import os import pytest from wolverine import apply_changes, json_validated_response from .conftest import ( mock_open_ai_response_object, TEST_FILES_DIR ) def test_apply_changes_replace(temp_file): # Make a "replace" change to the second line changes = [ {"operation": "Replace", "line": 2, "content": "new second line"} ] apply_changes(temp_file, changes) # Check that the file was updated correctly with open(temp_file) as f: content = assert content == "first line\nnew second line\nthird line" def test_apply_changes_delete(temp_file): # Make a "delete" change to the third line changes = [ {"operation": "Delete", "line": 3, "content": ""}, ] apply_changes(temp_file, changes) # Check that the file was updated correctly with open(temp_file) as f: content = assert content == "first line\nsecond line\n" def test_apply_changes_insert(temp_file): # Make an "insert" change after the second line changes = [ {"operation": "InsertAfter", "line": 2, "content": "inserted line"}, ] apply_changes(temp_file, changes) # Check that the file was updated correctly with open(temp_file) as f: content = assert content == 'first line\nsecond line\ninserted line\nthird line' @pytest.mark.parametrize("chat_completion_response, nb_retry, fail", [ (os.path.join(TEST_FILES_DIR, "cc_resp.txt"), 3, False), (os.path.join(TEST_FILES_DIR, "cc_resp_fail.txt"), 3, True), (os.path.join(TEST_FILES_DIR, "cc_resp_fail.txt"), 10, True), ]) def test_json_validated_response(mocker, chat_completion_response, nb_retry, fail): # Open the test file with open(chat_completion_response, 'r') as file: response = # Mock the openAi chat completion API call mocker.patch( "openai.ChatCompletion.create", return_value=mock_open_ai_response_object(mocker=mocker, content=response)) # ChatCompletion returned an invalid response if fail: with pytest.raises(Exception) as err: json_response = json_validated_response("gpt-4", [ { "role": "user", "content": "prompt" } ], nb_retry=nb_retry ) # Check that the exception is raised after nb_retry time assert err.value == "No valid json response found after 3 tries. Exiting." else: json_response = json_validated_response("gpt-4", [ { "role": "user", "content": "prompt" } ], nb_retry=nb_retry ) assert json_response