/** * Copyright (c) 2024 Vitor Pamplona * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the * Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.model import android.content.res.Resources import android.util.Log import androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable import androidx.core.os.ConfigurationCompat import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData import androidx.lifecycle.asFlow import androidx.lifecycle.asLiveData import androidx.lifecycle.liveData import androidx.lifecycle.switchMap import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.Amethyst import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.BuildConfig import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.service.FileHeader import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.service.Nip96MediaServers import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.service.NostrLnZapPaymentResponseDataSource import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.service.checkNotInMainThread import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.service.relays.Client import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.service.relays.Constants import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.service.relays.FeedType import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.service.relays.Relay import com.vitorpamplona.amethyst.ui.components.BundledUpdate import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.crypto.KeyPair import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.encoders.ATag import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.encoders.HexKey import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.encoders.Nip47WalletConnect import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.encoders.hexToByteArray import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.encoders.toHexKey import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.BookmarkListEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.ChannelCreateEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.ChannelMessageEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.ChannelMetadataEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.ChatMessageEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.ClassifiedsEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.Contact import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.ContactListEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.DeletionEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.DraftEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.EmojiPackEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.EmojiPackSelectionEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.EmojiUrl import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.Event import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.EventInterface import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.FileHeaderEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.FileServersEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.FileStorageEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.FileStorageHeaderEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.GeneralListEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.GenericRepostEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.GiftWrapEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.GitReplyEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.HTTPAuthorizationEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.LiveActivitiesChatMessageEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.LnZapEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.LnZapPaymentRequestEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.LnZapPaymentResponseEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.LnZapRequestEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.MetadataEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.MuteListEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.NIP24Factory import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.OtsEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.PeopleListEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.PollNoteEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.Price import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.PrivateDmEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.ReactionEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.RelayAuthEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.ReportEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.RepostEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.Response import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.SealedGossipEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.StatusEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.TextNoteEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.TextNoteModificationEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.WrappedEvent import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.events.ZapSplitSetup import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.signers.NostrSigner import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.signers.NostrSignerExternal import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.signers.NostrSignerInternal import com.vitorpamplona.quartz.utils.DualCase import kotlinx.collections.immutable.ImmutableSet import kotlinx.collections.immutable.persistentSetOf import kotlinx.collections.immutable.toImmutableSet import kotlinx.collections.immutable.toPersistentSet import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope import kotlinx.coroutines.DelicateCoroutinesApi import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.ExperimentalCoroutinesApi import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SharingStarted import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.StateFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.combineTransform import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flatMapLatest import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flattenMerge import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.map import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.mapLatest import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.stateIn import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.transformLatest import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import kotlinx.coroutines.suspendCancellableCoroutine import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext import kotlinx.coroutines.withTimeoutOrNull import java.math.BigDecimal import java.net.Proxy import java.util.Locale import java.util.UUID import kotlin.coroutines.resume val DefaultChannels = setOf( // Anigma's Nostr "25e5c82273a271cb1a840d0060391a0bf4965cafeb029d5ab55350b418953fbb", // Amethyst's Group "42224859763652914db53052103f0b744df79dfc4efef7e950fc0802fc3df3c5", ) val DefaultReactions = listOf( "\uD83D\uDE80", "\uD83E\uDEC2", "\uD83D\uDC40", "\uD83D\uDE02", "\uD83C\uDF89", "\uD83E\uDD14", "\uD83D\uDE31", ) val DefaultZapAmounts = listOf(500L, 1000L, 5000L) fun getLanguagesSpokenByUser(): Set { val languageList = ConfigurationCompat.getLocales(Resources.getSystem().getConfiguration()) val codedList = mutableSetOf() for (i in 0 until languageList.size()) { languageList.get(i)?.let { codedList.add(it.language) } } return codedList } val GLOBAL_FOLLOWS = " Global " // This has spaces to avoid mixing with a potential NIP-51 list with the same name. val KIND3_FOLLOWS = " All Follows " // This has spaces to avoid mixing with a potential NIP-51 list with the same // name. @OptIn(DelicateCoroutinesApi::class) @Stable class Account( val keyPair: KeyPair, val signer: NostrSigner = NostrSignerInternal(keyPair), var localRelays: Set = Constants.defaultRelays.toSet(), var