# CHANGELOG :airplane: The following is a history of the changes made to this project. ## v2.6.2 *(prerelease)* * Option to install dump1090-fa removed on Ubuntu 17.10 or higher due to cx_freeze issue. * Fixed so Ubunbtu 17.10 and higher properly installs PHP 7.1 and its related packages. * ADS-B Exchange run script now uses socat instead of netcat to send data. * Removed Mapzen support from the scripts due to the service shutting down. * Added option to auto hide portal navigation and footer elements. (thanks to @Mictronics) * User can opt to skip the installation of the Postfix MTA using the --mta= flag. * OS and release variables temporarily exported to save repeating the detection process. ## v2.6.1 *(February 28th, 2018)* * Readded missing RTL-SDR kernel module blacklist to dump1090-mutability script. * Password recovery token column used for password retrieval not added properly in the past. * Postix package installation was removed at some point and is now reintroduced. * When created remote database users are now allowed to access the server remotly. * Fixes to issues contained within maintenance.py. (thanks to @mkrzysztofowicz) * Consolidated simple queries which run on both MySQL and SQLite in maintenance.py. * Dump1090-mutability wget permission error fixed. (thanks to SCX77) * Latitude and longitude sent to get altitude was hard coded in ADS-B Exchange script. * The ADS-B Exchange script was not getting latitude and longitude from dump1090-mutability. * Fixed RTLSDR device permissions issue by downloading rtl-sdr.rules if not present. * The option to upgrade the Planefinder client now appears when one is available. * Updated to install planefinder.net ARM client version 3.7.40. * Updated to install PiAware version 3.5.3. * The version of mlat-client installed has been reverted back to v0.2.6 from v0.2.9. * Fixed path variable to where the built dump1090-mutability packages are archived. * Fixed path variable used to check if the ADS-B Exchange build directory exists. * Simplified and fixed lines killing existing ADS-B Exchange processes during reinstallation. * Simplified and fixed lines killing existing AboveTustin processes during reinstallation. * Simplified and fixed lines killing existing BeastSplitter processes during reinstallation. * Fixed many minor bash script output syntax and formating issues. * Some Whiptail dialogs have been expanded to be more descriptive. * AboveTustin script was not retriving the current longitude when upgrading it. ## v2.6.0 *(October 21st, 2017)* * Added "Extras" option to install process. * Added the ability to install beast-splitter as an extra. * Added the ability to setup Duck DNS dynamic DNS service as an extra. * Added the ability to setup the AboveTustin Twitter bot. * Ubuntu 16.04 and above now detected properly when deciding which version of PHP to use. * Raspbian 9 and above now detected properly when deciding which version of PHP to use. * Debian 9 and above now detected properly when deciding which version of PHP to use. * As requested users must now claim PiAware receivers via the FlightAware site. * Updated to install mlat-client version 0.2.9. * Updated to install planfinder.net ARM client version 3.7.20. * Updated to install planfinder.net I386 client version 3.7.1. * Updated to install PiAware version 3.5.1. * Creates and enables /etc/rc.local if dump978 is installed. * Creates and enables /etc/rc.local if ADS-B Exchange support is added. * Added check for the dvb_usb_rtl28xxu kernel module before trying to remove it. * Checks for the package dirmngr before executing the Flightradar24 setup script. * Fixed text displaying date time formats which were swapped in the portal settings. * Help pertaining to the new switches is available using the -h or --help switch. * An installation log file can be kept by using either the -l or --log-output switch. * The branch you wish to use can be specified using the -b or --branch switch. * Pagination on the flights page has been minimized. * Corrected the page count on the flights page. * Added -d --development flags to install.sh to avoid overwriting changes made. * All .deb packages built by the scripts are archived in an archive folder. * Addressed issue where altitude was not returned when setting up ADS-B Exchange feed. * Dump1090-mutability --measure-noise argument moved to the configuration file. ## v2.5.0 *(December 5th, 2016)* * Can now specify the unit of measurement for dump1090-mutability during setup. * Users can now specify the repository branch they wish to use in the file install.sh. * Possible fix for blog post containing characters not UTF-8 compatible. *(lite)* * Added script to automate the portal backup process. * Added ability to specify the latitude and longitude of the receiver for dump978. * Administrators can now specify custom links to be displayed within the portal. * The loading speed for the flights page has been dramatically reduced. *(advanced)* * When upgrading dump1090 the user is once again asked for the LAT and LON settings. * Portal related python scripts are now located in the folder named python. * A Google Maps API key can now be specified for use with portal maps. * When setting up dump1090-mutability the user is asked for a Bing Maps API key. * When setting up dump1090-mutability the user is asked for a Mapzen API key. * Portal upgrade scripts have been split into multiple files. * The path to the SQLite database is no longer hard coded in the portal PHP files. * Pagination links now show first and last page links properly. * When no patch is applied N\A is given for the patch version on the system page. * Yes set to default when asked whether to bind dump1090-mutability to all IP addresses. * Fixed issue with install script causing PiAware to not upgrade. * Fixed collectd graph generation script so it works with newer versions of rrdtool. * The navigation bar for the default portal template has been modified to fit better. ## v2.4.0 *(September 27th, 2016)* * Users can now choose to install dump1090-fa instead of dump1090-mutability. * Scripts are now updated from the master branch each time install.sh is ran. * The file install.sh now executes ~/bash/main.sh after updates are applied. * Changed dump1090-mutability build directory to ~/build/dump1090-mutability. * Removed dump1090-fa map option from portal