Refactoring of unused elements in VideoView

Vitor Pamplona 2023-07-25 11:13:17 -04:00
rodzic 748349244e
commit aab42bb341
1 zmienionych plików z 2 dodań i 34 usunięć

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@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ fun VideoViewInner(
if (!automaticallyStartPlayback.value) {
ImageUrlWithDownloadButton(url = videoUri, showImage = automaticallyStartPlayback)
} else {
VideoPlayerMutex(videoUri) { activeOnScreen ->
VideoPlayerActiveMutex(videoUri) { activeOnScreen ->
val mediaItem = remember(videoUri) {
@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ class VisibilityData() {
* the screen wins the mutex.
fun VideoPlayerMutex(videoUri: String, inner: @Composable (MutableState<Boolean>) -> Unit) {
fun VideoPlayerActiveMutex(videoUri: String, inner: @Composable (MutableState<Boolean>) -> Unit) {
val myCache = remember(videoUri) {
@ -607,38 +607,6 @@ fun ControlWhenPlayerIsActive(
fun Modifier.onVisibilityChanges(onVisibilityChanges: (Boolean) -> Unit): Modifier = composed {
val view = LocalView.current
var isVisible: Boolean? by remember { mutableStateOf(null) }
onGloballyPositioned { coordinates ->
val newIsVisible = coordinates.isCompletelyVisible(view)
if (isVisible != newIsVisible) {
isVisible = newIsVisible
onVisibilityChanges(isVisible == true)
fun LayoutCoordinates.isCompletelyVisible(view: View): Boolean {
if (!isAttached) return false
// Window relative bounds of our compose root view that are visible on the screen
val globalRootRect = Rect()
if (!view.getGlobalVisibleRect(globalRootRect)) {
// we aren't visible at all.
return false
val bounds = boundsInWindow()
if (bounds.isEmpty) return false
// Make sure we are completely in bounds.
return >= &&
bounds.left >= globalRootRect.left &&
bounds.right <= globalRootRect.right &&
bounds.bottom <= globalRootRect.bottom
fun Modifier.onVisiblePositionChanges(onVisiblePosition: (Float?) -> Unit): Modifier = composed {
val view = LocalView.current