import { UrlValue, IconValue, ImageValue, AttachmentValue, AudienceValue, InReplyToValue, LocationValue, PreviewValue, ToValue, BtoValue, CcValue, BccValue, AttributedToValue, TagValue, GeneratorValue, IdValue, TypeValue, ContentValue, ContentMapValue, MediaTypeValue, NameValue, NameMapValue, EndTimeValue, StartTimeValue, PublishedValue, RepliesValue, SummaryValue, SummaryMapValue, UpdatedValue, DurationValue, SourceValue, LikesValue, SharesValue, ContextValue, WithContext, } from "../../common/types"; export interface APObjectFields extends WithContext { /** * Provides the globally unique identifier for * an {@link Object} * All objects must have unique global identifier (unless the object is transient, * in which case the id MAY be omitted). * * {@link AS Docs (@id)} * * {@link AP Docs} */ id?: IdValue; /** * Identifies the {@link Object} * type. Multiple values may be specified. * All objects must have type. There is already a bunch of default types presented by this library. * * {@link AS Docs (@type)} * * {@link AP Docs} */ type?: TypeValue | TypeValue[]; /** * Identifies resources attached or related to an object that potentially requires special handling. * The intent is to provide a model that is at least semantically similar to attachments in email. * * {@link Docs} */ attachment?: AttachmentValue | AttachmentValue[]; /** * Identifies one or more entities to which this object is attributed. * The attributed entities might not be Actors. For instance, * an object might be attributed to the completion of another activity. * * {@link Docs} */ attributedTo?: AttributedToValue | AttributedToValue[]; /** * Identifies one or more entities that represent the total population of entities * for which the object can be considered to be relevant. * * {@link Docs} */ audience?: AudienceValue | AudienceValue[]; // TODO: only content or contentMap at one time /** * The content or textual representation of the Object encoded as a JSON string. * By default, the value of content is HTML. The mediaType property can be * used in the object to indicate a different content type. * [For multiple language-tagged values use contentMap property] * * {@link Docs} */ content?: ContentValue; /** * The content or textual representation of the Object encoded as a JSON string. * By default, the value of content is HTML. The mediaType property can be * used in the object to indicate a different content type. * [For a single value use content property] * * {@link Docs} */ contentMap?: ContentMapValue; /** * When used on an Object, identifies the MIME media type of the value of the content property. * If not specified, the content property is assumed to contain text/html content. * Works different with Link * * {@link Docs} */ mediaType?: MediaTypeValue; // TODO: only name or nameMap at one time /** * A simple, human-readable, plain-text name for the object. * HTML markup MUST NOT be included. * [For multiple language-tagged values use nameMap property] * * {@link Docs} */ name?: NameValue; /** * A simple, human-readable, plain-text name for the object. * HTML markup MUST NOT be included. * [For a single value use name property] * * {@link Docs} */ nameMap?: NameMapValue; /** * The date and time describing the actual or expected ending time of the object. * When used with an Activity object, for instance, the endTime property specifies * the moment the activity concluded or is expected to conclude. * * Must be provided in {@link xsd:dateTime} * * {@link Docs} * * @example * 2020-08-08T08:30:11-03:00Z * 2020-08-08T08:30:11-03:00 * 2020-08-08T08:30:11Z * 2020-08-08T08:30:11 * 2020-08-08 */ endTime?: EndTimeValue; /** * The date and time describing the actual or expected starting time of the object. * When used with an Activity object, for instance, the startTime property specifies * the moment the activity began or is scheduled to begin. * * Must be provided in {@link xsd:dateTime} * * {@link Docs} * * @example * 2020-08-08T08:30:11-03:00Z * 2020-08-08T08:30:11-03:00 * 2020-08-08T08:30:11Z * 2020-08-08T08:30:11 * 2020-08-08 */ startTime?: StartTimeValue; /** * Identifies the entity (e.g. an application) that generated the object. * * {@link Docs} */ generator?: GeneratorValue; /** * Indicates an entity (or entities) that describes an icon for this object. * Unlike image property, the icon should have an aspect ratio of one (horizontal) * to one (vertical) and should be suitable for presentation at a small size. * * {@link Docs} */ icon?: IconValue | IconValue[]; /** * Indicates an entity that describes an image for this object. * Unlike the icon property, there are no aspect ratio or display size limitations assumed. * * {@link Docs} */ image?: ImageValue | ImageValue[]; /** * Indicates one or more entities for which this object is considered a response. * * {@link Docs} */ inReplyTo?: InReplyToValue | InReplyToValue[]; /** * Indicates one or more physical or logical locations associated with the object. * * {@link Docs} */ location?: LocationValue | LocationValue[]; /** * Identifies an entity that provides a preview of this object. * * {@link Docs} */ preview?: PreviewValue; /** * The date and time at which the object was published. * * Must be provided in {@link xsd:dateTime} * * {@link Docs} * * @example * 2020-08-08T08:30:11-03:00Z * 2020-08-08T08:30:11-03:00 * 2020-08-08T08:30:11Z * 2020-08-08T08:30:11 * 2020-08-08 */ published?: PublishedValue; /** * Identifies a Collection containing objects considered to be responses to this object. * * {@link Docs} */ replies?: RepliesValue; // TODO: only summary or summaryMap at one time /** * A natural language summarization of the object encoded as HTML. * Multiple language tagged summaries MAY be provided. * [For multiple language-tagged values use summaryMap property] * * {@link Docs} */ summary?: SummaryValue; /** * A natural language summarization of the object encoded as HTML. * Multiple language tagged summaries MAY be provided. * [For a single value use summary property] * * {@link Docs} */ summaryMap?: SummaryMapValue; /** * One or more "tags" that have been associated with an objects. A tag can be any kind of Object. * The key difference between attachment and tag is that the former implies association by * inclusion, while the latter implies associated by reference. * * {@link Docs} */ tag?: TagValue | TagValue[]; /** * The date and time at which the object was updated. * * Must be provided in {@link xsd:dateTime} * * {@link Docs} * * @example * 2020-08-08T08:30:11-03:00Z * 2020-08-08T08:30:11-03:00 * 2020-08-08T08:30:11Z * 2020-08-08T08:30:11 * 2020-08-08 */ updated?: UpdatedValue; /** * Identifies one or more links to representations of the object. * * {@link Docs} */ url?: UrlValue | UrlValue[]; /** * Identifies an entity or entities considered to be part of the public primary audience of an Object. * * {@link Docs} */ to?: ToValue | ToValue[]; /** * Identifies an Object that is part of the private primary audience of this Object. * * {@link Docs} */ bto?: BtoValue | BtoValue[]; /** * Identifies an Object that is part of the public secondary audience of this Object. * * {@link Docs} */ cc?: CcValue | CcValue[]; /** * Identifies one or more Objects that are part of the private secondary audience of this Object. * * {@link Docs} */ bcc?: BccValue | BccValue[]; /** * When the object describes a time-bound resource, such as an audio or video, a meeting, etc., * the duration property indicates the object's approximate duration. * * {@link Docs} * * Must be provided in {@link xsd:duration} * * @example * PT20M (20 minutes) * P1DT2H (1 day, 2 hours) * P2Y6M5DT12H35M30S (2 years, 6 months, 5 days, 12 hours, 35 minutes, 30 seconds) */ duration?: DurationValue; /** * ActivityPub extends the Object by supplying the source property. The source property is intended to * convey some sort of source from which the content markup was derived, as a form of provenance, or to * support future editing by clients. In general, clients do the conversion from source to content, not * the other way around. * The value of source is itself an object which uses its own content and mediaType fields to supply source information. * * {@link Docs} */ source?: SourceValue; /** * Every object MAY have a "likes" collection. This is a list of all Like activities with this object as * the object property, added as a side effect. The likes collection MUST be either an OrderedCollection * or a Collection and MAY be filtered on privileges of an authenticated user or as appropriate when * no authentication is given. * * {@link Docs} */ likes?: LikesValue; /** * Every object MAY have a "shares" collection. This is a list of all Announce activities with this object as * the object property, added as a side effect. The shares collection MUST be either an OrderedCollection * or a Collection and MAY be filtered on privileges of an authenticated user or as appropriate when * no authentication is given. * * {@link Docs} */ shares?: SharesValue; }