### This file and folder are based on: ### https://github.com/tsileo/microblog.pub ### https://github.com/tsileo/little-boxes ### Work In Progress! When complete, this ### file should only contain the specific ### logic for a micro blog. from html2text import html2text from urllib.parse import urlparse import bleach import logging logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) from activitypub import VERSION from activitypub.manager.base import app from activitypub.bson import ObjectId ## Pick one: from activitypub.manager import FlaskManager as Manager #from activitypub.manager import TornadoManager as Manager #from activitypub.manager import Manager as Manager from activitypub.database import * ## Pick one: database = RedisDatabase("redis://localhost:6379/0") #database = MongoDatabase("mongodb://localhost:27017", "dsblank_localhost:5000") #database = ListDatabase() #database = SQLDatabase("sqlite://") #database = SQLDatabase("sqlite:///sqlite.db") manager = Manager(database=database) manager.setup_css() ## FIXME: get rid of all of these: manager.config.update({ "ME": { "url": "https://example.com", "icon": {"url": "https://example.com"}, "icon_url": 'https://cs.brynmawr.edu/~dblank/images/doug-sm-orig.jpg', "summary": "I'm just me."}, "NAME": "ActivityPub Blog", "ID": "http://localhost:%s/dsblank" % manager.port, "BASE_URL": "http://localhost:%s" % manager.port, }) """ ### Some fake data: database.activities.clear() database.actors.clear() for id in ["dsblank", "alyssa", "jones", "smith"]: person = manager.Person(**{"id": id, "temp_id": id, 'name': "$temp_id", 'preferredUsername': "$temp_id", }) if not database.actors.find_one({"id": person.id}): database.actors.insert_one(person.to_dict()) for i in range(10): person = manager.Person(id="dsblank") text = "This is note #%s" % i note = manager.Note( **{ 'sensitive': False, 'attributedTo': '$DOMAIN', 'cc': ['$DOMAIN/followers'], 'to': ['https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'], 'content': '


', 'tag': [], 'source': {'mediaType': 'text/markdown', 'content': text}, 'published': '$NOW', 'temp_uuid': "$UUID", 'id': '$DOMAIN/outbox/$temp_uuid/activity', 'url': '$DOMAIN/note/$temp_uuid', }) create = manager.Create( **{ 'context': ['https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', 'https://w3id.org/security/v1', {'Hashtag': 'as:Hashtag', 'sensitive': 'as:sensitive', 'toot': 'http://joinmastodon.org/ns#', 'featured': 'toot:featured'}], 'actor': '$DOMAIN', 'object': note.to_dict(), 'published': '$NOW', 'to': ['https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'], 'cc': ['$DOMAIN/followers'], 'id': '$DOMAIN/outbox/%s' % note.temp_uuid, } ) message = manager.Create( **{ 'activity': create.to_dict(), 'box': 'outbox', 'type': ['Create'], 'remote_id': '$DOMAIN/outbox/%s' % note.temp_uuid, 'meta': {'undo': False, 'deleted': False}, }) database.activities.insert_one(message.to_dict()) """ #### The routes: @app.route("/notes", endpoint="notes") @app.route("/") def route_index(self, *args, **kwargs): logging.info("args: %s, kwargs: %s" % (args, kwargs)) q = { "box": "outbox", "type": {"$in": ["Create", "Announce"]}, "activity.object.inReplyTo": None, "meta.deleted": False, "meta.undo": False, } outbox_data, older_than, newer_than = paginated_query(self, self.database.activities, q) logging.info("outbox_data: %s" % outbox_data) return self.render_template( "index.html", outbox_data=outbox_data, older_than=older_than, newer_than=newer_than, ) @app.route("/admin", methods=["GET"]) #@login_required def route_admin(self): q = { "meta.deleted": False, "meta.undo": False, "type": "like", "box": "outbox", } col_liked = self.database.activities.count(q) return self.render_template( "admin.html", instances=list(self.database.instances.find()), inbox_size=self.database.activities.count({"box": "inbox"}), outbox_size=self.database.activities.count({"box": "outbox"}), col_liked=col_liked, col_followers=self.database.activities.count( { "box": "inbox", "type": "follow", "meta.undo": False, } ), col_following=self.database.activities.count( { "box": "outbox", "type": "follow", "meta.undo": False, } ), ) @app.route("/login", methods=["POST", "GET"]) def route_login(self): return self.redirect( self.get_argument("redirect", None) or self.url_for("admin_notifications") ) @app.route("/admin/notifications") def admin_notifications(self): # FIXME(tsileo): show unfollow (performed by the current actor) and liked??? mentions_query = { "type": "Create", "activity.object.tag.type": "Mention", "activity.object.tag.name": "@dsblank@https://example.com", "meta.deleted": False, } replies_query = { "type": "Create", "activity.object.inReplyTo": {"$regex": "^https://example.com"}, } announced_query = { "type": "Announce", "activity.object": {"$regex": "^https://example.com"}, } new_followers_query = {"type": "Follow"} unfollow_query = { "type": "Undo", "activity.object.type": "Follow", } followed_query = {"type": "Accept"} q = { "box": "inbox", "$or": [ mentions_query, announced_query, replies_query, new_followers_query, followed_query, unfollow_query, ], } inbox_data, older_than, newer_than = paginated_query(self, self.database.activities, q) return self.render_template( "stream.html", inbox_data=inbox_data, older_than=older_than, newer_than=newer_than, ) ### FIXME: move paging to Manager def paginated_query(self, db, q, limit=5, sort_key="_id"): older_than = newer_than = None query_sort = -1 first_page = (not self.get_argument("older_than", None) and not self.get_argument("newer_than", None)) query_older_than = self.get_argument("older_than", None) query_newer_than = self.get_argument("newer_than", None) if query_older_than: q["_id"] = {"$lt": ObjectId(query_older_than)} elif query_newer_than: q["_id"] = {"$gt": ObjectId(query_newer_than)} query_sort = 1 outbox_data = list(db.find(q, limit=limit + 1).sort(sort_key, query_sort)) outbox_len = len(outbox_data) outbox_data = sorted( outbox_data[:limit], key=lambda x: str(x[sort_key]), reverse=True ) if query_older_than: newer_than = str(outbox_data[0]["_id"]) if outbox_len == limit + 1: older_than = str(outbox_data[-1]["_id"]) elif query_newer_than: older_than = str(outbox_data[-1]["_id"]) if outbox_len == limit + 1: newer_than = str(outbox_data[0]["_id"]) elif first_page and outbox_len == limit + 1: older_than = str(outbox_data[-1]["_id"]) return outbox_data, older_than, newer_than @app.context_processor def context_processor(self): q = { "type": "Create", "activity.object.type": "Note", "activity.object.inReplyTo": None, "meta.deleted": False, } notes_count = self.database.activities.find( {"box": "outbox", "$or": [q, {"type": "Announce", "meta.undo": False}]} ).count() q = {"type": "Create", "activity.object.type": "Note", "meta.deleted": False} with_replies_count = self.database.activities.find( {"box": "outbox", "$or": [q, {"type": "Announce", "meta.undo": False}]} ).count() liked_count = self.database.activities.count( { "box": "outbox", "meta.deleted": False, "meta.undo": False, "type": "Like", } ) followers_q = { "box": "inbox", "type": "follow", "meta.undo": False, } following_q = { "box": "outbox", "type": "follow", "meta.undo": False, } return { "microblogpub_version": VERSION, "followers_count": self.database.activities.count(followers_q), "following_count": self.database.activities.count(following_q), "notes_count": notes_count, "liked_count": liked_count, "with_replies_count": with_replies_count, "DOMAIN": "localhost:%s/test" % (self.port,), # TODO: update on each fetch, include full URL, /test } @app.route("/test") def route_test(self): return self.render_template("test.html") ### The filters: @app.filter def html2plaintext(self, body, *args, **kwargs): return html2text(body) def _to_list(item): if not isinstance(item, list): return list(item) return item @app.filter def has_type(self, doc, _type): if _type in _to_list(doc["type"]): return True return False @app.filter def get_actor(self, url): retval = self.database.actors.find_one({"id": self.config["ID"]}) if retval is not None: return retval @app.filter def get_url(self, u): if isinstance(u, dict): return u["href"] elif isinstance(u, str): return u else: return u @app.filter def get_actor_icon_url(self, url, size): return _get_file_url(url, size, Kind.ACTOR_ICON) @app.filter def domain(self, url): return urlparse(url).netloc @app.filter def permalink_id(self, val): return str(hash(val)) @app.filter def is_from_outbox(self, t): logging.warning("is_from_outbox(%s)" % (t,)) return True return t.startswith(ID) @app.filter def format_timeago(self, val): return "OK" if val: dt = parser.parse(val) return timeago.format(dt, datetime.now(timezone.utc)) return val # HTML/templates helper ALLOWED_TAGS = [ "a", "abbr", "acronym", "b", "br", "blockquote", "code", "pre", "em", "i", "li", "ol", "strong", "ul", "span", "div", "p", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", ] def clean_html(html): return bleach.clean(html, tags=ALLOWED_TAGS) @app.filter def clean(self, html): return clean_html(html) @app.filter def not_only_imgs(self, attachment): for a in attachment: if not _is_img(a["url"]): return True return False @app.filter def is_img(self, filename): return _is_img(filename) @app.filter def get_attachment_url(self, url, size): return _get_file_url(url, size, Kind.ATTACHMENT) @app.filter def format_time(self, val): return "OK" if val: dt = parser.parse(val) return datetime.strftime(dt, "%B %d, %Y, %H:%M %p") return val @app.filter def quote_plus(self, t): import urllib return urllib.parse.quote_plus(t) if __name__ == "__main__": manager.run()