dontTranslateFrom: Set = getLanguagesSpokenByUser(), var languagePreferences: Map = mapOf(), var translateTo: String = Locale.getDefault().language, var zapAmountChoices: List = DefaultZapAmounts, var reactionChoices: List = DefaultReactions, var defaultZapType: LnZapEvent.ZapType = LnZapEvent.ZapType.PUBLIC, var defaultFileServer: Nip96MediaServers.ServerName = Nip96MediaServers.DEFAULT[0], var defaultHomeFollowList: MutableStateFlow = MutableStateFlow(KIND3_FOLLOWS), var defaultStoriesFollowList: MutableStateFlow = MutableStateFlow(GLOBAL_FOLLOWS), var defaultNotificationFollowList: MutableStateFlow = MutableStateFlow(GLOBAL_FOLLOWS), var defaultDiscoveryFollowList: MutableStateFlow = MutableStateFlow(GLOBAL_FOLLOWS), var zapPaymentRequest: Nip47WalletConnect.Nip47URI? = null, var hideDeleteRequestDialog: Boolean = false, var hideBlockAlertDialog: Boolean = false, var hideNIP24WarningDialog: Boolean = false, var backupContactList: ContactListEvent? = null, var proxy: Proxy? = null, var proxyPort: Int = 9050, var showSensitiveContent: Boolean? = null, var warnAboutPostsWithReports: Boolean = true, var filterSpamFromStrangers: Boolean = true, var lastReadPerRoute: Map = mapOf(), var hasDonatedInVersion: Set = setOf(), var pendingAttestations: Map = mapOf(), val scope: CoroutineScope = Amethyst.instance.applicationIOScope, ) { var transientHiddenUsers: ImmutableSet = persistentSetOf() data class PaymentRequest( val relayUrl: String, val description: String, ) var transientPaymentRequestDismissals: Set = emptySet() val transientPaymentRequests: MutableStateFlow> = MutableStateFlow(emptySet()) // Observers line up here. val live: AccountLiveData = AccountLiveData(this) val liveLanguages: AccountLiveData = AccountLiveData(this) val saveable: AccountLiveData = AccountLiveData(this) @Immutable class LiveFollowLists( val users: ImmutableSet = persistentSetOf(), val hashtags: ImmutableSet = persistentSetOf(), val geotags: ImmutableSet = persistentSetOf(), val communities: ImmutableSet = persistentSetOf(), ) class ListNameNotePair(val listName: String, val event: GeneralListEvent?) @OptIn(ExperimentalCoroutinesApi::class) val liveKind3FollowsFlow: Flow = userProfile().flow().follows.stateFlow.transformLatest { emit( LiveFollowLists( it.user.cachedFollowingKeySet().toImmutableSet(), it.user.cachedFollowingTagSet().toImmutableSet(), it.user.cachedFollowingGeohashSet().toImmutableSet(), it.user.cachedFollowingCommunitiesSet().toImmutableSet(), ), ) } val liveKind3Follows = liveKind3FollowsFlow.stateIn(scope, SharingStarted.Eagerly, LiveFollowLists()) @OptIn(ExperimentalCoroutinesApi::class) private val liveHomeList: Flow by lazy { defaultHomeFollowList.flatMapLatest { listName -> loadPeopleListFlowFromListName(listName) } } @OptIn(ExperimentalCoroutinesApi::class) fun loadPeopleListFlowFromListName(listName: String): Flow { return if (listName != GLOBAL_FOLLOWS && listName != KIND3_FOLLOWS) { val note = LocalCache.checkGetOrCreateAddressableNote(listName) note?.flow()?.metadata?.stateFlow?.mapLatest { val noteEvent = it.note.event as? GeneralListEvent ListNameNotePair(listName, noteEvent) } ?: MutableStateFlow(ListNameNotePair(listName, null)) } else { MutableStateFlow(ListNameNotePair(listName, null)) } } fun combinePeopleListFlows( kind3FollowsSource: Flow, peopleListFollowsSource: Flow, ): Flow { return combineTransform(kind3FollowsSource, peopleListFollowsSource) { kind3Follows, peopleListFollows -> if (peopleListFollows.listName == GLOBAL_FOLLOWS) { emit(null) } else if (peopleListFollows.listName == KIND3_FOLLOWS) { emit(kind3Follows) } else if (peopleListFollows.event == null) { emit(LiveFollowLists()) } else { val result = waitToDecrypt(peopleListFollows.event) if (result == null) { emit(LiveFollowLists()) } else { emit(result) } } } } val liveHomeFollowLists: StateFlow by lazy { combinePeopleListFlows(liveKind3FollowsFlow, liveHomeList) .stateIn(scope, SharingStarted.Eagerly, LiveFollowLists()) } @OptIn(ExperimentalCoroutinesApi::class) private val liveNotificationList: Flow by lazy { defaultNotificationFollowList .transformLatest { listName -> emit(loadPeopleListFlowFromListName(listName)) }.flattenMerge() } val liveNotificationFollowLists: StateFlow by lazy { combinePeopleListFlows(liveKind3FollowsFlow, liveNotificationList) .stateIn(scope, SharingStarted.Eagerly, LiveFollowLists()) } @OptIn(ExperimentalCoroutinesApi::class) private val liveStoriesList: Flow by lazy { defaultStoriesFollowList .transformLatest { listName -> emit(loadPeopleListFlowFromListName(listName)) }.flattenMerge() } val liveStoriesFollowLists: StateFlow by lazy { combinePeopleListFlows(liveKind3FollowsFlow, liveStoriesList) .stateIn(scope, SharingStarted.Eagerly, LiveFollowLists()) } @OptIn(ExperimentalCoroutinesApi::class) private val liveDiscoveryList: Flow by lazy { defaultDiscoveryFollowList .transformLatest { listName -> emit(loadPeopleListFlowFromListName(listName)) }.flattenMerge() } val liveDiscoveryFollowLists: StateFlow by lazy { combinePeopleListFlows(liveKind3FollowsFlow, liveDiscoveryList) .stateIn(scope, SharingStarted.Eagerly, LiveFollowLists()) } private fun decryptLiveFollows( listEvent: GeneralListEvent, onReady: (LiveFollowLists) -> Unit, ) { listEvent.privateTags(signer) { privateTagList -> onReady( LiveFollowLists( users = (listEvent.bookmarkedPeople() + listEvent.filterUsers(privateTagList)).toImmutableSet(), hashtags = (listEvent.hashtags() + listEvent.filterHashtags(privateTagList)).toImmutableSet(), geotags = (listEvent.geohashes() + listEvent.filterGeohashes(privateTagList)).toImmutableSet(), communities = (listEvent.taggedAddresses() + listEvent.filterAddresses(privateTagList)) .map { it.toTag() } .toImmutableSet(), ), ) } } suspend fun waitToDecrypt(peopleListFollows: GeneralListEvent): LiveFollowLists? { return withTimeoutOrNull(1000) { suspendCancellableCoroutine { continuation -> decryptLiveFollows(peopleListFollows) { continuation.resume(it) } } } } @Immutable data class LiveHiddenUsers( val hiddenUsers: ImmutableSet, val spammers: ImmutableSet, val hiddenWords: ImmutableSet, val hiddenWordsCase: List, val showSensitiveContent: Boolean?, ) val flowHiddenUsers: StateFlow by lazy { combineTransform( live.asFlow(), getBlockListNote().flow().metadata.stateFlow, getMuteListNote().flow().metadata.stateFlow, ) { localLive, blockList, muteList -> checkNotInMainThread() val resultBlockList = (blockList.note.event as? PeopleListEvent)?.let { withTimeoutOrNull(1000) { suspendCancellableCoroutine { continuation -> it.publicAndPrivateUsersAndWords(signer) { continuation.resume(it) } } } } ?: PeopleListEvent.UsersAndWords() val resultMuteList = (muteList.note.event as? MuteListEvent)?.let { withTimeoutOrNull(1000) { suspendCancellableCoroutine { continuation -> it.publicAndPrivateUsersAndWords(signer) { continuation.resume(it) } } } } ?: PeopleListEvent.UsersAndWords() val hiddenWords = resultBlockList.words + resultMuteList.words emit( LiveHiddenUsers( hiddenUsers = (resultBlockList.users + resultMuteList.users).toPersistentSet(), hiddenWords = hiddenWords.toPersistentSet(), hiddenWordsCase = hiddenWords.map { DualCase(it.lowercase(), it.uppercase()) }, spammers = localLive.account.transientHiddenUsers, showSensitiveContent = localLive.account.showSensitiveContent, ), ) } .stateIn( scope, SharingStarted.Eagerly, LiveHiddenUsers( hiddenUsers = persistentSetOf(), hiddenWords = persistentSetOf(), hiddenWordsCase = emptyList(), spammers = transientHiddenUsers, showSensitiveContent = showSensitiveContent, ), ) } val liveHiddenUsers = flowHiddenUsers.asLiveData() val decryptBookmarks: LiveData by lazy { userProfile().live().innerBookmarks.switchMap { userState -> liveData(Dispatchers.IO) { if (userState.user.latestBookmarkList == null) { emit(null) } else { emit( withTimeoutOrNull(1000) { suspendCancellableCoroutine { continuation -> userState.user.latestBookmarkList?.privateTags(signer) { continuation.resume(userState.user.latestBookmarkList) } } }, ) } } } } fun