due to the fact it is no longer needed. * Flights.py has been temporariliy switched back to reading aircraft.json over HTTP. ## v2.3.0 *(September 15th, 2016)* * Massive clean up and in some cases an overhaul of the installation bash scripts. * Updated the dump978 map by modifying newer dump1090-mutability map. * Crontab errors pertaining to collectd no longer emailed to the root user. * The image setup script now executes the portal install scripts to setup the portal. * Script now comments out NET_BIND_ADDRESS to bind dump1090-mutability to all IPs. * Moved the logging portion of the portal install script into it's own file. *(advanced)* * Flights.py has been optimized even further. *(advanced)* * Flights.py now logs the aircraft ID when logging positions. *(advanced)* * Many bug fixes pertainng to the advanced portal features setup process. *(advanced)* * Fix aircraft column issue not allowing SQLite installs to upgrade properly. *(advanced)* ## v2.2.0 *(August 31st, 2016)* * ADS-B Exchange script now sets up mlat-client to connect to their mlat-server. * Added the ability to disply either the dump1090-fa or dump1090-mutability map. * Changed the bash function which retrieves config file variables so it works properly. * Fixed issue causing a package installation error when PiAware versions change. ## v2.1.0 *(August 30th, 2016)* * Added flight information side bar to plot map. *(advanced)* * Added flight data API to web site. *(advanced)* * Fixed an issue where settings were not being saved properly during upgrades. * The PiAware script has been modified to support the installation of PiAware 3. * PiAware is no longer automatically configured to share MLAT data with 3rd parties. ## v2.0.3 *(May 19th, 2016)* * Added password confirmation for MySQL database user to bash script. *(advanced)* * Changes applied to image configuration script including fixes for bugs and wording. * The device's IP address is now properly displayed at end of the bash setup process. * MySQL upgrades failed to detect local or remote installs properly. *(advanced)* * Changes to resolve PHP errors after running the PHP portal installer. *(advanced)* ## v2.0.2 *(May 12th, 2016)* * When reinstalling dump1090-mutability the user is no longer asked for LAT and LON. * When using a remote MySQL database the database must already exist. *(advanced)* * System information page now displays portal and patch versions. * SQLite database permissions set properly so flight data can be recorded. *(advanced)* * Adjusted the postback check function to possibly fix POST issues. * Fixed bug where a malformed if statement was causing upgrade problems. *(advanced)* * Links to aggregate site stats pages now open in a new web browser windows. * The Postfix MTA package is now installed if not present. * The bash scripts now detect Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and install the proper PHP packages. * The current MySQL database size is displayed on the maintainance tab. *(advanced)* ## v2.0.1 *(April 29th, 2016)* * Flight logging is now inserted properly into SQLite databases. *(advanced)* * Remote MySQL database servers now handled properly by install scripts. *(advanced)* * Separate flights now separated properly when viewing flight plots page. *(advanced)* * Fixed issue where having the text "; " was causing issues when stored in XML. * Flights with no positions no longer display a PHP error when viewing plots. *(advanced)* * Flight search box hidden on non advanced installations. * All times are now stored as UTC time. * Added the ability to specify the timezone the portal uses to display data. * MySQL root password check added during script installation. *(advanced)* * Directory where install/upgrade PHP files reside has been changed. * Added warning not to remove the adsb-receiver directory after installation. **Previous patches included in this release...** * Added the version setting to be used to identifying the currently installed release. * Added the patch setting to identify the current patch installed. * Fixed issue with wireless bandwidth not being displayed on the system information page. * The Python script flights.py should now import the proper libraries. *(advanced)* * Wlan0 traffic now be displayed by the system gauges. * Fixed issues pertaining to updating settings using the administration backend. ## v2.0.0 *(April 14th, 2016)* * Versioning no longer going by date. * MySQL is now a data storage option. * SQLite is now a data storage option. * Added an advanced portal option for use by those using more durable storage solutions. * History of all flights seen including positions is available by choosing the advanced option. * Added a way to reset forgotten portal passwords. * Flight notifications can now process wildcards. * The bandwidth gauge can now be set to a smaller scale. * When posting blog entries existing titles are now checked for. ## March 7th, 2016 * Added the option to install the Flightradar24 client. * Added administrator name and email address settings. * Administrators are no longer required to change their password after their first login. * Added the ability to display links to aggregate site statistics pages. * Added near real time charts displaying current CPU, memory, and bandwidth usage. * The author's name is now displayed when blog posts are rendered instead of their login. * The settings page has been categorized and split into tabs. * The portal no longer uses public CDN's to server jQuery and Bootstrap files. * Scripts now exit properly when package fails to install. * Flight notification alerts now display properly on map pages. ## March 4th, 2016 * Image created using Rasbian Jessie Lite version February 2016 in order to support Raspberry Pi 3. * Improved readability of messages/aircraft graph. * Added fix pertaining to the Planfinder link. ## February 18th, 2016 * Greatly improved the template system used by the web portal. * Vistitors to the web portal can be alerted to the presence of aircraft using specified flight numbers. * The user is now asked if they wish to bind dump1090-mutability to all IP addresses. * Users can now choose to display range graph distances in nautical miles. * Performance graph image sizes have been standardized. ## February 5th, 2016 * Initial tagged release. * Raspbian Jessie Lite image now available.