun isNIP47Author(pubkeyHex: String?): Boolean { val privKey = zapPaymentRequest?.secret?.hexToByteArray() ?: keyPair.privKey if (privKey == null) return false val pubKey = CryptoUtils.pubkeyCreate(privKey).toHexKey() return (pubKey == pubkeyHex) } fun decryptZapPaymentResponseEvent(zapResponseEvent: LnZapPaymentResponseEvent): Response? { val myNip47 = zapPaymentRequest ?: return null val privKey = myNip47.secret?.hexToByteArray() ?: keyPair.privKey val pubKey = myNip47.pubKeyHex.hexToByteArray() if (privKey == null) return null return zapResponseEvent.response(privKey, pubKey) } fun calculateIfNoteWasZappedByAccount(zappedNote: Note?): Boolean { return zappedNote?.isZappedBy(userProfile(), this) == true } fun calculateZappedAmount(zappedNote: Note?): BigDecimal { val privKey = zapPaymentRequest?.secret?.hexToByteArray() ?: keyPair.privKey val pubKey = zapPaymentRequest?.pubKeyHex?.hexToByteArray() return zappedNote?.zappedAmount(privKey, pubKey) ?: BigDecimal.ZERO } fun sendZapPaymentRequestFor(bolt11: String, zappedNote: Note?, onResponse: (Response?) -> Unit) { if (!isWriteable()) return zapPaymentRequest?.let { nip47 -> val event = LnZapPaymentRequestEvent.create(bolt11, nip47.pubKeyHex, nip47.secret?.hexToByteArray() ?: keyPair.privKey!!) val wcListener = NostrLnZapPaymentResponseDataSource( fromServiceHex = nip47.pubKeyHex, toUserHex = event.pubKey, replyingToHex =, authSigningKey = nip47.secret?.hexToByteArray() ?: keyPair.privKey!! ) wcListener.start() LocalCache.consume(event, zappedNote) { // After the response is received. val privKey = nip47.secret?.hexToByteArray() if (privKey != null) { onResponse(it.response(privKey, nip47.pubKeyHex.hexToByteArray())) } } Client.send(event, nip47.relayUri, wcListener.feedTypes) { wcListener.destroy() } } } fun createZapRequestFor(user: User): LnZapRequestEvent? { return createZapRequestFor(user) } fun createZapRequestFor(userPubKeyHex: String, message: String = "", zapType: LnZapEvent.ZapType): LnZapRequestEvent? { if (!isWriteable()) return null return LnZapRequestEvent.create( userPubKeyHex, userProfile().latestContactList?.relays()?.keys?.ifEmpty { null } ?: { it.url }.toSet(), keyPair.privKey!!, message, zapType ) } fun report(note: Note, type: ReportEvent.ReportType, content: String = "") { if (!isWriteable()) return if (note.hasReacted(userProfile(), "⚠️")) { // has already liked this note return } note.event?.let { val event = ReactionEvent.createWarning(it, keyPair.privKey!!) Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } note.event?.let { val event = ReportEvent.create(it, type, keyPair.privKey!!, content = content) Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event, null) } } fun report(user: User, type: ReportEvent.ReportType) { if (!isWriteable()) return if (user.hasReport(userProfile(), type)) { // has already reported this note return } val event = ReportEvent.create(user.pubkeyHex, type, keyPair.privKey!!) Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event, null) } fun delete(note: Note) { delete(listOf(note)) } fun delete(notes: List) { if (!isWriteable()) return val myNotes = notes.filter { == userProfile() }.map { it.idHex } if (myNotes.isNotEmpty()) { val event = DeletionEvent.create(myNotes, keyPair.privKey!!) Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } } fun createHTTPAuthorization(url: String, method: String, body: String? = null): HTTPAuthorizationEvent? { if (!isWriteable()) return null return HTTPAuthorizationEvent.create(url, method, body, keyPair.privKey!!) } fun boost(note: Note) { if (!isWriteable()) return if (note.hasBoostedInTheLast5Minutes(userProfile())) { // has already bosted in the past 5mins return } note.event?.let { if (it.kind() == 1) { val event = RepostEvent.create(it, keyPair.privKey!!) Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } else { val event = GenericRepostEvent.create(it, keyPair.privKey!!) Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } } } fun broadcast(note: Note) { note.event?.let { Client.send(it) } } private fun migrateCommunitiesAndChannelsIfNeeded(latestContactList: ContactListEvent?): ContactListEvent? { if (latestContactList == null) return latestContactList var returningContactList: ContactListEvent = latestContactList if (followingCommunities.isNotEmpty()) { followingCommunities.forEach { ATag.parse(it, null)?.let { returningContactList = ContactListEvent.followAddressableEvent(returningContactList, it, keyPair.privKey!!) } } followingCommunities = emptySet() } if (followingChannels.isNotEmpty()) { followingChannels.forEach { returningContactList = ContactListEvent.followEvent(returningContactList, it, keyPair.privKey!!) } followingChannels = emptySet() } return returningContactList } fun follow(user: User) { if (!isWriteable()) return val contactList = migrateCommunitiesAndChannelsIfNeeded(userProfile().latestContactList) val event = if (contactList != null) { ContactListEvent.followUser(contactList, user.pubkeyHex, keyPair.privKey!!) } else { ContactListEvent.createFromScratch( followUsers = listOf(Contact(user.pubkeyHex, null)), followTags = emptyList(), followGeohashes = emptyList(), followCommunities = emptyList(), followEvents = DefaultChannels.toList(), relayUse = Constants.defaultRelays.associate { it.url to ContactListEvent.ReadWrite(, it.write) }, privateKey = keyPair.privKey!! ) } Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } fun follow(channel: Channel) { if (!isWriteable()) return val contactList = migrateCommunitiesAndChannelsIfNeeded(userProfile().latestContactList) val event = if (contactList != null) { ContactListEvent.followEvent(contactList, channel.idHex, keyPair.privKey!!) } else { ContactListEvent.createFromScratch( followUsers = emptyList(), followTags = emptyList(), followGeohashes = emptyList(), followCommunities = emptyList(), followEvents = DefaultChannels.toList().plus(channel.idHex), relayUse = Constants.defaultRelays.associate { it.url to ContactListEvent.ReadWrite(, it.write) }, privateKey = keyPair.privKey!! ) } Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } fun follow(community: AddressableNote) { if (!isWriteable()) return val contactList = migrateCommunitiesAndChannelsIfNeeded(userProfile().latestContactList) val event = if (contactList != null) { ContactListEvent.followAddressableEvent(contactList, community.address, keyPair.privKey!!) } else { val relays = Constants.defaultRelays.associate { it.url to ContactListEvent.ReadWrite(, it.write) } ContactListEvent.createFromScratch( followUsers = emptyList(), followTags = emptyList(), followGeohashes = emptyList(), followCommunities = listOf(community.address), followEvents = DefaultChannels.toList(), relayUse = relays, privateKey = keyPair.privKey!! ) } Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } fun followHashtag(tag: String) { if (!isWriteable()) return val contactList = migrateCommunitiesAndChannelsIfNeeded(userProfile().latestContactList) val event = if (contactList != null) { ContactListEvent.followHashtag( contactList, tag, keyPair.privKey!! ) } else { ContactListEvent.createFromScratch( followUsers = emptyList(), followTags = listOf(tag), followGeohashes = emptyList(), followCommunities = emptyList(), followEvents = DefaultChannels.toList(), relayUse = Constants.defaultRelays.associate { it.url to ContactListEvent.ReadWrite(, it.write) }, privateKey = keyPair.privKey!! ) } Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } fun followGeohash(geohash: String) { if (!isWriteable()) return val contactList = migrateCommunitiesAndChannelsIfNeeded(userProfile().latestContactList) val event = if (contactList != null) { ContactListEvent.followGeohash( contactList, geohash, keyPair.privKey!! ) } else { ContactListEvent.createFromScratch( followUsers = emptyList(), followTags = emptyList(), followGeohashes = listOf(geohash), followCommunities = emptyList(), followEvents = DefaultChannels.toList(), relayUse = Constants.defaultRelays.associate { it.url to ContactListEvent.ReadWrite(, it.write) }, privateKey = keyPair.privKey!! ) } Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } fun unfollow(user: User) { if (!isWriteable()) return val contactList = migrateCommunitiesAndChannelsIfNeeded(userProfile().latestContactList) if (contactList != null && contactList.tags.isNotEmpty()) { val event = ContactListEvent.unfollowUser( contactList, user.pubkeyHex, keyPair.privKey!! ) Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } } fun unfollowHashtag(tag: String) { if (!isWriteable()) return val contactList = migrateCommunitiesAndChannelsIfNeeded(userProfile().latestContactList) if (contactList != null && contactList.tags.isNotEmpty()) { val event = ContactListEvent.unfollowHashtag( contactList, tag, keyPair.privKey!! ) Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } } fun unfollowGeohash(geohash: String) { if (!isWriteable()) return val contactList = migrateCommunitiesAndChannelsIfNeeded(userProfile().latestContactList) if (contactList != null && contactList.tags.isNotEmpty()) { val event = ContactListEvent.unfollowGeohash( contactList, geohash, keyPair.privKey!! ) Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } } fun unfollow(channel: Channel) { if (!isWriteable()) return val contactList = migrateCommunitiesAndChannelsIfNeeded(userProfile().latestContactList) if (contactList != null && contactList.tags.isNotEmpty()) { val event = ContactListEvent.unfollowEvent( contactList, channel.idHex, keyPair.privKey!! ) Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } } fun unfollow(community: AddressableNote) { if (!isWriteable()) return val contactList = migrateCommunitiesAndChannelsIfNeeded(userProfile().latestContactList) if (contactList != null && contactList.tags.isNotEmpty()) { val event = ContactListEvent.unfollowAddressableEvent( contactList, community.address, keyPair.privKey!! ) Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } } fun