addPaymentRequestIfNew(paymentRequest: PaymentRequest) { if ( !this.transientPaymentRequests.value.contains(paymentRequest) && !this.transientPaymentRequestDismissals.contains(paymentRequest) ) { this.transientPaymentRequests.value = transientPaymentRequests.value + paymentRequest } } fun dismissPaymentRequest(request: PaymentRequest) { if (this.transientPaymentRequests.value.contains(request)) { this.transientPaymentRequests.value = transientPaymentRequests.value - request this.transientPaymentRequestDismissals = transientPaymentRequestDismissals + request } } var userProfileCache: User? = null fun updateOptOutOptions( warnReports: Boolean, filterSpam: Boolean, ) { warnAboutPostsWithReports = warnReports filterSpamFromStrangers = filterSpam LocalCache.antiSpam.active = filterSpamFromStrangers if (!filterSpamFromStrangers) { transientHiddenUsers = persistentSetOf() } live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun userProfile(): User { return userProfileCache ?: run { val myUser: User = LocalCache.getOrCreateUser(keyPair.pubKey.toHexKey()) userProfileCache = myUser myUser } } fun isWriteable(): Boolean { return keyPair.privKey != null || signer is NostrSignerExternal } fun sendNewRelayList(relays: Map) { if (!isWriteable()) return val contactList = userProfile().latestContactList if (contactList != null && contactList.tags.isNotEmpty()) { ContactListEvent.updateRelayList( earlierVersion = contactList, relayUse = relays, signer = signer, ) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } else { ContactListEvent.createFromScratch( followUsers = listOf(), followTags = listOf(), followGeohashes = listOf(), followCommunities = listOf(), followEvents = DefaultChannels.toList(), relayUse = relays, signer = signer, ) { // Keep this local to avoid erasing a good contact list. // Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } } fun sendNewUserMetadata( name: String? = null, picture: String? = null, banner: String? = null, website: String? = null, about: String? = null, nip05: String? = null, lnAddress: String? = null, lnURL: String? = null, twitter: String? = null, mastodon: String? = null, github: String? = null, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return MetadataEvent.updateFromPast( latest = userProfile().latestMetadata, name = name, picture = picture, banner = banner, website = website, about = about, nip05 = nip05, lnAddress = lnAddress, lnURL = lnURL, twitter = twitter, mastodon = mastodon, github = github, signer = signer, ) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } return } fun reactionTo( note: Note, reaction: String, ): List { return note.reactedBy(userProfile(), reaction) } fun hasBoosted(note: Note): Boolean { return boostsTo(note).isNotEmpty() } fun boostsTo(note: Note): List { return note.boostedBy(userProfile()) } fun hasReacted( note: Note, reaction: String, ): Boolean { return note.hasReacted(userProfile(), reaction) } suspend fun reactTo( note: Note, reaction: String, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return if (hasReacted(note, reaction)) { // has already liked this note return } if (note.event is ChatMessageEvent) { val event = note.event as ChatMessageEvent val users = event.recipientsPubKey().plus(event.pubKey).toSet().toList() if (reaction.startsWith(":")) { val emojiUrl = EmojiUrl.decode(reaction) if (emojiUrl != null) { note.event?.let { NIP24Factory().createReactionWithinGroup( emojiUrl = emojiUrl, originalNote = it, to = users, signer = signer, ) { broadcastPrivately(it) } } return } } note.event?.let { NIP24Factory().createReactionWithinGroup( content = reaction, originalNote = it, to = users, signer = signer, ) { broadcastPrivately(it) } } return } else { if (reaction.startsWith(":")) { val emojiUrl = EmojiUrl.decode(reaction) if (emojiUrl != null) { note.event?.let { ReactionEvent.create(emojiUrl, it, signer) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.consume(it) } } return } } note.event?.let { ReactionEvent.create(reaction, it, signer) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.consume(it) } } } } fun createZapRequestFor( note: Note, pollOption: Int?, message: String = "", zapType: LnZapEvent.ZapType, toUser: User?, onReady: (LnZapRequestEvent) -> Unit, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return note.event?.let { event -> LnZapRequestEvent.create( event, userProfile().latestContactList?.relays()?.keys?.ifEmpty { null } ?: localRelays.map { it.url }.toSet(), signer, pollOption, message, zapType, toUser?.pubkeyHex, onReady = onReady, ) } } fun hasWalletConnectSetup(): Boolean { return zapPaymentRequest != null } fun isNIP47Author(pubkeyHex: String?): Boolean { return (getNIP47Signer().pubKey == pubkeyHex) } fun getNIP47Signer(): NostrSigner { return zapPaymentRequest?.secret?.hexToByteArray()?.let { NostrSignerInternal(KeyPair(it)) } ?: signer } fun decryptZapPaymentResponseEvent( zapResponseEvent: LnZapPaymentResponseEvent, onReady: (Response) -> Unit, ) { val myNip47 = zapPaymentRequest ?: return val signer = myNip47.secret?.hexToByteArray()?.let { NostrSignerInternal(KeyPair(it)) } ?: signer zapResponseEvent.response(signer, onReady) } suspend fun calculateIfNoteWasZappedByAccount( zappedNote: Note?, onWasZapped: () -> Unit, ) { zappedNote?.isZappedBy(userProfile(), this, onWasZapped) } fun calculateZappedAmount( zappedNote: Note?, onReady: (BigDecimal) -> Unit, ) { zappedNote?.zappedAmountWithNWCPayments(getNIP47Signer(), onReady) } fun sendZapPaymentRequestFor( bolt11: String, zappedNote: Note?, onSent: () -> Unit, onResponse: (Response?) -> Unit, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return zapPaymentRequest?.let { nip47 -> val signer = nip47.secret?.hexToByteArray()?.let { NostrSignerInternal(KeyPair(it)) } ?: signer LnZapPaymentRequestEvent.create(bolt11, nip47.pubKeyHex, signer) { event -> val wcListener = NostrLnZapPaymentResponseDataSource( fromServiceHex = nip47.pubKeyHex, toUserHex = event.pubKey, replyingToHex = event.id, authSigner = signer, ) wcListener.start() LocalCache.consume(event, zappedNote) { it.response(signer) { onResponse(it) } } Client.send(event, nip47.relayUri, wcListener.feedTypes) { wcListener.destroy() } onSent() } } } fun createZapRequestFor( userPubKeyHex: String, message: String = "", zapType: LnZapEvent.ZapType, onReady: (LnZapRequestEvent) -> Unit, ) { LnZapRequestEvent.create( userPubKeyHex, userProfile().latestContactList?.relays()?.keys?.ifEmpty { null } ?: localRelays.map { it.url }.toSet(), signer, message, zapType, onReady = onReady, ) } suspend fun report( note: Note, type: ReportEvent.ReportType, content: String = "", ) { if (!isWriteable()) return if (note.hasReacted(userProfile(), "⚠️")) { // has already liked this note return } note.event?.let { ReactionEvent.createWarning(it, signer) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } note.event?.let { ReportEvent.create(it, type, signer, content) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } } suspend fun report( user: User, type: ReportEvent.ReportType, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return if (user.hasReport(userProfile(), type)) { // has already reported this note return } ReportEvent.create(user.pubkeyHex, type, signer) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } fun delete(note: Note) { delete(listOf(note)) } fun delete(notes: List) { if (!isWriteable()) return val myEvents = notes.filter { it.author == userProfile() } val myNoteVersions = myEvents.mapNotNull { it.event as? Event } if (myNoteVersions.isNotEmpty()) { DeletionEvent.create(myNoteVersions, signer) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } } fun createHTTPAuthorization( url: String, method: String, body: ByteArray? = null, onReady: (HTTPAuthorizationEvent) -> Unit, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return HTTPAuthorizationEvent.create(url, method, body, signer, onReady = onReady) } suspend fun boost(note: Note) { if (!isWriteable()) return if (note.hasBoostedInTheLast5Minutes(userProfile())) { // has already bosted in the past 5mins return } note.event?.let { if (it.kind() == 1) { RepostEvent.create(it, signer) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } else { GenericRepostEvent.create(it, signer) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } } } fun broadcast(note: Note) { note.event?.let { if (it is WrappedEvent && it.host != null) { it.host?.let { hostEvent -> Client.send(hostEvent) } } else { Client.send(it) } } } suspend fun updateAttestations() { Log.d("Pending Attestations", "Updating ${pendingAttestations.size} pending attestations") pendingAttestations.toMap().forEach { pair -> val newAttestation = OtsEvent.upgrade(pair.value, pair.key) if (pair.value != newAttestation) { OtsEvent.create(pair.key, newAttestation, signer) { LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) Client.send(it) pendingAttestations = pendingAttestations - pair.key } } } } fun hasPendingAttestations(note: Note): Boolean { val id = note.event?.id() ?: note.idHex return pendingAttestations.get(id) != null } fun timestamp(note: Note) { if (!isWriteable()) return if (note.isDraft()) return val id = note.event?.id() ?: note.idHex pendingAttestations = pendingAttestations + Pair(id, OtsEvent.stamp(id)) saveable.invalidateData() } fun follow(user: User) { if (!isWriteable()) return val contactList = userProfile().latestContactList if (contactList != null) { ContactListEvent.followUser(contactList, user.pubkeyHex, signer) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } else { ContactListEvent.createFromScratch( followUsers = listOf(Contact(user.pubkeyHex, null)), followTags = emptyList(), followGeohashes = emptyList(), followCommunities = emptyList(), followEvents = DefaultChannels.toList(), relayUse = Constants.defaultRelays.associate { it.url to ContactListEvent.ReadWrite(it.read, it.write) }, signer = signer, ) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } } fun follow(channel: Channel) { if (!isWriteable()) return val contactList = userProfile().latestContactList if (contactList != null) { ContactListEvent.followEvent(contactList, channel.idHex, signer) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } else { ContactListEvent.createFromScratch( followUsers = emptyList(), followTags = emptyList(), followGeohashes = emptyList(), followCommunities = emptyList(), followEvents = DefaultChannels.toList().plus(channel.idHex), relayUse = Constants.defaultRelays.associate { it.url to ContactListEvent.ReadWrite(it.read, it.write) }, signer = signer, ) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } } fun follow(community: AddressableNote) { if (!isWriteable()) return val contactList = userProfile().latestContactList if (contactList != null) { ContactListEvent.followAddressableEvent(contactList, community.address, signer) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } else { val relays = Constants.defaultRelays.associate { it.url to ContactListEvent.ReadWrite(it.read, it.write) } ContactListEvent.createFromScratch( followUsers = emptyList(), followTags = emptyList(), followGeohashes = emptyList(), followCommunities = listOf(community.address), followEvents = DefaultChannels.toList(), relayUse = relays, signer = signer, ) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } } fun followHashtag(tag: String) { if (!isWriteable()) return val contactList = userProfile().latestContactList if (contactList != null) { ContactListEvent.followHashtag( contactList, tag, signer, ) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } else { ContactListEvent.createFromScratch( followUsers = emptyList(), followTags = listOf(tag), followGeohashes = emptyList(), followCommunities = emptyList(), followEvents = DefaultChannels.toList(), relayUse = Constants.defaultRelays.associate { it.url to ContactListEvent.ReadWrite(it.read, it.write) }, signer = signer, ) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } } fun followGeohash(geohash: String) { if (!isWriteable()) return val contactList = userProfile().latestContactList if (contactList != null) { ContactListEvent.followGeohash( contactList, geohash, signer, onReady = this::onNewEventCreated, ) } else { ContactListEvent.createFromScratch( followUsers = emptyList(), followTags = emptyList(), followGeohashes = listOf(geohash), followCommunities = emptyList(), followEvents = DefaultChannels.toList(), relayUse = Constants.defaultRelays.associate { it.url to ContactListEvent.ReadWrite(it.read, it.write) }, signer = signer, onReady = this::onNewEventCreated, ) } } fun onNewEventCreated(event: Event) { Client.send(event) LocalCache.justConsume(event, null) } fun unfollow(user: User) { if (!isWriteable()) return val contactList = userProfile().latestContactList if (contactList != null && contactList.tags.isNotEmpty()) { ContactListEvent.unfollowUser( contactList, user.pubkeyHex, signer, onReady = this::onNewEventCreated, ) } } suspend fun unfollowHashtag(tag: String) { if (!isWriteable()) return val contactList = userProfile().latestContactList if (contactList != null && contactList.tags.isNotEmpty()) { ContactListEvent.unfollowHashtag( contactList, tag, signer, onReady = this::onNewEventCreated, ) } } suspend fun unfollowGeohash(geohash: String) { if (!isWriteable()) return val contactList = userProfile().latestContactList if (contactList != null && contactList.tags.isNotEmpty()) { ContactListEvent.unfollowGeohash( contactList, geohash, signer, onReady = this::onNewEventCreated, ) } } suspend fun unfollow(channel: Channel) { if (!isWriteable()) return val contactList = userProfile().latestContactList if (contactList != null && contactList.tags.isNotEmpty()) { ContactListEvent.unfollowEvent( contactList, channel.idHex, signer, onReady = this::onNewEventCreated, ) } } suspend fun unfollow(community: AddressableNote) { if (!isWriteable()) return val contactList = userProfile().latestContactList if (contactList != null && contactList.tags.isNotEmpty()) { ContactListEvent.unfollowAddressableEvent( contactList, community.address, signer, onReady = this::onNewEventCreated, ) } } fun createNip95( byteArray: ByteArray, headerInfo: FileHeader, alt: String?, sensitiveContent: Boolean, onReady: (Pair) -> Unit, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return FileStorageEvent.create( mimeType = headerInfo.mimeType ?: "", data = byteArray, signer = signer, ) { data -> FileStorageHeaderEvent.create( data, mimeType = headerInfo.mimeType, hash = headerInfo.hash, size = headerInfo.size.toString(), dimensions = headerInfo.dim, blurhash = headerInfo.blurHash, alt = alt, sensitiveContent = sensitiveContent, signer = signer, ) { signedEvent -> onReady( Pair(data, signedEvent), ) } } } fun consumeAndSendNip95( data: FileStorageEvent, signedEvent: FileStorageHeaderEvent, relayList: List? = null, ): Note? { if (!isWriteable()) return null Client.send(data, relayList = relayList) LocalCache.consume(data, null) Client.send(signedEvent, relayList = relayList) LocalCache.consume(signedEvent, null) return LocalCache.getNoteIfExists(signedEvent.id) } fun consumeNip95( data: FileStorageEvent, signedEvent: FileStorageHeaderEvent, ): Note? { LocalCache.consume(data, null) LocalCache.consume(signedEvent, null) return LocalCache.getNoteIfExists(signedEvent.id) } fun sendNip95( data: FileStorageEvent, signedEvent: FileStorageHeaderEvent, relayList: List? = null, ) { Client.send(data, relayList = relayList) Client.send(signedEvent, relayList = relayList) } fun sendHeader( signedEvent: FileHeaderEvent, relayList: List? = null, onReady: (Note) -> Unit, ) { Client.send(signedEvent, relayList = relayList) LocalCache.consume(signedEvent, null) LocalCache.getNoteIfExists(signedEvent.id)?.let { onReady(it) } } fun createHeader( imageUrl: String, magnetUri: String?, headerInfo: FileHeader, alt: String?, sensitiveContent: Boolean, originalHash: String? = null, onReady: (FileHeaderEvent) -> Unit, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return FileHeaderEvent.create( url = imageUrl, magnetUri = magnetUri, mimeType = headerInfo.mimeType, hash = headerInfo.hash, size = headerInfo.size.toString(), dimensions = headerInfo.dim, blurhash = headerInfo.blurHash, alt = alt, originalHash = originalHash, sensitiveContent = sensitiveContent, signer = signer, ) { event -> onReady(event) } } fun sendHeader( imageUrl: String, magnetUri: String?, headerInfo: FileHeader, alt: String?, sensitiveContent: Boolean, originalHash: String? = null, relayList: List? = null, onReady: (Note) -> Unit, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return FileHeaderEvent.create( url = imageUrl, magnetUri = magnetUri, mimeType = headerInfo.mimeType, hash = headerInfo.hash, size = headerInfo.size.toString(), dimensions = headerInfo.dim, blurhash = headerInfo.blurHash, alt = alt, originalHash = originalHash, sensitiveContent = sensitiveContent, signer = signer, ) { event -> sendHeader(event, relayList = relayList, onReady) } } fun sendClassifieds( title: String, price: Price, condition: ClassifiedsEvent.CONDITION, location: String, category: String, message: String, replyTo: List?, mentions: List?, directMentions: Set, zapReceiver: List? = null, wantsToMarkAsSensitive: Boolean, zapRaiserAmount: Long? = null, relayList: List? = null, geohash: String? = null, nip94attachments: List? = null, draftTag: String?, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return val repliesToHex = replyTo?.filter { it.address() == null }?.map { it.idHex } val mentionsHex = mentions?.map { it.pubkeyHex } val addresses = replyTo?.mapNotNull { it.address() } ClassifiedsEvent.create( dTag = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), title = title, price = price, condition = condition, summary = message, image = null, location = location, category = category, message = message, replyTos = repliesToHex, mentions = mentionsHex, addresses = addresses, zapReceiver = zapReceiver, markAsSensitive = wantsToMarkAsSensitive, zapRaiserAmount = zapRaiserAmount, directMentions = directMentions, geohash = geohash, nip94attachments = nip94attachments, signer = signer, isDraft = draftTag != null, ) { if (draftTag != null) { if (message.isBlank()) { deleteDraft(draftTag) } else { DraftEvent.create(draftTag, it, emptyList(), signer) { draftEvent -> Client.send(draftEvent, relayList = relayList) LocalCache.justConsume(draftEvent, null) } } } else { Client.send(it, relayList = relayList) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) replyTo?.forEach { it.event?.let { Client.send(it, relayList = relayList) } } addresses?.forEach { LocalCache.getAddressableNoteIfExists(it.toTag())?.event?.let { Client.send(it, relayList = relayList) } } } } } fun sendGitReply( message: String, replyTo: List?, mentions: List?, repository: ATag?, zapReceiver: List? = null, wantsToMarkAsSensitive: Boolean, zapRaiserAmount: Long? = null, replyingTo: String?, root: String?, directMentions: Set, forkedFrom: Event?, relayList: List? = null, geohash: String? = null, nip94attachments: List? = null, draftTag: String?, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return val repliesToHex = replyTo?.filter { it.address() == null }?.map { it.idHex } val mentionsHex = mentions?.map { it.pubkeyHex } val addresses = listOfNotNull(repository) + (replyTo?.mapNotNull { it.address() } ?: emptyList()) GitReplyEvent.create( msg = message, replyTos = repliesToHex, mentions = mentionsHex, addresses = addresses, extraTags = null, zapReceiver = zapReceiver, markAsSensitive = wantsToMarkAsSensitive, zapRaiserAmount = zapRaiserAmount, replyingTo = replyingTo, root = root, directMentions = directMentions, geohash = geohash, nip94attachments = nip94attachments, forkedFrom = forkedFrom, signer = signer, isDraft = draftTag != null, ) { if (draftTag != null) { if (message.isBlank()) { deleteDraft(draftTag) } else { DraftEvent.create(draftTag, it, signer) { draftEvent -> Client.send(draftEvent, relayList = relayList) LocalCache.justConsume(draftEvent, null) } } } else { Client.send(it, relayList = relayList) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) // broadcast replied notes replyingTo?.let { LocalCache.getNoteIfExists(replyingTo)?.event?.let { Client.send(it, relayList = relayList) } } replyTo?.forEach { it.event?.let { Client.send(it, relayList = relayList) } } addresses?.forEach { LocalCache.getAddressableNoteIfExists(it.toTag())?.event?.let { Client.send(it, relayList = relayList) } } } } } fun deleteDraft(draftTag: String) { val key = DraftEvent.createAddressTag(userProfile().pubkeyHex, draftTag) LocalCache.getAddressableNoteIfExists(key)?.let { val noteEvent = it.event if (noteEvent is DraftEvent) { noteEvent.createDeletedEvent(signer) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } delete(it) } } suspend fun sendPost( message: String, replyTo: List?, mentions: List?, tags: List? = null, zapReceiver: List? = null, wantsToMarkAsSensitive: Boolean, zapRaiserAmount: Long? = null, replyingTo: String?, root: String?, directMentions: Set, forkedFrom: Event?, relayList: List? = null, geohash: String? = null, nip94attachments: List? = null, draftTag: String?, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return val repliesToHex = replyTo?.filter { it.address() == null }?.map { it.idHex } val mentionsHex = mentions?.map { it.pubkeyHex } val addresses = replyTo?.mapNotNull { it.address() } TextNoteEvent.create( msg = message, replyTos = repliesToHex, mentions = mentionsHex, addresses = addresses, extraTags = tags, zapReceiver = zapReceiver, markAsSensitive = wantsToMarkAsSensitive, zapRaiserAmount = zapRaiserAmount, replyingTo = replyingTo, root = root, directMentions = directMentions, geohash = geohash, nip94attachments = nip94attachments, forkedFrom = forkedFrom, signer = signer, isDraft = draftTag != null, ) { if (draftTag != null) { if (message.isBlank()) { deleteDraft(draftTag) } else { DraftEvent.create(draftTag, it, signer) { draftEvent -> Client.send(draftEvent, relayList = relayList) LocalCache.justConsume(draftEvent, null) } } } else { Client.send(it, relayList = relayList) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) // broadcast replied notes replyingTo?.let { LocalCache.getNoteIfExists(replyingTo)?.event?.let { Client.send(it, relayList = relayList) } } replyTo?.forEach { it.event?.let { Client.send(it, relayList = relayList) } } addresses?.forEach { LocalCache.getAddressableNoteIfExists(it.toTag())?.event?.let { Client.send(it, relayList = relayList) } } } } } fun sendEdit( message: String, originalNote: Note, notify: HexKey?, summary: String? = null, relayList: List? = null, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return val idHex = originalNote.event?.id() ?: return TextNoteModificationEvent.create( content = message, eventId = idHex, notify = notify, summary = summary, signer = signer, ) { LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) Client.send(it, relayList = relayList) } } fun sendPoll( message: String, replyTo: List?, mentions: List?, pollOptions: Map, valueMaximum: Int?, valueMinimum: Int?, consensusThreshold: Int?, closedAt: Int?, zapReceiver: List? = null, wantsToMarkAsSensitive: Boolean, zapRaiserAmount: Long? = null, relayList: List? = null, geohash: String? = null, nip94attachments: List? = null, draftTag: String?, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return val repliesToHex = replyTo?.map { it.idHex } val mentionsHex = mentions?.map { it.pubkeyHex } val addresses = replyTo?.mapNotNull { it.address() } PollNoteEvent.create( msg = message, replyTos = repliesToHex, mentions = mentionsHex, addresses = addresses, signer = signer, pollOptions = pollOptions, valueMaximum = valueMaximum, valueMinimum = valueMinimum, consensusThreshold = consensusThreshold, closedAt = closedAt, zapReceiver = zapReceiver, markAsSensitive = wantsToMarkAsSensitive, zapRaiserAmount = zapRaiserAmount, geohash = geohash, nip94attachments = nip94attachments, isDraft = draftTag != null, ) { if (draftTag != null) { if (message.isBlank()) { deleteDraft(draftTag) } else { DraftEvent.create(draftTag, it, signer) { draftEvent -> Client.send(draftEvent, relayList = relayList) LocalCache.justConsume(draftEvent, null) } } } else { Client.send(it, relayList = relayList) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) // Rebroadcast replies and tags to the current relay set replyTo?.forEach { it.event?.let { Client.send(it, relayList = relayList) } } addresses?.forEach { LocalCache.getAddressableNoteIfExists(it.toTag())?.event?.let { Client.send(it, relayList = relayList) } } } } } fun sendChannelMessage( message: String, toChannel: String, replyTo: List?, mentions: List?, zapReceiver: List? = null, wantsToMarkAsSensitive: Boolean, zapRaiserAmount: Long? = null, geohash: String? = null, nip94attachments: List? = null, draftTag: String?, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return val repliesToHex = replyTo?.map { it.idHex } val mentionsHex = mentions?.map { it.pubkeyHex } ChannelMessageEvent.create( message = message, channel = toChannel, replyTos = repliesToHex, mentions = mentionsHex, zapReceiver = zapReceiver, markAsSensitive = wantsToMarkAsSensitive, zapRaiserAmount = zapRaiserAmount, geohash = geohash, nip94attachments = nip94attachments, signer = signer, isDraft = draftTag != null, ) { if (draftTag != null) { if (message.isBlank()) { deleteDraft(draftTag) } else { DraftEvent.create(draftTag, it, signer) { draftEvent -> Client.send(draftEvent) LocalCache.justConsume(draftEvent, null) } } } else { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } } fun sendLiveMessage( message: String, toChannel: ATag, replyTo: List?, mentions: List?, zapReceiver: List? = null, wantsToMarkAsSensitive: Boolean, zapRaiserAmount: Long? = null, geohash: String? = null, nip94attachments: List? = null, draftTag: String?, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return // val repliesToHex = listOfNotNull(replyingTo?.idHex).ifEmpty { null } val repliesToHex = replyTo?.map { it.idHex } val mentionsHex = mentions?.map { it.pubkeyHex } LiveActivitiesChatMessageEvent.create( message = message, activity = toChannel, replyTos = repliesToHex, mentions = mentionsHex, zapReceiver = zapReceiver, markAsSensitive = wantsToMarkAsSensitive, zapRaiserAmount = zapRaiserAmount, geohash = geohash, nip94attachments = nip94attachments, signer = signer, isDraft = draftTag != null, ) { if (draftTag != null) { if (message.isBlank()) { deleteDraft(draftTag) } else { DraftEvent.create(draftTag, it, signer) { draftEvent -> Client.send(draftEvent) LocalCache.justConsume(draftEvent, null) } } } else { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } } fun sendPrivateMessage( message: String, toUser: User, replyingTo: Note? = null, mentions: List?, zapReceiver: List? = null, wantsToMarkAsSensitive: Boolean, zapRaiserAmount: Long? = null, geohash: String? = null, nip94attachments: List? = null, draftTag: String?, ) { sendPrivateMessage( message, toUser.pubkeyHex, replyingTo, mentions, zapReceiver, wantsToMarkAsSensitive, zapRaiserAmount, geohash, nip94attachments, draftTag, ) } fun sendPrivateMessage( message: String, toUser: HexKey, replyingTo: Note? = null, mentions: List?, zapReceiver: List? = null, wantsToMarkAsSensitive: Boolean, zapRaiserAmount: Long? = null, geohash: String? = null, nip94attachments: List? = null, draftTag: String?, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return val repliesToHex = listOfNotNull(replyingTo?.idHex).ifEmpty { null } val mentionsHex = mentions?.map { it.pubkeyHex } PrivateDmEvent.create( recipientPubKey = toUser, publishedRecipientPubKey = toUser, msg = message, replyTos = repliesToHex, mentions = mentionsHex, zapReceiver = zapReceiver, markAsSensitive = wantsToMarkAsSensitive, zapRaiserAmount = zapRaiserAmount, geohash = geohash, nip94attachments = nip94attachments, signer = signer, advertiseNip18 = false, isDraft = draftTag != null, ) { if (draftTag != null) { if (message.isBlank()) { deleteDraft(draftTag) } else { DraftEvent.create(draftTag, it, emptyList(), signer) { draftEvent -> Client.send(draftEvent) LocalCache.justConsume(draftEvent, null) } } } else { Client.send(it) LocalCache.consume(it, null) } } } fun sendNIP24PrivateMessage( message: String, toUsers: List, subject: String? = null, replyingTo: Note? = null, mentions: List?, zapReceiver: List? = null, wantsToMarkAsSensitive: Boolean, zapRaiserAmount: Long? = null, geohash: String? = null, nip94attachments: List? = null, draftTag: String? = null, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return val repliesToHex = listOfNotNull(replyingTo?.idHex).ifEmpty { null } val mentionsHex = mentions?.map { it.pubkeyHex } NIP24Factory().createMsgNIP24( msg = message, to = toUsers, subject = subject, replyTos = repliesToHex, mentions = mentionsHex, zapReceiver = zapReceiver, markAsSensitive = wantsToMarkAsSensitive, zapRaiserAmount = zapRaiserAmount, geohash = geohash, nip94attachments = nip94attachments, draftTag = draftTag, signer = signer, ) { if (draftTag != null) { if (message.isBlank()) { deleteDraft(draftTag) } else { DraftEvent.create(draftTag, it.msg, emptyList(), signer) { draftEvent -> Client.send(draftEvent) LocalCache.justConsume(draftEvent, null) } } } else { broadcastPrivately(it) } } } fun broadcastPrivately(signedEvents: NIP24Factory.Result) { val mine = signedEvents.wraps.filter { (it.recipientPubKey() == signer.pubKey) } mine.forEach { giftWrap -> giftWrap.cachedGift(signer) { gift -> if (gift is SealedGossipEvent) { gift.cachedGossip(signer) { gossip -> LocalCache.justConsume(gossip, null) } } else { LocalCache.justConsume(gift, null) } } LocalCache.consume(giftWrap, null) } val id = mine.firstOrNull()?.id val mineNote = if (id == null) null else LocalCache.getNoteIfExists(id) signedEvents.wraps.forEach { // Creates an alias if (mineNote != null && it.recipientPubKey() != keyPair.pubKey.toHexKey()) { LocalCache.getOrAddAliasNote(it.id, mineNote) } Client.send(it) } } fun sendCreateNewChannel( name: String, about: String, picture: String, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return ChannelCreateEvent.create( name = name, about = about, picture = picture, signer = signer, ) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) LocalCache.getChannelIfExists(it.id)?.let { follow(it) } } } fun updateStatus( oldStatus: AddressableNote, newStatus: String, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return val oldEvent = oldStatus.event as? StatusEvent ?: return StatusEvent.update(oldEvent, newStatus, signer) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } fun createStatus(newStatus: String) { if (!isWriteable()) return StatusEvent.create(newStatus, "general", expiration = null, signer) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } fun deleteStatus(oldStatus: AddressableNote) { if (!isWriteable()) return val oldEvent = oldStatus.event as? StatusEvent ?: return StatusEvent.clear(oldEvent, signer) { event -> Client.send(event) LocalCache.justConsume(event, null) DeletionEvent.createForVersionOnly(listOf(event), signer) { event2 -> Client.send(event2) LocalCache.justConsume(event2, null) } } } fun removeEmojiPack( usersEmojiList: Note, emojiList: Note, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return val noteEvent = usersEmojiList.event if (noteEvent !is EmojiPackSelectionEvent) return val emojiListEvent = emojiList.event if (emojiListEvent !is EmojiPackEvent) return EmojiPackSelectionEvent.create( noteEvent.taggedAddresses().filter { it != emojiListEvent.address() }, signer, ) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } fun addEmojiPack( usersEmojiList: Note, emojiList: Note, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return