import re import ast import json import copy from ..bson import ObjectId from .base import Database, Table def is_match(lhs, rhs): """ >>> is_match(12, 12) True >>> is_match(12, 13) False >>> is_match(11, {"$lt": 12}) True >>> is_match(13, {"$lt": 12}) False >>> is_match({"a1": 1, "a2": 2, "b3": 3}, {"$regex": "^a"}) True >>> is_match({"a1": 1, "a2": 2, "b3": 3}, {"$regex": "^b"}) True >>> is_match({"a1": 1, "a2": 2, "b3": 3}, {"$regex": "^c"}) False """ if isinstance(rhs, dict): matched = True for item in rhs: if item == "$regex": matched = any([key for key in lhs if re.match(rhs[item], key)]) elif item == "$lt": matched = lhs < rhs[item] elif item == "$gt": matched = lhs > rhs[item] elif item == "$in": if isinstance(lhs, list): matched = any([left for left in lhs if left in rhs[item]]) else: matched = lhs in rhs[item] else: raise Exception("unknown operator: %s" % item) if not matched: return False return matched else: if isinstance(lhs, list): if isinstance(rhs, list): return lhs == rhs else: return rhs in lhs else: return lhs == rhs class ListTable(Table): def __init__(self, database=None, name=None, data=None): super().__init__(database, name) = data or [] def __getitem__(self, item): return[item] def __setitem__(self, item, value):[item] = value def __delitem__(self, key): del[key] def __len__(self): return len( def __str__(self): return str( def __repr__(self): return repr( def match(self, doc, query): """ Does a dictionary match a (possibly-nested) query/dict? query is a dictionary of dotted words or query operations. >>> table = ListTable() >>> table.match({"x": 42}, {"x": 42}) True >>> table.match({"x": 42}, {"x": 43}) False >>> table.match({"x": {"y": 5}}, {"x.y": 5}) True >>> table.match({"x": {"y": 5}}, {"x.y": 4}) False >>> activity = {"name": "Joe"} >>> table.match(activity, {"$and": [{"name": "Sally"}, {"name": "Joe"}]}) False >>> table.match(activity, {"$and": [{"name": "Joe"}, {"name": "Sally"}]}) False >>> table.match(activity, {"$or": [{"name": "Sally"}, {"name": "Joe"}]}) True >>> table.match(activity, {"$or": [{"name": "Joe"}, {"name": "Sally"}]}) True """ for item in query: if item == "$or": matched = False for each in query[item]: if self.match(doc, each): matched = True break if not matched: return False elif item == "$and": matched = True for each in query[item]: if not self.match(doc, each): matched = False break if not matched: return False else: thing = self.get_item_in_dict(doc, item) matched = is_match(thing, query[item]) if not matched: return False return True def get_item_in_dict(self, dictionary, item): """ Get dictionary item from a dotted-word. >>> table = ListTable() >>> table.get_item_in_dict({"x": 1}, "x") 1 >>> table.get_item_in_dict({"x": {"y": 42}}, "x.y") 42 """ current = dictionary for word in item.split("."): if word in current: current = current[word] else: return None return current def set_item_in_dict(self, dictionary, item, value, i=None): """ Set dictionary item from a dotted-word. >>> table = ListTable() >>> d = {"x": 1} >>> table.get_item_in_dict(d, "x") 1 >>> table.set_item_in_dict(d, "x", 2) >>> table.get_item_in_dict(d, "x") 2 >>> d2 = {"x": {"y": 42}} >>> table.get_item_in_dict(d2, "x.y") 42 >>> table.set_item_in_dict(d2, "x.y", 43) >>> table.get_item_in_dict(d2, "x.y") 43 """ current = dictionary words = item.split(".") for word in words[:-1]: current = current[word] current[words[-1]] = value ## update the database for those lists ## that are separate from the reference ## in dictionary (eg, redis) if i is not None:[i] = dictionary def clear(self): def sort(self, sort_key, sort_order): # sort_key = "_id" # sort_order = 1 or -1 ## Always use ListTable