import {APObject} from "../models/apObject/APObject.model"; import {Collection} from "../models/collection/Collection.model"; import {OrderedCollection} from "../models/orderedCollection/OrderedCollection.model"; import {Article} from "../models/article/Article.model"; import {Audio} from "../models/audio/Audio.model"; import {Document} from "../models/document/Document.model"; import {APEvent} from "../models/apEvent/APEvent.model"; import {Image} from "../models/image/Image.model"; import {Note} from "../models/note/Note.model"; import {Page} from "../models/page/Page.model"; import {Place} from "../models/place/Place.model"; import {Profile} from "../models/profile/Profile.model"; import {Relationship} from "../models/relationship/Relationship.model"; import {Tombstone} from "../models/tombstone/Tombstone.model"; import {Video} from "../models/video/Video.model"; import {Link} from "../models/link/Link.model"; import {Mention} from "../models/mention/Mention.model"; import {CollectionPage} from "../models/collectionPage/CollectionPage.model"; import {OrderedCollectionPage} from "../models/orderedCollectionPage/OrderedCollectionPage.model"; export enum ASModelType { Object = 'Object', Activity = 'Activity', Application = 'Application', Article = 'Article', Document = 'Document', Event = 'Event', Group = 'Group', Note = 'Note', Organization = 'Organization', Person = 'Person', Service = 'Service', Audio = 'Audio', Image = 'Image', Page = 'Page', Video = 'Video', Place = 'Place', Relationship = 'Relationship', Question = 'Question', Tombstone = 'Tombstone', Profile = 'Profile', Actor = 'Actor', Link = 'Link', Mention = 'Mention', Collection = 'Collection', CollectionPage = 'CollectionPage', OrderedCollection = 'OrderedCollection', OrderedCollectionPage = 'OrderedCollectionPage', } export type AnyCollection = Collection | OrderedCollection; export type AnyASObject = APObject | Article | Audio | Document | APEvent | Image | Note | Page | Place | Profile | Relationship | Tombstone | Video | AnyCollection; export type DateTime = string | Date; export type LanguageTag = string; export type MediaType = string; export type Duration = string; export type ContextValue = string | Record; export type UrlValue = string | Link; export type IdValue = string; export type TypeValue = string; export type DurationValue = Duration; export type ContentValue = string; export type ContentMapValue = Record; export type MediaTypeValue = MediaType; export type NameValue = string; export type NameMapValue = Record; export type SummaryValue = string; export type SummaryMapValue = Record; export type EndTimeValue = DateTime; export type StartTimeValue = DateTime; export type PublishedValue = DateTime; export type UpdatedValue = DateTime; export type RepliesValue = string | AnyCollection; export type RelationshipValue = string | AnyASObject; export type IconValue = string | Image | Link; export type ImageValue = string | Image | Link; export type AttachmentValue = string | AnyASObject | Link; export type AudienceValue = string | AnyASObject | Link; export type InReplyToValue = string | AnyASObject | Link; export type LocationValue = string | Place | Link; export type PreviewValue = string | AnyASObject | Link; export type ToValue = string | AnyASObject | Link; export type BtoValue = string | AnyASObject | Link; export type CcValue = string | AnyASObject | Link; export type BccValue = string | AnyASObject | Link; export type GeneratorValue = string | AnyASObject | Link; export type ObjectValue = string | AnyASObject | Link; export type AttributedToValue = string | AnyASObject | Link | Mention; export type TagValue = string | AnyASObject | Link | Mention; export type ActorValue = string | AnyASObject | Link; export type TargetValue = string | AnyASObject | Link; export type ResultValue = string | AnyASObject | Link; export type OriginValue = string | AnyASObject | Link; export type InstrumentValue = string | AnyASObject | Link; export type OneOfValue = string | AnyASObject | Link; export type AnyOfValue = string | AnyASObject | Link; export type SubjectValue = string | AnyASObject | Link; export type AccuracyValue = number; export type AltitudeValue = number; export type LatitudeValue = number; export type LongitudeValue = number; export type RadiusValue = number; export type UnitsValue = 'cm' | 'feet' | 'inches' | 'km' | 'm' | 'miles' | string; export type ClosedValue = string | AnyASObject | Link | DateTime | boolean; export type FormerTypeValue = string; export type DeletedValue = DateTime; export type DescribesValue = string | AnyASObject; export type HrefValue = string; export type HreflangValue = LanguageTag; export type RelValue = string; export type HeightValue = number; export type WidthValue = number; export type TotalItemsValue = number; export type CollectionCurrentValue = string | CollectionPage | Link; export type CollectionFirstValue = string | CollectionPage | Link; export type CollectionLastValue = string | CollectionPage | Link; export type CollectionItemsValue = string | CollectionPage | Link; export type CollectionPagePartOfValue = string | Collection | Link; export type CollectionPageNextValue = string | Collection | Link; export type CollectionPagePrevValue = string | Collection | Link; export type OrderedCollectionCurrentValue = string | OrderedCollectionPage | Link; export type OrderedCollectionFirstValue = string | OrderedCollectionPage | Link; export type OrderedCollectionLastValue = string | OrderedCollectionPage | Link; export type OrderedCollectionItemsValue = string | OrderedCollectionPage | Link; export type OrderedCollectionPagePartOfValue = string | OrderedCollection | Link; export type OrderedCollectionPageNextValue = string | OrderedCollection | Link; export type OrderedCollectionPagePrevValue = string | OrderedCollection | Link; export type StartIndexValue = number; export type SourceValue = { content: ContentValue, mediaType?: MediaType, } export type InboxValue = string | OrderedCollection | Link; export type OutboxValue = string | OrderedCollection | Link; export type FollowingValue = string | Collection | OrderedCollection | Link; export type FollowersValue = string | Collection | OrderedCollection | Link; export type LikedValue = string | Collection | OrderedCollection | Link; export type LikesValue = string | Collection | OrderedCollection | Link; export type SharesValue = string | Collection | OrderedCollection | Link; export type StreamsValue = string | Collection | OrderedCollection | Link; export type PreferredUsernameValue = string; export type PreferredUsernameMapValue = Record; export type ProxyUrlValue = string; export type OauthAuthorizationEndpointValue = string; export type OauthTokenEndpointValue = string; export type ProvideClientKeyValue = string; export type SignClientKeyValue = string; export type SharedInboxValue = string; export interface WithContext { /** * JSON-LD uses the special @context property to define the processing context. * The value of the @context property is defined by the [JSON-LD] specification. * * {@link Docs} */ '@context'?: ContextValue | ContextValue[]; }