createNip95(byteArray: ByteArray, headerInfo: FileHeader): Pair? { if (!isWriteable()) return null val data = FileStorageEvent.create( mimeType = headerInfo.mimeType ?: "", data = byteArray, privateKey = keyPair.privKey!! ) val signedEvent = FileStorageHeaderEvent.create( data, mimeType = headerInfo.mimeType, hash = headerInfo.hash, size = headerInfo.size.toString(), dimensions = headerInfo.dim, blurhash = headerInfo.blurHash, description = headerInfo.description, sensitiveContent = headerInfo.sensitiveContent, privateKey = keyPair.privKey!! ) return Pair(data, signedEvent) } fun sendNip95(data: FileStorageEvent, signedEvent: FileStorageHeaderEvent, relayList: List? = null): Note? { if (!isWriteable()) return null Client.send(data, relayList = relayList) LocalCache.consume(data, null) Client.send(signedEvent, relayList = relayList) LocalCache.consume(signedEvent, null) return LocalCache.notes[] } fun sendHeader(headerInfo: FileHeader, relayList: List? = null): Note? { if (!isWriteable()) return null val signedEvent = FileHeaderEvent.create( url = headerInfo.url, mimeType = headerInfo.mimeType, hash = headerInfo.hash, size = headerInfo.size.toString(), dimensions = headerInfo.dim, blurhash = headerInfo.blurHash, description = headerInfo.description, sensitiveContent = headerInfo.sensitiveContent, privateKey = keyPair.privKey!! ) Client.send(signedEvent, relayList = relayList) LocalCache.consume(signedEvent, null) return LocalCache.notes[] } fun sendPost( message: String, replyTo: List?, mentions: List?, tags: List? = null, zapReceiver: String? = null, wantsToMarkAsSensitive: Boolean, zapRaiserAmount: Long? = null, replyingTo: String?, root: String?, directMentions: Set, relayList: List? = null, geohash: String? = null ) { if (!isWriteable()) return val repliesToHex = replyTo?.filter { it.address() == null }?.map { it.idHex } val mentionsHex = mentions?.map { it.pubkeyHex } val addresses = replyTo?.mapNotNull { it.address() } val signedEvent = TextNoteEvent.create( msg = message, replyTos = repliesToHex, mentions = mentionsHex, addresses = addresses, extraTags = tags, zapReceiver = zapReceiver, markAsSensitive = wantsToMarkAsSensitive, zapRaiserAmount = zapRaiserAmount, replyingTo = replyingTo, root = root, directMentions = directMentions, geohash = geohash, privateKey = keyPair.privKey!! ) Client.send(signedEvent, relayList = relayList) LocalCache.consume(signedEvent) } fun sendPoll( message: String, replyTo: List?, mentions: List?, pollOptions: Map, valueMaximum: Int?, valueMinimum: Int?, consensusThreshold: Int?, closedAt: Int?, zapReceiver: String? = null, wantsToMarkAsSensitive: Boolean, zapRaiserAmount: Long? = null, relayList: List? = null, geohash: String? = null ) { if (!isWriteable()) return val repliesToHex = replyTo?.map { it.idHex } val mentionsHex = mentions?.map { it.pubkeyHex } val addresses = replyTo?.mapNotNull { it.address() } val signedEvent = PollNoteEvent.create( msg = message, replyTos = repliesToHex, mentions = mentionsHex, addresses = addresses, privateKey = keyPair.privKey!!, pollOptions = pollOptions, valueMaximum = valueMaximum, valueMinimum = valueMinimum, consensusThreshold = consensusThreshold, closedAt = closedAt, zapReceiver = zapReceiver, markAsSensitive = wantsToMarkAsSensitive, zapRaiserAmount = zapRaiserAmount, geohash = geohash ) // println("Sending new PollNoteEvent: %s".format(signedEvent.toJson())) Client.send(signedEvent, relayList = relayList) LocalCache.consume(signedEvent) } fun sendChannelMessage(message: String, toChannel: String, replyTo: List?, mentions: List?, zapReceiver: String? = null, wantsToMarkAsSensitive: Boolean, zapRaiserAmount: Long? = null, geohash: String? = null) { if (!isWriteable()) return // val repliesToHex = listOfNotNull(replyingTo?.idHex).ifEmpty { null } val repliesToHex = replyTo?.map { it.idHex } val mentionsHex = mentions?.map { it.pubkeyHex } val signedEvent = ChannelMessageEvent.create( message = message, channel = toChannel, replyTos = repliesToHex, mentions = mentionsHex, zapReceiver = zapReceiver, markAsSensitive = wantsToMarkAsSensitive, zapRaiserAmount = zapRaiserAmount, geohash = geohash, privateKey = keyPair.privKey!! ) Client.send(signedEvent) LocalCache.consume(signedEvent, null) } fun sendLiveMessage(message: String, toChannel: ATag, replyTo: List?, mentions: List?, zapReceiver: String? = null, wantsToMarkAsSensitive: Boolean, zapRaiserAmount: Long? = null, geohash: String? = null) { if (!isWriteable()) return // val repliesToHex = listOfNotNull(replyingTo?.idHex).ifEmpty { null } val repliesToHex = replyTo?.map { it.idHex } val mentionsHex = mentions?.map { it.pubkeyHex } val signedEvent = LiveActivitiesChatMessageEvent.create( message = message, activity = toChannel, replyTos = repliesToHex, mentions = mentionsHex, zapReceiver = zapReceiver, markAsSensitive = wantsToMarkAsSensitive, zapRaiserAmount = zapRaiserAmount, geohash = geohash, privateKey = keyPair.privKey!! ) Client.send(signedEvent) LocalCache.consume(signedEvent, null) } fun sendPrivateMessage(message: String, toUser: User, replyingTo: Note? = null, mentions: List?, zapReceiver: String? = null, wantsToMarkAsSensitive: Boolean, zapRaiserAmount: Long? = null, geohash: String? = null) { sendPrivateMessage(message, toUser.pubkeyHex, replyingTo, mentions, zapReceiver, wantsToMarkAsSensitive, zapRaiserAmount, geohash) } fun sendPrivateMessage(message: String, toUser: HexKey, replyingTo: Note? = null, mentions: List?, zapReceiver: String? = null, wantsToMarkAsSensitive: Boolean, zapRaiserAmount: Long? = null, geohash: String? = null) { if (!isWriteable()) return val repliesToHex = listOfNotNull(replyingTo?.idHex).ifEmpty { null } val mentionsHex = mentions?.map { it.pubkeyHex } val signedEvent = PrivateDmEvent.create( recipientPubKey = toUser.hexToByteArray(), publishedRecipientPubKey = toUser.hexToByteArray(), msg = message, replyTos = repliesToHex, mentions = mentionsHex, zapReceiver = zapReceiver, markAsSensitive = wantsToMarkAsSensitive, zapRaiserAmount = zapRaiserAmount, geohash = geohash, privateKey = keyPair.privKey!!, advertiseNip18 = false ) Client.send(signedEvent) LocalCache.consume(signedEvent, null) } fun sendNIP24PrivateMessage( message: String, toUsers: List, subject: String? = null, replyingTo: Note? = null, mentions: List?, zapReceiver: String? = null, wantsToMarkAsSensitive: Boolean, zapRaiserAmount: Long? = null, geohash: String? = null ) { if (!isWriteable()) return val repliesToHex = listOfNotNull(replyingTo?.idHex).ifEmpty { null } val mentionsHex = mentions?.map { it.pubkeyHex } val signedEvents = NIP24Factory().createMsgNIP24( msg = message, to = toUsers, subject = subject, replyTos = repliesToHex, mentions = mentionsHex, zapReceiver = zapReceiver, markAsSensitive = wantsToMarkAsSensitive, zapRaiserAmount = zapRaiserAmount, geohash = geohash, from = keyPair.privKey!! ) broadcastPrivately(signedEvents) } fun broadcastPrivately(signedEvents: List) { signedEvents.forEach { Client.send(it) // Only keep in cache the GiftWrap for the account. if (it.recipientPubKey() == keyPair.pubKey.toHexKey()) { it.cachedGift(keyPair.privKey!!)?.let { if (it is SealedGossipEvent) { it.cachedGossip(keyPair.privKey!!)?.let { LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } else { LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } LocalCache.consume(it, null) } } } fun sendCreateNewChannel(name: String, about: String, picture: String) { if (!isWriteable()) return val metadata = ChannelCreateEvent.ChannelData( name, about, picture ) val event = ChannelCreateEvent.create( channelInfo = metadata, privateKey = keyPair.privKey!! ) Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) LocalCache.getChannelIfExists( { follow(it) } } fun removeEmojiPack(usersEmojiList: Note, emojiList: Note) { if (!isWriteable()) return val noteEvent = usersEmojiList.event if (noteEvent !is EmojiPackSelectionEvent) return val emojiListEvent = emojiList.event if (emojiListEvent !is EmojiPackEvent) return val event = EmojiPackSelectionEvent.create( noteEvent.taggedAddresses().filter { it != emojiListEvent.address() }, keyPair.privKey!! ) Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } fun addEmojiPack(usersEmojiList: Note, emojiList: Note) { if (!isWriteable()) return val emojiListEvent = emojiList.event if (emojiListEvent !is EmojiPackEvent) return val event = if (usersEmojiList.event == null) { EmojiPackSelectionEvent.create( listOf(emojiListEvent.address()), keyPair.privKey!! ) } else { val noteEvent = usersEmojiList.event if (noteEvent !is EmojiPackSelectionEvent) return if (noteEvent.taggedAddresses().any { it == emojiListEvent.address() }) { return } EmojiPackSelectionEvent.create( noteEvent.taggedAddresses().plus(emojiListEvent.address()), keyPair.privKey!! ) } Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } fun addPrivateBookmark(note: Note) { if (!isWriteable()) return val bookmarks = userProfile().latestBookmarkList val event = if (note is AddressableNote) { BookmarkListEvent.create( "bookmark", bookmarks?.taggedEvents() ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.taggedUsers() ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.taggedAddresses() ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.privateTaggedEvents(privKey = keyPair.privKey!!) ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.privateTaggedUsers(privKey = keyPair.privKey!!) ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.privateTaggedAddresses(privKey = keyPair.privKey!!)?.plus(note.address) ?: listOf(note.address), keyPair.privKey!! ) } else { BookmarkListEvent.create( "bookmark", bookmarks?.taggedEvents() ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.taggedUsers() ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.taggedAddresses() ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.privateTaggedEvents(privKey = keyPair.privKey!!)