val emojiListEvent = emojiList.event if (emojiListEvent !is EmojiPackEvent) return if (usersEmojiList.event == null) { EmojiPackSelectionEvent.create( listOf(emojiListEvent.address()), signer, ) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } else { val noteEvent = usersEmojiList.event if (noteEvent !is EmojiPackSelectionEvent) return if (noteEvent.taggedAddresses().any { it == emojiListEvent.address() }) { return } EmojiPackSelectionEvent.create( noteEvent.taggedAddresses().plus(emojiListEvent.address()), signer, ) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) } } } fun addBookmark( note: Note, isPrivate: Boolean, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return if (note.isDraft()) return if (note is AddressableNote) { BookmarkListEvent.addReplaceable( userProfile().latestBookmarkList, note.address, isPrivate, signer, ) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.consume(it) } } else { BookmarkListEvent.addEvent( userProfile().latestBookmarkList, note.idHex, isPrivate, signer, ) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.consume(it) } } } fun removeBookmark( note: Note, isPrivate: Boolean, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return val bookmarks = userProfile().latestBookmarkList ?: return if (note is AddressableNote) { BookmarkListEvent.removeReplaceable( bookmarks, note.address, isPrivate, signer, ) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.consume(it) } } else { BookmarkListEvent.removeEvent( bookmarks, note.idHex, isPrivate, signer, ) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.consume(it) } } } fun createAuthEvent( relay: Relay, challenge: String, onReady: (RelayAuthEvent) -> Unit, ) { return createAuthEvent(relay.url, challenge, onReady = onReady) } fun createAuthEvent( relayUrl: String, challenge: String, onReady: (RelayAuthEvent) -> Unit, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return RelayAuthEvent.create(relayUrl, challenge, signer, onReady = onReady) } fun isInPrivateBookmarks( note: Note, onReady: (Boolean) -> Unit, ) { if (!isWriteable()) { onReady(false) false } if (userProfile().latestBookmarkList == null) { onReady(false) false } if (note is AddressableNote) { userProfile().latestBookmarkList?.privateTaggedAddresses(signer) { onReady(it.contains(note.address)) } } else { userProfile().latestBookmarkList?.privateTaggedEvents(signer) { onReady(it.contains(note.idHex)) } } } fun isInPublicBookmarks(note: Note): Boolean { if (!isWriteable()) return false if (note is AddressableNote) { return userProfile().latestBookmarkList?.taggedAddresses()?.contains(note.address) == true } else { return userProfile().latestBookmarkList?.taggedEvents()?.contains(note.idHex) == true } } fun getBlockListNote(): AddressableNote { val aTag = ATag( PeopleListEvent.KIND, userProfile().pubkeyHex, PeopleListEvent.BLOCK_LIST_D_TAG, null, ) return LocalCache.getOrCreateAddressableNote(aTag) } fun getMuteListNote(): AddressableNote { val aTag = ATag( MuteListEvent.KIND, userProfile().pubkeyHex, "", null, ) return LocalCache.getOrCreateAddressableNote(aTag) } fun getFileServersNote(): AddressableNote { val aTag = ATag( FileServersEvent.KIND, userProfile().pubkeyHex, "", null, ) return LocalCache.getOrCreateAddressableNote(aTag) } fun getBlockList(): PeopleListEvent? { return getBlockListNote().event as? PeopleListEvent } fun getMuteList(): MuteListEvent? { return getMuteListNote().event as? MuteListEvent } fun getFileServersList(): FileServersEvent? { return getFileServersNote().event as? FileServersEvent } fun hideWord(word: String) { val muteList = getMuteList() if (muteList != null) { MuteListEvent.addWord( earlierVersion = muteList, word = word, isPrivate = true, signer = signer, ) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.consume(it, null) } } else { MuteListEvent.createListWithWord( word = word, isPrivate = true, signer = signer, ) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.consume(it, null) } } } fun showWord(word: String) { val blockList = getBlockList() if (blockList != null) { PeopleListEvent.removeWord( earlierVersion = blockList, word = word, isPrivate = true, signer = signer, ) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.consume(it, null) } } val muteList = getMuteList() if (muteList != null) { MuteListEvent.removeWord( earlierVersion = muteList, word = word, isPrivate = true, signer = signer, ) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.consume(it, null) } } } fun hideUser(pubkeyHex: String) { val muteList = getMuteList() if (muteList != null) { MuteListEvent.addUser( earlierVersion = muteList, pubKeyHex = pubkeyHex, isPrivate = true, signer = signer, ) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.consume(it, null) } } else { MuteListEvent.createListWithUser( pubKeyHex = pubkeyHex, isPrivate = true, signer = signer, ) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.consume(it, null) } } } fun showUser(pubkeyHex: String) { val blockList = getBlockList() if (blockList != null) { PeopleListEvent.removeUser( earlierVersion = blockList, pubKeyHex = pubkeyHex, isPrivate = true, signer = signer, ) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.consume(it, null) } } val muteList = getMuteList() if (muteList != null) { MuteListEvent.removeUser( earlierVersion = muteList, pubKeyHex = pubkeyHex, isPrivate = true, signer = signer, ) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.consume(it, null) } } transientHiddenUsers = (transientHiddenUsers - pubkeyHex).toImmutableSet() live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun changeDefaultZapType(zapType: LnZapEvent.ZapType) { defaultZapType = zapType live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun changeDefaultFileServer(server: Nip96MediaServers.ServerName) { defaultFileServer = server live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun changeDefaultHomeFollowList(name: String) { defaultHomeFollowList.tryEmit(name) live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun changeDefaultStoriesFollowList(name: String) { defaultStoriesFollowList.tryEmit(name) live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun changeDefaultNotificationFollowList(name: String) { defaultNotificationFollowList.tryEmit(name) live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun changeDefaultDiscoveryFollowList(name: String) { defaultDiscoveryFollowList.tryEmit(name) live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun changeZapAmounts(newAmounts: List) { zapAmountChoices = newAmounts live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun changeReactionTypes(newTypes: List) { reactionChoices = newTypes live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun changeZapPaymentRequest(newServer: Nip47WalletConnect.Nip47URI?) { zapPaymentRequest = newServer live.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun selectedChatsFollowList(): Set { val contactList = userProfile().latestContactList return contactList?.taggedEvents()?.toSet() ?: DefaultChannels } fun sendChangeChannel( name: String, about: String, picture: String, channel: Channel, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return ChannelMetadataEvent.create( name, about, picture, originalChannelIdHex = channel.idHex, signer = signer, ) { Client.send(it) LocalCache.justConsume(it, null) follow(channel) } } fun unwrap( event: GiftWrapEvent, onReady: (Event) -> Unit, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return return event.cachedGift(signer, onReady) } fun unseal( event: SealedGossipEvent, onReady: (Event) -> Unit, ) { if (!isWriteable()) return return event.cachedGossip(signer, onReady) } fun cachedDecryptContent(note: Note): String? { return cachedDecryptContent(note.event) } fun cachedDecryptContent(event: EventInterface?): String? { if (event == null) return null return if (event is PrivateDmEvent && isWriteable()) { event.cachedContentFor(signer) } else if (event is LnZapRequestEvent && event.isPrivateZap() && isWriteable()) { event.cachedPrivateZap()?.content } else { event.content() } } fun decryptContent( note: Note, onReady: (String) -> Unit, ) { val event = note.event if (event is PrivateDmEvent && isWriteable()) { event.plainContent(signer, onReady) } else if (event is LnZapRequestEvent) { decryptZapContentAuthor(note) { onReady(it.content) } } else { event?.content()?.let { onReady(it) } } } fun decryptZapContentAuthor( note: Note, onReady: (Event) -> Unit, ) { val event = note.event if (event is LnZapRequestEvent) { if (event.isPrivateZap()) { if (isWriteable()) { event.decryptPrivateZap(signer) { onReady(it) } } } else { onReady(event) } } } fun addDontTranslateFrom(languageCode: String) { dontTranslateFrom = dontTranslateFrom.plus(languageCode) liveLanguages.