here: return ListTable(data=sorted(, key=lambda row: self.get_item_in_dict(row, sort_key), reverse=(sort_order == -1))) def insert_one(self, row): """ >>> table = ListTable() >>> table.count() 0 >>> len( 0 >>> table.insert_one({"a": 1, "b": 2}) >>> len( 1 >>> table.count() 1 >>> table.insert_one({"c": 1, "d": 2}) >>> table.insert_one({"c": 1, "d": 2}) >>> table.insert_one({"c": 1, "d": 3}) >>> table.insert_one({"c": 1, "d": 3}) >>> table.find({"a": 1}).count() 1 >>> table.find({"a": 2}).count() 0 >>> table.find({"b": 2}).count() 1 >>> table.find({"c": 1}).count() 4 >>> table.find({"c": 1, "d": 2}).count() 2 """ row = copy.deepcopy(row) # expensive, but prevents errors if row.get("_id", None) is None: row["_id"] = ObjectId() def find(self, query=None, limit=None, enumerated=False): """ >>> table = ListTable() >>> table.insert_one({"a": 1, "b": 2}) >>> table.find({"a": 1}) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [{'a': 1, 'b': 2, '_id': ObjectId('...')}] >>> table.find({"a": 2}) [] """ if query is not None: if limit is not None: if enumerated: return [(i,doc) for (i,doc) in enumerate( if self.match(doc, query)][:limit] else: return ListTable(data=[doc for doc in if self.match(doc, query)][:limit]) else: if enumerated: return [(i,doc) for (i,doc) in enumerate( if self.match(doc, query)] else: return ListTable(data=[doc for doc in if self.match(doc, query)]) elif limit is not None: if enumerated: return list(enumerated([:limit])) else: return ListTable([:limit]) else: if enumerated: return list(enumerated( else: return self def remove(self, query=None): """ >>> table = ListTable() >>> table.insert_one({"a": 1, "b": 2}) >>> table.insert_one({"c": 3, "d": 4}) >>> table.find({"a": 1}) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [{'a': 1, 'b': 2, '_id': ObjectId('...')}] >>> table.find({"a": 2}) [] >>> table.find({"d": 4}) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [{'c': 3, 'd': 4, '_id': ObjectId('...')}] >>> table.remove({"d": 4}) >>> table.find({"d": 4}) [] >>> table.find({"b": 2}) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [{'a': 1, 'b': 2, '_id': ObjectId('...')}] """ if query: items = [(i,doc) for (i,doc) in enumerate( if self.match(doc, query)] for i,doc in items: del[i] else: def find_one(self, query): """ >>> table = ListTable() >>> table.insert_one({"a": 1, "b": 2}) >>> table.insert_one({"a": 3, "b": 4}) >>> table.find_one({"b": 2}) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS {'a': 1, 'b': 2, '_id': ObjectId('...')} >>> table.find_one({"b": 3}) >>> table.find_one({"b": 4}) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS {'a': 3, 'b': 4, '_id': ObjectId('...')} """ results = [doc for doc in if self.match(doc, query)] if results: return results[0] else: return None def find_one_and_update(self, query, items, sort=None): one = self.find_one(query) if len(one) > 0: return False else: self.update_one(query, items) return True def update_one(self, query, items, upsert=False): results = [(i,doc) for (i,doc) in enumerate( if self.match(doc, query)] if len(results) > 0: self.process_updates(results[:1], items) elif upsert: ## update and insert self.insert_one(query) results = self.find(query, enumerated=True) self.process_updates(results, items) def process_updates(self, results, items): """ results is rows of matched data (dicts) items are things like: * {'$set': {'meta.deleted': True}} * {'$set': {'meta.undo': True, 'meta.exta': 'object deleted'}} * {'$inc': {'meta.count_reply': -1, 'meta.count_direct_reply': -1}} >>> db = ListDatabase() >>> db.actors.insert_one({'meta': {'deleted': True}}) >>> len(db.actors.find({'meta.deleted': True})) 1 >>> db.actors.process_updates(enumerate(, ... {"$set": {'meta.deleted': False}}) >>> len(db.actors.find({'meta.deleted': True})) 0 >>> len(db.actors.find({'meta.deleted': False})) 1 >>> db = ListDatabase() >>> db.actors.insert_one({'meta': {'count': 0}}) >>> db.actors.find()[0]["meta"]["count"] 0 >>> db.actors.process_updates(enumerate(, ... {"$inc": {'meta.count': +1}}) >>> db.actors.find()[0]["meta"]["count"] 1 >>> db.actors.process_updates(enumerate(, ... {"$inc": {'meta.count': +1}}) >>> db.actors.find()[0]["meta"]["count"] 2 >>> db.actors.process_updates(enumerate(, ... {"$inc": {'meta.count': -1}}) >>> db.actors.find()[0]["meta"]["count"] 1 """ for i,result in results: for item in items: # key if item == "$set": for thing in items[item]: # keys of the $set value = items[item][thing] self.set_item_in_dict(result, thing, value, i) elif item == "$inc": for thing in items[item]: old_value = self.get_item_in_dict(result, thing) incr = items[item][thing] self.set_item_in_dict(result, thing, old_value + incr, i) def update(self, query, items, upsert=False): """ >>> db = ListDatabase() >>> q = {"id": "XXX", "test": 42} >>> db.actors.update(q, {"$inc": {"test": +1}}, upsert=False) >>> len(db.actors.find(q)) 0 >>> db.actors.update(q, {"$inc": {"test": +1}}, upsert=True) >>> len(db.actors.find(q)) 0 >>> q = {"id": "XXX", "test": 43} >>> len(db.actors.find(q)) 1 """ results = [(i,doc) for (i,doc) in enumerate( if self.match(doc, query)] if len(results) > 0: self.process_updates(results, items) elif upsert: # update and insert self.insert_one(query) results = self.find(query, enumerated=True) self.process_updates(results, items) def count(self, query=None): if query: return len([doc for doc in if self.match(doc, query)]) else: return len( def count_documents(self, query): return self.count(query) class ListDatabase(Database): Table = ListTable """ process_updates: [{'box': 'outbox', 'activity': {'type': 'Create', 'actor': 'http://localhost:5005', 'object': {'type': 'Note', 'sensitive': False, 'attributedTo': 'http://localhost:5005', 'cc': ['http://localhost:5005/followers'], 'to': [''], 'content': '


', 'tag': [], 'published': '2018-07-19T17:23:22Z', 'id': 'http://localhost:5005/outbox/75b40a6f5c319bdf/activity', 'url': 'http://localhost:5005/note/75b40a6f5c319bdf'}, '@context': ['', '', {'Hashtag': 'as:Hashtag', 'sensitive': 'as:sensitive'}], 'published': '2018-07-19T17:23:22Z', 'to': [''], 'cc': ['http://localhost:5005/followers'], 'id': 'http://localhost:5005/outbox/75b40a6f5c319bdf'}, 'type': ['Create'], 'remote_id': 'http://localhost:5005/outbox/75b40a6f5c319bdf', 'meta': {'undo': False, 'deleted': False}, '_id': ObjectId('5b50c90a1342a3318e13d434'), '_requested': True}] {'$set': {'meta.deleted': True}} done! [{'box': 'outbox', 'activity': {'type': 'Create', 'actor': 'http://localhost:5005', 'object': {'type': 'Note', 'sensitive': False, 'attributedTo': 'http://localhost:5005', 'cc': ['http://localhost:5005/followers'], 'to': [''], 'content': '


', 'tag': [], 'published': '2018-07-19T17:23:22Z', 'id': 'http://localhost:5005/outbox/75b40a6f5c319bdf/activity', 'url': 'http://localhost:5005/note/75b40a6f5c319bdf'}, '@context': ['', '', {'Hashtag': 'as:Hashtag', 'sensitive': 'as:sensitive'}], 'published': '2018-07-19T17:23:22Z', 'to': [''], 'cc': ['http://localhost:5005/followers'], 'id': 'http://localhost:5005/outbox/75b40a6f5c319bdf'}, 'type': ['Create'], 'remote_id': 'http://localhost:5005/outbox/75b40a6f5c319bdf', 'meta': {'undo': False, 'deleted': False}, '_id': ObjectId('5b50c90a1342a3318e13d434'), '_requested': True, 'm': 'e'}] process_updates: [] {'$set': {'meta.undo': True, 'meta.exta': 'object deleted'}} done! [] """