?.plus(note.idHex) ?: listOf(note.idHex), bookmarks?.privateTaggedUsers(privKey = keyPair.privKey!!) ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.privateTaggedAddresses(privKey = keyPair.privKey!!) ?: emptyList(), keyPair.privKey!! ) } Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } fun addPublicBookmark(note: Note) { if (!isWriteable()) return val bookmarks = userProfile().latestBookmarkList val event = if (note is AddressableNote) { BookmarkListEvent.create( "bookmark", bookmarks?.taggedEvents() ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.taggedUsers() ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.taggedAddresses()?.plus(note.address) ?: listOf(note.address), bookmarks?.privateTaggedEvents(privKey = keyPair.privKey!!) ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.privateTaggedUsers(privKey = keyPair.privKey!!) ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.privateTaggedAddresses(privKey = keyPair.privKey!!) ?: emptyList(), keyPair.privKey!! ) } else { BookmarkListEvent.create( "bookmark", bookmarks?.taggedEvents()?.plus(note.idHex) ?: listOf(note.idHex), bookmarks?.taggedUsers() ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.taggedAddresses() ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.privateTaggedEvents(privKey = keyPair.privKey!!) ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.privateTaggedUsers(privKey = keyPair.privKey!!) ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.privateTaggedAddresses(privKey = keyPair.privKey!!) ?: emptyList(), keyPair.privKey!! ) } Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } fun removePrivateBookmark(note: Note) { if (!isWriteable()) return val bookmarks = userProfile().latestBookmarkList val event = if (note is AddressableNote) { BookmarkListEvent.create( "bookmark", bookmarks?.taggedEvents() ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.taggedUsers() ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.taggedAddresses() ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.privateTaggedEvents(privKey = keyPair.privKey!!) ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.privateTaggedUsers(privKey = keyPair.privKey!!) ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.privateTaggedAddresses(privKey = keyPair.privKey!!)?.minus(note.address) ?: listOf(), keyPair.privKey!! ) } else { BookmarkListEvent.create( "bookmark", bookmarks?.taggedEvents() ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.taggedUsers() ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.taggedAddresses() ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.privateTaggedEvents(privKey = keyPair.privKey!!)?.minus(note.idHex) ?: listOf(), bookmarks?.privateTaggedUsers(privKey = keyPair.privKey!!) ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.privateTaggedAddresses(privKey = keyPair.privKey!!) ?: emptyList(), keyPair.privKey!! ) } Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } fun createAuthEvent(relay: Relay, challenge: String): RelayAuthEvent? { if (!isWriteable()) return null return RelayAuthEvent.create(relay.url, challenge, keyPair.privKey!!) } fun removePublicBookmark(note: Note) { if (!isWriteable()) return val bookmarks = userProfile().latestBookmarkList val event = if (note is AddressableNote) { BookmarkListEvent.create( "bookmark", bookmarks?.taggedEvents() ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.taggedUsers() ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.taggedAddresses()?.minus(note.address), bookmarks?.privateTaggedEvents(privKey = keyPair.privKey!!) ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.privateTaggedUsers(privKey = keyPair.privKey!!) ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.privateTaggedAddresses(privKey = keyPair.privKey!!) ?: emptyList(), keyPair.privKey!! ) } else { BookmarkListEvent.create( "bookmark", bookmarks?.taggedEvents()?.minus(note.idHex), bookmarks?.taggedUsers() ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.taggedAddresses() ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.privateTaggedEvents(privKey = keyPair.privKey!!) ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.privateTaggedUsers(privKey = keyPair.privKey!!) ?: emptyList(), bookmarks?.privateTaggedAddresses(privKey = keyPair.privKey!!) ?: emptyList(), keyPair.privKey!! ) } Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } fun isInPrivateBookmarks(note: Note): Boolean { if (!isWriteable()) return false if (note is AddressableNote) { return userProfile().latestBookmarkList?.privateTaggedAddresses(keyPair.privKey!!) ?.contains(note.address) == true } else { return userProfile().latestBookmarkList?.privateTaggedEvents(keyPair.privKey!!) ?.contains(note.idHex) == true } } fun isInPublicBookmarks(note: Note): Boolean { if (!isWriteable()) return false if (note is AddressableNote) { return userProfile().latestBookmarkList?.taggedAddresses()?.contains(note.address) == true } else { return userProfile().latestBookmarkList?.taggedEvents()?.contains(note.idHex) == true } } fun getBlockListNote(): AddressableNote { val aTag = ATag( PeopleListEvent.kind, userProfile().pubkeyHex, PeopleListEvent.blockList, null ) return LocalCache.getOrCreateAddressableNote(aTag) } fun getBlockList(): PeopleListEvent? { return getBlockListNote().event as? PeopleListEvent } private fun migrateHiddenUsersIfNeeded(latestList: PeopleListEvent?): PeopleListEvent? { if (latestList == null) return latestList var returningList: PeopleListEvent = latestList if (hiddenUsers.isNotEmpty()) { returningList = PeopleListEvent.addUsers(returningList, hiddenUsers.toList(), true, keyPair.privKey!!) hiddenUsers = emptySet() } return returningList } fun hideUser(pubkeyHex: String) { val blockList = migrateHiddenUsersIfNeeded(getBlockList()) val event = if (blockList != null) { PeopleListEvent.addUser( earlierVersion = blockList, pubKeyHex = pubkeyHex, isPrivate = true, privateKey = keyPair.privKey!! ) } else { PeopleListEvent.createListWithUser( name = PeopleListEvent.blockList, pubKeyHex = pubkeyHex, isPrivate = true, privateKey = keyPair.privKey!! ) } Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun showUser(pubkeyHex: String) { val blockList = migrateHiddenUsersIfNeeded(getBlockList()) if (blockList != null) { val event = PeopleListEvent.removeUser( earlierVersion = blockList, pubKeyHex = pubkeyHex, isPrivate = true, privateKey = keyPair.privKey!! ) Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) } transientHiddenUsers = (transientHiddenUsers - pubkeyHex).toImmutableSet() live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun changeDefaultZapType(zapType: LnZapEvent.ZapType) { defaultZapType = zapType live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun changeDefaultFileServer(server: ServersAvailable) { defaultFileServer = server live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun changeDefaultHomeFollowList(name: String) { defaultHomeFollowList = name live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun changeDefaultStoriesFollowList(name: String) { defaultStoriesFollowList = name live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun changeDefaultNotificationFollowList(name: String) { defaultNotificationFollowList = name live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun changeDefaultDiscoveryFollowList(name: String) { defaultDiscoveryFollowList = name live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun changeZapAmounts(newAmounts: List) { zapAmountChoices = newAmounts live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun changeReactionTypes(newTypes: List) { reactionChoices = newTypes live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun changeZapPaymentRequest(newServer: Nip47URI?) { zapPaymentRequest = newServer live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun selectedUsersFollowList(listName: String?): Set? { if (listName == GLOBAL_FOLLOWS) return null if (listName == KIND3_FOLLOWS) return userProfile().cachedFollowingKeySet() val privKey = keyPair.privKey return if (listName != null) { val aTag = ATag( PeopleListEvent.kind, userProfile().pubkeyHex, listName, null ).toTag() val list = LocalCache.addressables[aTag] if (list != null) { val publicHexList = (list.event as? PeopleListEvent)?.bookmarkedPeople() ?: emptySet() val privateHexList = privKey?.let { (list.event as? PeopleListEvent)?.privateTaggedUsers(it) } ?: emptySet() (publicHexList + privateHexList).toSet() } else { emptySet() } } else { emptySet() } } fun selectedTagsFollowList(listName: String?): Set? { if (listName == GLOBAL_FOLLOWS) return null if (listName == KIND3_FOLLOWS) return userProfile().cachedFollowingTagSet() val privKey = keyPair.privKey return if (listName != null) { val aTag = ATag( PeopleListEvent.kind, userProfile().pubkeyHex, listName, null ).toTag() val list = LocalCache.addressables[aTag] if (list != null) { val publicAddresses = list.event?.hashtags() ?: emptySet() val privateAddresses = privKey?.let { (list.event as? GeneralListEvent)?.privateHashtags(it) } ?: emptySet() (publicAddresses + privateAddresses).toSet() } else { emptySet() } } else { emptySet() } } fun selectedGeohashesFollowList(listName: String?): Set? { if (listName == GLOBAL_FOLLOWS) return null if (listName == KIND3_FOLLOWS) return userProfile().cachedFollowingGeohashSet() val privKey = keyPair.privKey return if (listName != null) { val aTag = ATag( PeopleListEvent.kind, userProfile().pubkeyHex, listName, null ).toTag() val list = LocalCache.addressables[aTag] if (list != null) { val publicAddresses = list.event?.geohashes() ?: emptySet() val privateAddresses = privKey?.let { (list.event as? GeneralListEvent)?.privateGeohashes(it) } ?: emptySet() (publicAddresses + privateAddresses).toSet() } else { emptySet() } } else { emptySet() } } fun selectedCommunitiesFollowList(listName: String?): Set? { if (listName == GLOBAL_FOLLOWS) return null if (listName == KIND3_FOLLOWS) return userProfile().cachedFollowingCommunitiesSet() val privKey = keyPair.privKey return if (listName != null) { val aTag = ATag( PeopleListEvent.kind, userProfile().pubkeyHex, listName, null ).toTag() val list = LocalCache.addressables[aTag] if (list != null) { val publicAddresses = list.event?.taggedAddresses()?.map { it.toTag() } ?: emptySet() val privateAddresses = privKey?.let { (list.event as? GeneralListEvent)?.privateTaggedAddresses(it)?.map { it.toTag() } } ?: emptySet() (publicAddresses + privateAddresses).toSet() } else { emptySet() } } else { emptySet() } } fun selectedChatsFollowList(): Set { val contactList = userProfile().latestContactList return contactList?.taggedEvents()?.toSet() ?: DefaultChannels } fun sendChangeChannel(name: String, about: String, picture: String, channel: Channel) { if (!isWriteable()) return val metadata = ChannelCreateEvent.ChannelData( name, about, picture ) val event = ChannelMetadataEvent.create( newChannelInfo = metadata, originalChannelIdHex = channel.idHex, privateKey = keyPair.privKey!! ) Client.send(event) LocalCache.consume(event) follow(channel) } fun unwrap(event: GiftWrapEvent): Event? { if (!isWriteable()) return null return event.cachedGift(keyPair.privKey!!) } fun unseal(event: SealedGossipEvent): Event? { if (!isWriteable()) return null return event.cachedGossip(keyPair.privKey!!) } fun decryptContent(note: Note): String? { val privKey = keyPair.privKey val event = note.event return if (event is PrivateDmEvent && privKey != null) { event.plainContent(privKey, event.talkingWith(userProfile().pubkeyHex).hexToByteArray()) } else if (event is LnZapRequestEvent && privKey != null) { decryptZapContentAuthor(note)?.content() } else { event?.content() } } fun decryptZapContentAuthor(note: Note): Event? { val event = note.event val loggedInPrivateKey = keyPair.privKey return if (event is LnZapRequestEvent && loggedInPrivateKey != null && event.isPrivateZap()) { val recipientPK = event.zappedAuthor().firstOrNull() val recipientPost = event.zappedPost().firstOrNull() if (recipientPK == userProfile().pubkeyHex) { // if the receiver is logged in, these are the params. val privateKeyToUse = loggedInPrivateKey val pubkeyToUse = event.pubKey event.getPrivateZapEvent(privateKeyToUse, pubkeyToUse) } else { // if the sender is logged in, these are the params val altPubkeyToUse = recipientPK val altPrivateKeyToUse = if (recipientPost != null) { LnZapRequestEvent.createEncryptionPrivateKey( loggedInPrivateKey.toHexKey(), recipientPost, event.createdAt ) } else if (recipientPK != null) { LnZapRequestEvent.createEncryptionPrivateKey( loggedInPrivateKey.toHexKey(), recipientPK, event.createdAt ) } else { null } try { if (altPrivateKeyToUse != null && altPubkeyToUse != null) { val altPubKeyFromPrivate = CryptoUtils.pubkeyCreate(altPrivateKeyToUse).toHexKey() if (altPubKeyFromPrivate == event.pubKey) { val result = event.getPrivateZapEvent(altPrivateKeyToUse, altPubkeyToUse) if (result == null) { Log.w( "Private ZAP Decrypt", "Fail to decrypt Zap from ${} ${note.idNote()}" ) } result } else { null } } else { null } } catch (e: Exception) { Log.e("Account", "Failed to create pubkey for ZapRequest ${}", e) null } } } else { null } } fun addDontTranslateFrom(languageCode: String) { dontTranslateFrom = liveLanguages.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun updateTranslateTo(languageCode: String) { translateTo = languageCode liveLanguages.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun prefer(source: String, target: String, preference: String) { languagePreferences = languagePreferences + Pair("$source,$target", preference) saveable.invalidateData() } fun preferenceBetween(source: String, target: String): String? { return languagePreferences.get("$source,$target") } private fun updateContactListTo(newContactList: ContactListEvent?) { if (newContactList == null || newContactList.tags.isEmpty()) return // Events might be different objects, we have to compare their ids. if (backupContactList?.id != { backupContactList = newContactList saveable.invalidateData() } } // Takes a User's relay list and adds the types of feeds they are active for. fun activeRelays(): Array? { var usersRelayList = userProfile().latestContactList?.relays()?.map { val localFeedTypes = localRelays.firstOrNull() { localRelay -> localRelay.url == it.key }?.feedTypes ?: FeedType.values().toSet() Relay(it.key,, it.value.write, localFeedTypes, proxy) } ?: return null // Ugly, but forces as the only search-supporting relay today. // TODO: Remove when search becomes more available. if (usersRelayList.none { it.activeTypes.contains(FeedType.SEARCH) }) { usersRelayList = usersRelayList + Relay( Constants.forcedRelayForSearch.url,, Constants.forcedRelayForSearch.write, Constants.forcedRelayForSearch.feedTypes, proxy ) } return usersRelayList.toTypedArray() } fun convertLocalRelays(): Array { return { Relay(it.url,, it.write, it.feedTypes, proxy) }.toTypedArray() } fun convertGlobalRelays(): Array { return localRelays.filter { it.feedTypes.contains(FeedType.GLOBAL) } .map { it.url } .toTypedArray() } fun reconnectIfRelaysHaveChanged() { val newRelaySet = activeRelays() ?: convertLocalRelays() if (!Client.isSameRelaySetConfig(newRelaySet)) { Client.disconnect() Client.connect(newRelaySet) RelayPool.requestAndWatch() } } fun isAllHidden(users: Set): Boolean { return users.all { isHidden(it) } } fun isHidden(user: User) = isHidden(user.pubkeyHex) fun isHidden(userHex: String): Boolean { val blockList = getBlockList() return (blockList?.publicAndPrivateUsers(keyPair.privKey)?.contains(userHex) ?: false) || userHex in transientHiddenUsers } fun followingKeySet(): Set { return userProfile().cachedFollowingKeySet() } fun followingTagSet(): Set { return userProfile().cachedFollowingTagSet() } fun isAcceptable(user: User): Boolean { if (!warnAboutPostsWithReports) { return !isHidden(user) && // if user hasn't hided this author user.reportsBy(userProfile()).isEmpty() // if user has not reported this post } return !isHidden(user) && // if user hasn't hided this author user.reportsBy(userProfile()).isEmpty() && // if user has not reported this post user.countReportAuthorsBy(followingKeySet()) < 5 } private fun isAcceptableDirect(note: Note): Boolean { if (!warnAboutPostsWithReports) { return !note.hasReportsBy(userProfile()) } return !note.hasReportsBy(userProfile()) && // if user has not reported this post note.countReportAuthorsBy(followingKeySet()) < 5 // if it has 5 reports by reliable users } fun isFollowing(user: User): Boolean { return user.pubkeyHex in followingKeySet() } fun isFollowing(user: HexKey): Boolean { return user in followingKeySet() } fun isAcceptable(note: Note): Boolean { return { isAcceptable(it) } ?: true && // if user hasn't hided this author isAcceptableDirect(note) && ( (note.event !is RepostEvent && note.event !is GenericRepostEvent) || (note.replyTo?.firstOrNull { isAcceptableDirect(it) } != null) ) // is not a reaction about a blocked post } fun getRelevantReports(note: Note): Set { val followsPlusMe = userProfile().latestContactList?.verifiedFollowKeySetAndMe ?: emptySet() val innerReports = if (note.event is RepostEvent || note.event is GenericRepostEvent) { note.replyTo?.map { getRelevantReports(it) }?.flatten() ?: emptyList() } else { emptyList() } return ( note.reportsBy(followsPlusMe) + ( ?: emptyList() ) + innerReports ).toSet() } fun saveRelayList(value: List) { localRelays = value.toSet() sendNewRelayList(value.associate { it.url to ContactListEvent.ReadWrite(, it.write) }) saveable.invalidateData() } fun setHideDeleteRequestDialog() { hideDeleteRequestDialog = true saveable.invalidateData() } fun setHideNIP24WarningDialog() { hideNIP24WarningDialog = true saveable.invalidateData() } fun setHideBlockAlertDialog() { hideBlockAlertDialog = true saveable.invalidateData() } fun updateShowSensitiveContent(show: Boolean?) { showSensitiveContent = show saveable.invalidateData() live.invalidateData() } fun markAsRead(route: String, timestampInSecs: Long) { val lastTime = lastReadPerRoute[route] if (lastTime == null || timestampInSecs > lastTime) { lastReadPerRoute = lastReadPerRoute + Pair(route, timestampInSecs) saveable.invalidateData() liveLastRead.invalidateData() } } fun loadLastRead(route: String): Long { return lastReadPerRoute[route] ?: 0 } fun registerObservers() { // Observes relays to restart connections userProfile().live().relays.observeForever { GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { reconnectIfRelaysHaveChanged() } } // saves contact list for the next time. userProfile().live().follows.observeForever { GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { updateContactListTo(userProfile().latestContactList) } } // imports transient blocks due to spam. LocalCache.antiSpam.liveSpam.observeForever { GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { it.cache.spamMessages.snapshot().values.forEach { if (it.pubkeyHex !in transientHiddenUsers && it.duplicatedMessages.size >= 5) { if (it.pubkeyHex != userProfile().pubkeyHex && it.pubkeyHex !in followingKeySet()) { transientHiddenUsers = (transientHiddenUsers + it.pubkeyHex).toImmutableSet() live.invalidateData() } } } } } } init { Log.d("Init", "Account") backupContactList?.let { println("Loading saved contacts ${it.toJson()}") if (userProfile().latestContactList == null) { GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { LocalCache.consume(it) } } } } } class AccountLiveData(private val account: Account) : LiveData(AccountState(account)) { // Refreshes observers in batches. private val bundler = BundledUpdate(300, Dispatchers.Default) fun invalidateData() { bundler.invalidate() { if (hasActiveObservers()) { refresh() } } } fun refresh() { postValue(AccountState(account)) } } @Immutable class AccountState(val account: Account)