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun updateTranslateTo(languageCode: String) { translateTo = languageCode liveLanguages.invalidateData() saveable.invalidateData() } fun prefer( source: String, target: String, preference: String, ) { languagePreferences = languagePreferences + Pair("$source,$target", preference) saveable.invalidateData() } fun preferenceBetween( source: String, target: String, ): String? { return languagePreferences.get("$source,$target") } private fun updateContactListTo(newContactList: ContactListEvent?) { if (newContactList == null || newContactList.tags.isEmpty()) return // Events might be different objects, we have to compare their ids. if (backupContactList?.id != newContactList.id) { backupContactList = newContactList saveable.invalidateData() } } // Takes a User's relay list and adds the types of feeds they are active for. fun activeRelays(): Array? { var usersRelayList = userProfile().latestContactList?.relays()?.map { val localFeedTypes = localRelays.firstOrNull { localRelay -> localRelay.url == it.key }?.feedTypes ?: Constants.defaultRelays .filter { defaultRelay -> defaultRelay.url == it.key } .firstOrNull() ?.feedTypes ?: FeedType.values().toSet() Relay(it.key, it.value.read, it.value.write, localFeedTypes) } ?: return null // Ugly, but forces nostr.band as the only search-supporting relay today. // TODO: Remove when search becomes more available. val searchRelays = usersRelayList.filter { it.url.removeSuffix("/") in Constants.forcedRelaysForSearchSet } val hasSearchRelay = usersRelayList.any { it.activeTypes.contains(FeedType.SEARCH) } if (!hasSearchRelay && searchRelays.isEmpty()) { usersRelayList = usersRelayList + Constants.forcedRelayForSearch.map { Relay( it.url, it.read, it.write, it.feedTypes, ) } } return usersRelayList.toTypedArray() } fun convertLocalRelays(): Array { return localRelays.map { Relay(it.url, it.read, it.write, it.feedTypes) }.toTypedArray() } fun activeGlobalRelays(): Array { return (activeRelays() ?: convertLocalRelays()) .filter { it.activeTypes.contains(FeedType.GLOBAL) } .map { it.url } .toTypedArray() } fun activeWriteRelays(): List { return (activeRelays() ?: convertLocalRelays()).filter { it.write } } fun isAllHidden(users: Set): Boolean { return users.all { isHidden(it) } } fun isHidden(user: User) = isHidden(user.pubkeyHex) fun isHidden(userHex: String): Boolean { return flowHiddenUsers.value.hiddenUsers.contains(userHex) || flowHiddenUsers.value.spammers.contains(userHex) } fun followingKeySet(): Set { return userProfile().cachedFollowingKeySet() } fun followingTagSet(): Set { return userProfile().cachedFollowingTagSet() } fun isAcceptable(user: User): Boolean { if (userProfile().pubkeyHex == user.pubkeyHex) { return true } if (user.pubkeyHex in followingKeySet()) { return true } if (!warnAboutPostsWithReports) { return !isHidden(user) && // if user hasn't hided this author user.reportsBy(userProfile()).isEmpty() // if user has not reported this post } return !isHidden(user) && // if user hasn't hided this author user.reportsBy(userProfile()).isEmpty() && // if user has not reported this post user.countReportAuthorsBy(followingKeySet()) < 5 } private fun isAcceptableDirect(note: Note): Boolean { if (!warnAboutPostsWithReports) { return !note.hasReportsBy(userProfile()) } return !note.hasReportsBy(userProfile()) && // if user has not reported this post note.countReportAuthorsBy(followingKeySet()) < 5 // if it has 5 reports by reliable users } fun isFollowing(user: User): Boolean { return user.pubkeyHex in followingKeySet() } fun isFollowing(user: HexKey): Boolean { return user in followingKeySet() } fun isAcceptable(note: Note): Boolean { return note.author?.let { isAcceptable(it) } ?: true && // if user hasn't hided this author isAcceptableDirect(note) && ( (note.event !is RepostEvent && note.event !is GenericRepostEvent) || ( note.replyTo?.firstOrNull { isAcceptableDirect(it) } != null ) ) // is not a reaction about a blocked post } fun getRelevantReports(note: Note): Set { val followsPlusMe = userProfile().latestContactList?.verifiedFollowKeySetAndMe ?: emptySet() val innerReports = if (note.event is RepostEvent || note.event is GenericRepostEvent) { note.replyTo?.map { getRelevantReports(it) }?.flatten() ?: emptyList() } else { emptyList() } return ( note.reportsBy(followsPlusMe) + (note.author?.reportsBy(followsPlusMe) ?: emptyList()) + innerReports ) .toSet() } fun saveRelayList(value: List) { try { localRelays = value.toSet() return sendNewRelayList( value.associate { it.url to ContactListEvent.ReadWrite(it.read, it.write) }, ) } finally { saveable.invalidateData() } } fun setHideDeleteRequestDialog() { hideDeleteRequestDialog = true saveable.invalidateData() } fun setHideNIP24WarningDialog() { hideNIP24WarningDialog = true saveable.invalidateData() } fun setHideBlockAlertDialog() { hideBlockAlertDialog = true saveable.invalidateData() } fun updateShowSensitiveContent(show: Boolean?) { showSensitiveContent = show saveable.invalidateData() live.invalidateData() } fun markAsRead( route: String, timestampInSecs: Long, ): Boolean { val lastTime = lastReadPerRoute[route] return if (lastTime == null || timestampInSecs > lastTime) { lastReadPerRoute = lastReadPerRoute + Pair(route, timestampInSecs) saveable.invalidateData() true } else { false } } fun loadLastRead(route: String): Long { return lastReadPerRoute[route] ?: 0 } fun hasDonatedInThisVersion(): Boolean { return hasDonatedInVersion.contains(BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME) } fun markDonatedInThisVersion() { hasDonatedInVersion = hasDonatedInVersion + BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME saveable.invalidateData() live.invalidateData() } suspend fun registerObservers() = withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { // saves contact list for the next time. userProfile().live().follows.observeForever { GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { updateContactListTo(userProfile().latestContactList) } } // imports transient blocks due to spam. LocalCache.antiSpam.liveSpam.observeForever { GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { it.cache.spamMessages.snapshot().values.forEach { if (it.pubkeyHex !in transientHiddenUsers && it.duplicatedMessages.size >= 5) { if (it.pubkeyHex != userProfile().pubkeyHex && it.pubkeyHex !in followingKeySet()) { transientHiddenUsers = (transientHiddenUsers + it.pubkeyHex).toImmutableSet() live.invalidateData() } } } } } } init { Log.d("Init", "Account") backupContactList?.let { println("Loading saved contacts ${it.toJson()}") if (userProfile().latestContactList == null) { GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { LocalCache.consume(it) } } } } } class AccountLiveData(private val account: Account) : LiveData(AccountState(account)) { // Refreshes observers in batches. private val bundler = BundledUpdate(300, Dispatchers.Default) fun invalidateData() { bundler.invalidate { if (hasActiveObservers()) { refresh() } } } fun refresh() { postValue(AccountState(account)) } } @Immutable class AccountState(val account: Account)